Bringing the System to the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 439

"Yes It's Zhang Fei. "

"Wanton, don't talk nonsense. How can Yide come down to Tang Dynasty?"

Liu Bei said angrily.

"What can I see with my own eyes?"

The deputy general didn't accept the way. Anyway, he was a Wei general, not a Shu general. What was he afraid of.

"Xuande, let's take a look."

"Well! I will never believe that Yide will come down to Tang. "

Liu Bei said confidently.

Liu Bei believed that Zhang Fei was loyal to himself and Shu, and had no betrayal at all.

Immediately, Cao Cao and others quickly walked out of the tent and went straight ahead, followed by his generals.

Sure enough, they came to the front, but they saw Zhang Fei standing in the front, glaring at them.

"Yide, you are my third brother. How can you come down to Tang Dynasty?"

"Third brother, I know you have to. Now can you come back to my elder brother?"

Liu Bei said in a loud voice.

"Ha ha ha! Liu Bei, you hypocrite, I really want to come down to the Tang Dynasty. I want to work with my second brother for the Tang Dynasty, to open up territory for your majesty, and to repay your majesty for saving his second brother's life

Zhang Fei said in a loud voice.

"Third brother, what are you talking about?"

Liu Bei could hardly believe his eyes.

"Ha ha ha! Liu Xuande, at this time, you are not willing to admit it? Together with Cao Cao and Sun Quan, you framed the second elder brother, and he was surrounded in Mai Cheng. "

"According to the reliable information of the Tang royal guards, you sent 300 death squads from Chengdu at that time. Once the second elder brother was not killed by Wu, you let them kill him. You are so cruel!"

"It's a pity that the state of Wu wanted to kill the second brother, and thousands of troops surrounded him. Unfortunately, his Majesty's timely appearance saved him from disaster, and thousands of troops were slaughtered by the Tang army in an instant."

Zhang Fei said coldly.

"It turned out to be the Tang Dynasty. Have they already penetrated into Jingzhou? And the emperor of the Tang Dynasty appeared in Jingzhou? "

"Zi Ming, it seems that we have been fooled by Datang."

"Yes! When the Tang Dynasty will enter Jingzhou, we haven't got any news. It's really surprising. "

"Ha ha ha! Yunchang and Yide, you are looking for death. You dare to surrender to the Tang Dynasty. I will tear you to pieces. "

Liu Bei roared.

"Hansheng, go and kill the traitor Zhang Fei."

Liu Bei roared.

"Liu Bei, I didn't expect you to be such a person, a real hypocrite. Lu Xun was right that day. You were the one who killed Guan Yu. It's a pity that general Guan Yu's auspicious people have their own way. They didn't kill you. Today I'm against you, a hypocrite."

Huang Zhong's words are even more surprising.

"Liu Bei, a necessary head today, is dedicated to the Tang Dynasty."

Guan Xing said angrily.


Zhang Bao, the son of Zhang Fei, also turned back immediately.

As a result, half of the generals in the Shu army turned back and immediately killed Liu Bei. Liu Bei was also at a loss and blocked the attack of these generals and their soldiers.

At this time, Cao Cao and Zhou Yu looked at each other and immediately helped Liu Bei.

However, Zhang Fei directly ordered the troops to be withdrawn. Immediately half of the Shu army left directly with Zhang Fei. They were all former subordinates of Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, and even the sons of Guan Yu and Zhang Fei. Of course, Huang Zhong was not among them, but Huang Zhong was also a man of profound righteousness.

"General Yide, you have gained a lot this time!"

Chang Yuchun said with a smile.

"That's natural. Yunchang and I have a great influence in the army."

Zhang Fei said with a smile.

This is one of the reasons why Liu Bei wants to get rid of Guan Yu! Who can stand a weak monarch and a strong Minister?

"For the time being, you are all under the command of General Zhang Fei and General Huang Zhong. When your majesty arrives, you can make plans."

"It's the general."

They really don't have much regret for their people's rebelling against the kingdom of Shu. It was Liu Bei who wronged them first that they rebelled against the kingdom of Shu. Otherwise, how could they betray the kingdom of Shu and Liu Bei.

Liu Bei made them feel cold. They didn't expect that Liu Bei would be such a person, a typical hypocrite.

There was a lot of laughter in the Tang army camp, but the United Army camp was not very harmonious, and even the morale was very low. After all, the impact of Zhang Fei and half of the Shu army's surrender to the Tang Dynasty was too big to imagine.

Cao Cao and Zhou Yu were also very helpless. Originally they wanted to attack the Tang army. Now how can they attack?

Now the morale of the whole army is very low. Even if Cao Cao and Zhou Yu have the ability to raise their morale, what's the use? The Tang army is very strong. They know very well that they are going to attack the Tang army's camp at this time. What's the point?

"Dudu, the kingdom of Shu seems to be over."

Lu Meng road.

"Yes! No matter what the outcome of the war, the kingdom of Shu is really over. Liu Bei is to blame for his own death. "Zhou Yu said.

In the camp of Shu army.

Liu Bei's blood gushed out, and the whole person was even more dispirited. He looked very embarrassed, and he was a lot older in an instant. ..