Bringing the System to the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 438

"It seems that it will be extremely difficult for Yide, Hansheng, Zhongkang and Ziyi to defeat Chang Yuchun."

Zhou Yu said.

Zhou Yu is right. It's really impossible for the four of Zhang Fei to defeat Chang Yuchun, but it's impossible for them to give up.

Weapons are constantly colliding in the battlefield, but almost everyone is sweating.

The soldiers of Changlin army were very worried about their general. They almost never left Chang Yuchun.

Cao Cao, Liu Bei and Zhou Yu were also worried about Zhang Fei, Huang Zhong, Xu Chu and Tai Shici.

Once these four people have any damage on the battlefield, it will be very bad for them. After all, there are not many strong people in the middle of a strong king's kingdom.


Chang Yuchun breathed out a breath and launched a more fierce attack on the four.

Since Chang Yuchun broke through the late period of King Wu, Chang Yuchun's strength has changed dramatically, which is beyond Zhang Fei's imagination.

"Ha ha ha! Have a good time

Chang Yuchun laughs and continues to attack Zhang Fei.

And Zhang Fei's face is more and more ugly, they found that they and others take Chang Yuchun is no way.


All of a sudden, Chang Yuchun directly let Zhang Fei's Zhang Ba spear fly out.

Zhang Fei fell down from the horse, and the whole person fell to the ground. Huang Zhong and others also realized that they could not love to fight at this time, so they immediately withdrew.

They don't want to continue to fight Chang Yuchun, because they know that once they continue to fight Chang Yuchun, they are likely to follow Zhang Fei and fall into the hands of the Tang army.


Liu Bei suddenly burst into tears. Liu Bei didn't expect that Zhang Fei was captured by Chang Yuchun. It's amazing that his two brothers left him.

"Brother Xuande, don't be too sad. As long as we defeat the Tang army, general Yide will come back to you."

Cao Cao comforted.

"Xuande, you really don't have to cry. How can you be so funny when so many people are watching?"

Zhou Yu also said.

In fact, Zhou Yu despised Liu Bei very much. For the time being, it was Liu Bei who caused Guan Yu's death that Zhang Fei was captured.

Otherwise, how could the states of Wei and Wu kill Guan Yu.

And Zhang Fei seems to have accepted his fate, which seems to be a good choice.

"General Yide, do you really want to know about Guan Yu?"

"I really want to know about my second brother."

Zhang Fei said without hesitation.

"But why should I tell you, unless you give Ben Shuai a reason to tell you."

Chang Yuchun said lightly.

"Well, what do you want me to do before you tell me about my second brother?"

Zhang Fei said quickly.

"Ben Shuai has told you the news. How about you surrender to Ben Shuai?"

It's often surprising to meet the spring language.

"What is it?"

Zhang Fei fell into thinking.

"As long as you tell me, I am willing to submit to Datang."

Zhang Fei said in a deep voice.

Since his Highness the prince and the prime minister both surrendered to the Tang Dynasty, why can't he surrender to the Tang Dynasty? Is it because of Liu Bei.

Now Zhang Fei is very disappointed with Liu Bei, and he doesn't believe Liu Bei's rhetoric.

"Guan Yu, we should be on the way to Liangzhou now."

"To tell you the truth, Guan Yu didn't die. He was saved by his Majesty the emperor of the Tang Dynasty. Frustrated, Guan Yu chose to submit to his majesty Li Xian."

It's often surprising to meet the spring language.

"Is that true?"

Zhang Fei could hardly believe his ears.

"The commander has nothing to say. Guan Yu and General Li cunxiao, the commander of the white tiger army, went to Liangzhou to meet with Yue Fei, the commander of the Qinglong army, to take the capital of the Han Empire."

"It's amazing that the second brother is still alive. Long live your majesty Li Xian."

"I, Zhang Fei, hereby swear that I will be loyal to his majesty Li Xian and to the Tang Dynasty."

Zhang Fei swore.

"Welcome general Zhang to join us in Datang."

"Thank you, General Chang."

Zhang Feidao.

In fact, Zhang Fei was very grateful to General Chang Yuchun. He felt that he could get the news from his second brother because of Chang Yuchun's help. Otherwise, he would continue to work for the man who was not worth his life.

While the coalition forces watched the Tang army encamp, they did not choose to attack because they did not know how to attack, but they believed that the coalition forces would attack as soon as possible, because they did not want to wait for the main force of the Tang army to arrive.

Once the main force of the Tang army comes, Nanwu is definitely not good news for them."Newspaper! The army of the Tang Dynasty has set out the battle and is calling for battle. "

All of a sudden, a deputy ran into the lane.

"Who is calling?"

If it's often the case, then they may have to avoid war or be covered up by a large army. ..