Bringing the System to the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 426

"Liu Bei, don't talk too much. If you have the ability, take Wuling city!"

Lu Xun said in a loud voice.

In Lu Xun's eyes, although Liu Bei was very loud, he didn't do anything. No matter how good he said, he couldn't do it.

In history, a lot of people said it very well and let people applaud it. But in the end, people found that it was impossible.

So what's the use of that?

"Lu Xun, don't toast or drink. Your majesty doesn't want to cause too much killing."

"Lu Xun, you choose to surrender immediately. That's what you should do. Otherwise, when the city breaks down, it will be too late."

Huang Zhong roared.

"Old man, you are so old. You'd better go home for the aged. This is not the place you should stay."

Tai Shici said angrily.

"Ha ha ha ha ha..."

"Go home."

On the wall, the Wu troops all laughed at Huang Zhong, as if they were very disdainful.

Huang Zhong was even more furious. He was obviously angry.

"Yellow mouthed child, dare to fight with our general?"

Huang Zhong growled.

"Old man, why not?"

Taishici also immediately agreed.

"General Ziyi, you must be careful. Although Huang Zhong is old, he is one of the five tiger generals of Shu. He is a powerful king of Wu."

Lu Xun Dao.

"Don't worry, the general will take down Huang Zhong's head."

"Said Tess in a loud voice.

In the eyes of Tai Shici, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei and Zhao Yun of Shu may not be rivals in martial arts alone, but it is very easy to defeat Huang Zhong and Wei Yan.

"Open the gate."

Lu Xun ordered.

"It's the general."

The Chinese army said immediately.

With a roaring sound, the gate of Wuling city opened.

Tess jumped out first.

"Old Huang Zhong, come to die."

Cried Tess.

After all, Tai Shici was the first military general of the state of Wu. He was also a strong man in the middle of the kingdom of Wu. He was definitely not comparable to other generals.

But Tai Shici seems to have forgotten that Huang Zhong and Guan Yu were able to fight for hundreds of rounds without losing. Is it as simple as he thought?

"Well! It's unreasonable to talk so much! "

Huang Zhong said angrily.


Huang Zhong immediately ran to Tai Shici. Today he wants to kill this arrogant man.

"Yide, do you think general Hansheng can defeat taishici?"

Liu Beidao.

"Brother, if it had been three years ago, Huang Zhong would have defeated Tai Shici, but now, I don't know, I can only say that both of them have a chance."

Zhang Feidao.

After hearing this, Liu Bei was a little worried. Liu Bei knew that Huang Zhong was a fierce general, not even an ordinary general. But this time, Huang Zhong was facing the first military general of the state of Wu, and Liu Bei was very worried.

What about Liu Bei to Huang Zhong?

In history, Liu Bei killed Huang Zhong himself during his eastern expedition.

Liu Beiming knew that Huang Zhong did not have much fighting power, and even used words to stimulate Huang Zhong.

In the end, Huang Zhong died on the battlefield, and Liu Bei's purpose was to stimulate the combat effectiveness of the Shu army and give full play to Huang Zhong's final value.


Huang Zhong roared and slashed his sword at Tai Shici. In many people's eyes, this scene is really amazing and makes people forget to return.

However, as a party, taishici obviously didn't care much. This move is actually very strong, but taishici thinks it's just like that.

Taishici knew that Huang Zhong was testing himself, but so what?

Tess also used the gun immediately.


With an earth shaking sound, their weapons collided.

Huang Zhong's face changed greatly. What he didn't expect was that taishici had such powerful power. It was really surprising.

Taishici was also shocked. He didn't expect that Huang Zhong, though old, was as powerful as himself. I'm afraid it's a fierce battle, and it's hard to decide the outcome in a short time.

But the dignity of the strong must be guarded by Tarshis.


Taishici sent out a startling fury.

The whole person's momentum has increased a lot. He looks at Huang Zhong hotly. As long as he defeats Huang Zhong this time, his prestige will be more powerful and respected by the people. He will become an insurmountable existence among the generals of the state of Wu.

Huang Zhong was shocked when he looked at the momentum of Tai Shici. He didn't expect that Tai Shici would go all out.Liu Bei and others outside the battlefield also found this. Tai Shici is going to work hard. Can Huang Zhong block it?

But Lu Xun is worried about Tai Shici. Others don't know Huang Zhong's power, but how can Lu Xun not?

"General Ganning, go out of the city at once, and help general Ziyi when necessary."

Lu Xun ordered.


Ganning is now in command. ..