Bringing the System to the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 425

"Generals, I think Lu Xun will send troops to attack the camp while we are camping. We must let Lu Xun know that our Shu army is an invincible strong army."

Liu Bei looks at his general.

"I will obey the order."

Huang Zhong and other generals said immediately.

"Brother, don't worry. That coward Lu Xun must have no such courage."

Zhang Fei said directly.

In Zhang Fei's eyes, Lu Xun is as timid as a mouse. How can he come to die? Don't you know his fame?

"Yide, this is Lu Xun's chance. I believe big brother Lu Xun will come."

Liu Bei is right.

Liu Bei thinks from the perspective of his opponent that this is Lu Xun's only chance. When will Lu Xun not attack?

But I'm afraid Liu Bei didn't know that he underestimated Lu Xun. Lu Xun's military ability must be above him. Will Lu Xun be deceived?

"I see, brother. I'm going to prepare."

Zhang Fei nodded, and all the other generals of the Shu army left the Shuai tent.

The generals of the Shu army all quickly began to prepare. They believed that his Majesty's judgment was correct. At the same time, they also knew that Lu Xun had no choice but to choose this way.

But how did they know that Lu Xun had ordered the vast majority of soldiers to sleep at this time, and Lu Xun himself also began to sleep, as if all this had nothing to do with him.

Taishici and Ganning stood on the city wall and carefully observed the Shu army camp five or six miles below the city.

"General Ziyi, do you see anything?"

Ganning road.

"General xingba, I find that the general is right. Although the Shu army is setting up camp now, they are not in a mess, and even many cavalry are hidden. This shows a problem."

Taishici road.

"What's the problem?"

Asked Ganning.

"The other side seems to be waiting for us to attack and give us another fatal blow."

Taishici was also shocked. Liu Bei chose this way when they attacked the camp while the Shu army was not stable.

But Liu Bei miscalculated a little. He miscalculated Lu Xun's military genius.

"The general really deserves to be a general. No wonder most of the governors always praise the general."

Ganning road.

Gan Ning knows that Zhou Yu has always wanted to pass his position as governor of the capital to Lu Xun, not to Lu Meng. That's because although Lu Xun's ability is as good as Lu Meng's, Lu Xun is a steady commander and can't be impulsive. Lu Meng is very impulsive and can't find the East, South, northwest by himself.

Zhang Fei, Huang Zhong and others have been waiting for the arrival of Wu Jun, but in the end they were disappointed. They didn't wait for Lu Xun's arrival, but they didn't say anything.

As ministers, although the Lord's judgment was wrong, they would not mention it again.

However, every general has planted a seed in his heart, that is, Lu Xun is a coward, as timid as a mouse. They have great confidence in this war, and even feel that this is the capital for them to enter the war.

But what they didn't expect was that with the war going on, they found that they were wrong, even very wrong. Lu Xun was too difficult to deal with.

"Your Majesty, it's time to rest."

Chen Dao faces Liu Bei.

"Uncle Zhi, why don't you think Lu Xun come to attack our camp?"

Liu Beidao.

Liu Bei was very upset about this incident. He had planned to annihilate Wu Jun at one stroke, but in the end, Liu Bei found that the other party did not come, which surprised him.

"Your Majesty, general Yide said that Lu Xun was a coward. He did not dare to fight against our elite Shu army."

Chen Dao said.

"Ha ha ha! Although we didn't find a chance to annihilate Lu Xun this time, we at least know that Lu Xun is a coward. Such a commander is not worth mentioning. I can defeat Lu Xun easily. " Liu Bei said with a smile.

The next day.

Liu Bei led 300000 troops to the city in high spirits. He looked very confident.

"Lu Xun, I'm a benevolent and righteous king. I don't want to cause too much killing. I hope you can open the gate of the city and surrender to me. As long as you surrender to me, I will make you a general in the south of the town. How about that?"

Liu Bei said in a loud voice.

Zhennan general?

Zhang Fei didn't care.

However, Huang Zhong and others were very frightened. They were only General Annan at this time.

But think about it is also to understand the key, with Liu Bei's temperament, even if the promise is fulfilled, Lu Xun's hands may not have military power.

In fact, deep down in his heart, Liu Bei despises Lu Xun, a coward. Liu Bei also knows that Lu Xun can't surrender to himself, because Lu Xun is a member of the four great families in the east Wu Dynasty, and even the head of the Lu family. Once Lu Xun surrenders, hundreds of Lu family members will die."Liu Bei, don't talk too much. You have the ability to attack Wuling city!" ..