Bringing the System to the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 408

"Guan Ping, immediately mobilize another 50000 troops from Jingzhou to support the Wancheng battlefield." Guan Yu said in a loud voice.

"Father Shuai, this..."

"Execute the command." Guan Yu said angrily.

"My father is handsome." Guan Ping can only take orders.

At the same time, Guan Ping still had some worries. After all, the remaining 70000 troops in Jingzhou were mainly concentrated in the area of Jiangling to prevent Dongwu.

Once fifty thousand troops are mobilized, whether Soochow will take the opportunity to attack Jingzhou has to be considered.

But now Guan Ping can't think so much about it. After all, Guan Yu has ordered that no one can change it.

Five days later.

Guan Ping led 50000 soldiers to Wancheng, and the momentum of the Jingzhou army instantly increased. This time, they all felt that it was a very simple thing to attack Wancheng.

And Guan Yu is also very confident. In Guan Yu's eyes, he now controls tens of thousands of troops. Can't he conquer Wancheng?

How is that possible?

Cao Ren in Wancheng also got the situation of Jingzhou army outside Wancheng, but Cao Ren was not surprised.

Because Cao Ren knew that Guan Yu would choose to do so. Guan Yu had no choice but to do so.

Because it is almost impossible for Guan Yu to conquer the important town guarded by 40000 troops only with his 80000 troops.

It is obviously impossible for a general like Guan Yu to make such a low-level mistake.

Now the arrival of 50000 troops in Jingzhou is also a great joy for Guan Yu, who is finally able to do a big job.

Sure enough, the next day, Guan Yu led Jingzhou to launch the strongest attack. Both Guan Yu and Jingzhou army began to attack Wancheng with the confidence that they would defeat Wancheng.

Go ahead

Among the numerous cries, tens of thousands of Jingzhou troops pushed the siege vehicles and thousands of cloud ladders towards Wancheng.

This time, hundreds of terrible catapults were pushed to the whole battlefield, hoping to break the city to the maximum.

But is Wancheng as simple as Guan Yu imagined?

Guan Yu is also very excited when he looks at these hundreds of catapults, hoping to quickly conquer Wancheng and make the enemy feel terrible.

"Guan Ping, you direct the attack of the catapult."

"Zhou Cang, you led 3000 soldiers to attack the town. Those who dare to retreat will be killed without mercy."


Guan Ping yelled.

"Up the stone."

Guan Ping continued.


Thousands of soldiers said at once.

"Let it go

Guan Ping yelled.

"It's the general."

The soldiers said at once.

At once, hundreds of stones flew towards Wancheng.

When Cao Ren saw this, he immediately ordered the troops to get out of the way quickly. If he couldn't get out of the way, his soldiers would definitely suffer heavy losses.

In particular, the stones thrown by these catapults are absolutely terrible to the morale of the soldiers under their command.

Sure enough, there was a loud bang on the whole tower. Although not many Cao soldiers were killed or injured, many of them were still scared and didn't want to try again.

This is a kind of impact on the heart, but also very strong.

"Start the siege."

Zhou Cang ordered.


Tens of thousands of Jingzhou Army soldiers all spoke out.

Immediately tens of thousands of troops carrying the ladder, launched an attack toward Wancheng, this time will be the most powerful attack since Guan Yu's Northern Expedition.

Immediately tens of thousands of Jingzhou soldiers launched an attack on the wall of Wancheng. Their speed was very fast, even too fast to believe.

Immediately Jingzhou army and Cao army fight together, people can't believe it's powerful.

This time, Cao Ren was also very nervous. He did not expect that Guan Yu's Jingzhou army had played such a powerful fighting force.

But Cao Ren is also true, because Cao Ren does not believe Guan Yu can conquer Wancheng in a short time.

Immediately countless screams sounded, this scene is to let the two sides of the coach extremely surprised.

In the following ten days, Guan Yu has been attacking Wancheng. Although he has not conquered Wancheng, Guan Yu also knows that Cao Jun's losses in Wancheng are heavy.

However, with more than ten days of fighting, the Jingzhou army was also poor and had little combat effectiveness.

But Cao's army is more terrifying, and there are not many people guarding Wancheng. I'm afraid there are less than ten thousand people, which is very terrifying for Cao Ren.

"General, I'm afraid we can't hold on for a few more days."


"Don't worry! We are sure to be able to win the city. "

Cao Ren is very calm.

"I believe in the general."

Niujindao.Cao Ren nodded.

At the same time, Cao Ren believes that General Xu Huang will also act at this time. ..