Bringing the System to the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 407

Outside Wancheng.

It's five miles to the south.

At this time, a huge barracks has been built here, enough to accommodate tens of thousands of troops. This is the barracks of Jingzhou army.

"General, LV Meng is sick. Even this time, he is very sick. LV Meng has given up his military power and returned to Jianye to recuperate."

Zhou Cang faces Guan Yu.

"Is the message reliable?"

Guan Yu frowned.

"General, the news is absolutely reliable. Now Lu Xun controls the military power of Chaisang's 80000 troops."

"Lu Xun, why hasn't general Ben heard of it?"

"General, Lu Xun is the head of the Lu family of the four Jiangdong families."

"Ha ha ha! It's a straw bag

In Guan Yu's eyes, Lu Xun, commander Chai Sang's general, must be a straw bag. Otherwise, how could he not have heard of Lu Xun.

At this moment, Guan Yu also felt that Lu Xun was definitely not a capable general. He didn't find it difficult to deal with such a general.

Even in Guan Yu's mind, Lu Xun is not strong yet.

How can such a person be worthy of being his own opponent.


There is nothing wrong with Guan Yu's idea. Guan Yu has been famous for more than ten years and has gone through many wars.

What about Lu Xun?

Not to mention Lu Xun's prestige and prestige in the whole Han Empire, even in the state of Wu, there was not much prestige.

"General, two generals, Liu Feng and Meng Da, sent scouts to Wancheng, saying that ten thousand troops would arrive to help us capture Wancheng."

A deputy general came in.


Guan Yu smashed his fist on the table in an instant, and the table fell apart in an instant.

"General, calm down."

Zhou Canghe and others

"hum! Liu Feng and Meng Da are so brave that they don't lead the main force to support our general. How can they be so brave? "

Guan Yu said angrily.

"General, what shall we do now?"


"Ignore Liu Feng and Meng Da for the moment. When our general takes Wancheng, we will make them pay a heavy price."

Guan Yu said in a loud voice.

Guan Yu is also very angry about what Liu Feng and Meng Da have done. Since they have to obey their own command, why don't they personally lead the main force to support themselves? It's really beyond punishment.

This is Guan Yu. We must follow him and dare to make him uncomfortable. Then we must be punished.

Two days later, the 10000 troops of Liu Feng and Meng Da finally arrived in Wancheng. Guan Yu immediately sent Guan Ping to take over the army and incorporated it into the Jingzhou army.

And the deputy general who led the army did not complain at all. After all, the deputy general also adored general Guan Yu very much. He adored general Guan Yu, the five tiger General of Shu.

I'm afraid even if Guan Yu asked him to commit suicide, he would not frown.

This is the loyal people, they can give up everything for their faith.

"General, Lu Xun sent a special envoy to see the general."

Zhou Cang faces Guan Yu.

"Lu Xun's special envoy?"

Guan Yu was surprised.

In Guan Yu's eyes, Lu Xun is a son of a rich family. He doesn't understand military affairs. Why did he send a special envoy to Jingzhou?

Immediately a scholar came in. He was also a member of the Lu family. Although he was not as intelligent as Lu Xun, he was very capable of flattering, which was the main reason why Lu Xun sent him.

"See you, general."

The scholar said with a smile.

"You are sent by Lu Xun. What are you doing in Jingzhou?"

Guan Yu, slow down.

"General Guan, our general's new commander, Lu Xun, is afraid to send his humble post to Jingzhou to visit the general and send tens of thousands of taels of gold."

"Ha ha ha! Lu Xun is still sensible. "

"General Guan, this is our general's personal letter. When I started my humble duty, our general repeatedly told me that I must give this letter to the general in person."

Then the scribe took out a letter from his arms and gave it to Guan Ping.

Guan Yu received the hand, did not open the first time.

"I know what your general wants. Don't worry! We still need to get along well with each other. "

"Thank you for your understanding, general."

"Then I will leave without disturbing the general."

Guan Yu nodded and motioned to Zhou Cang to send the Lu family out.

Then Guan Yu opened Lu Xun's letter and began to read it.

Guan Yu's speed was very fast, and he finished reading it immediately.

"Ha ha ha! Good

"It's incredible that Lu Xun should be so miserable and scared by our general."

Guan Yu laughs.From Lu Xun's letter, Guan Yu also realized Lu Xun's mood, and his incomparable worship made Guan Yu very comfortable.

Guan Yu really can't imagine why Sun Quan wanted such a general to command Chaisang's 80000 troops. It was a very stupid decision, but it was good news for him. Without Chaisang, LV Meng dared to mobilize Jingzhou troops. ..