Bound Luck: Get The Whitebeard Template at the Start

Chapter 49: The Yan Kingdom is a sensation, Xu Fan is a qigong master?

Everyone was concerned about Xu Fan\'s counter-killing of Salman.

Now that they heard Chen Bingwang\'s analysis, they realized that something was wrong.

"What do you mean, does our player Xu Fan have some kind of special ability?" The guest Qiang exclaimed with wide eyes.

Silence in the live room.

Today\'s era is not only technologically advanced.

The web is also advancing by leaps and bounds.

If there is any special function on Blue Star, super power.

How could it have been so unknowingly?

Almost everyone knows it.

This kind of thing is completely out of the realm of reality.

Not in line with scientific logic.

is something that does not exist.

But the problem is...

What happened to Xu Fan?

How to explain it?

The scene just now was not a few, but dozens, hundreds of people witnessed it with their own eyes.

It\'s in billions!

It can’t be said that more than one billion people in the world have hallucinations at the same time, right?

Countless questions are bred in people\'s minds.

But no one knew the answer.

In other words, it is difficult to face the answer.

"Could it be Holo who did it?"

The host Xiaoying rolled her throat, swallowed nervously, and pointed the question to the female snow wolf.

When encountering Nugel bugs, the female snow wolf stepped forward.

Fight to protect Xu Fan.

Now feel the threat of Salman.

Take action to deal with the enemy.

It doesn\'t seem strange either.


Because Xu Fan gave the ghost stone purgatory skill to the female snow wolf, the bloodline in her body was also activated.

Ability to use supernatural powers.

Also normal.

However, King Chen Bing did not agree with this.

He is a professional after all.

Has a keen intuition for combat.

The ability to see details and review is also much stronger than ordinary people.

He shook his head and directly refuted Xiaoying\'s point of view, "It can\'t be the hand of the female snow wolf, I could see it clearly at the time."

"When Xu Fan was in danger, he was sleeping."

"Secondly, the skill introduction is also very clear. The female snow wolf needs to bite to petrify the enemy."

"But neither Xu Fan nor Sharman\'s body has the characteristics of petrification."

In just a few words, Xiaoying was speechless.

As long as you recall carefully, you can find that there is no petrification on the two players.

Seeing that no one interrupted him, King Chen Bing continued.

"So I think it\'s very likely that our players have some kind of ability themselves!"

As soon as this word comes out.

There was an uproar!

Chen Bingwang, who has always been thoughtful, actually declared that Xu Fan has a certain ability?

It\'s incredible!

"I agree with Chen Bingwang\'s idea." Director Zhang also agreed with Chen Bingwang\'s guess.

"Could it be related to the treasure chest reward? Arm strength strengthening?" Brother Qiang interrupted the conversation between the two as if he suddenly thought of something.

"I don\'t think it\'s possible. The description of the strengthening of the arm said that it is only for Xu Fan to have several times the arm strength of an ordinary person. With this strength, it is impossible to take a bullet and then fight back."

Chen Bingwang immediately retorted.

"The point of the question now, shouldn\'t it be Sharman\'s death?" Writer Yuanyuan couldn\'t help frowning.

The player from Curry Country was eliminated by player Xu Fan.

They don\'t really worry.

Will this matter stir up public opinion?

And Curry Country, 10 million people will die!

No matter how you think about it, this is a serious matter!

However, Yuanyuan was scorned by Director Zhang, "In that situation, Xu Fan was just self-defense, and he was the victim."

Then, Director Zhang did not continue the discussion on this topic.

The conversation changed, "However, the fact that there are no superpowers on Blue Star is common knowledge that everyone believes."

"So is there a possibility that contestant Xu Fan is not using any superpower."

"What do you mean?" King Chen Bing and Brother Qiang said in unison.

I don\'t understand what Director Zhang wants to say.

"For example, qigong in traditional martial arts?" Director Zhang pondered for a while, and then expressed his conjecture.

In the early years, Qigong was indeed spread in the Yan Kingdom.

The qigong masters that emerged one after another.

Although it was later confirmed that these guys are all swindling liars.

But is there a possibility?

Does qigong really exist?

Of course, even Director Zhang felt that such a conjecture was unreasonable.

However, no other more reasonable explanation could be found.

"Qigong?" Chen Bingwang immediately frowned, trying to recall the details just now.

He can be sure.

When Xu Fan counter-killed Salman, his hands really turned black.

It looks like something is entangled.

Seems to be airflow?


It\'s airflow!

"I don\'t think Director Zhang\'s conjecture is impossible."

Immediately, King Chen Bing stated his findings.

At the same time, a request was also made to the festival group.

Ask them if they can replay the footage just now.

Anyway, this kind of global live broadcast.

The technology used by the festival group, as well as the staff involved, are the top talents at the national level!

After a while, the program team called up the playback screen.

As Chen Bingwang said.

When Xu Fan fought against Salman, his hands really changed!

For a time, everyone in the Yan Kingdom could not help but take a deep breath.

Player Xu Fan...

It seems that he really has some qigong in his hands!

"The world\'s top physical calm and calm mind."

"The attitude of killing decisively."

"And, superb swordsmanship coupled with incredible qigong."

"Who is Xu Fan, maybe even more mysterious than we thought..."

Chen Bingwang couldn\'t help but let out a sigh.

He has always thought that his status and identity, know this country, many secrets.

But now it seems...

things you don\'t know.

There are many, many more.

If it weren\'t for this banned live broadcast.

He would never believe it in his life.

The so-called traditional martial arts actually exists!

Because of Xu Fan, it is very likely that he is a martial arts master!

For a time, even a soldier with strong psychological qualities like Chen Bingwang was greatly shocked.

Not to mention the audience in the live room.

"Fuck, I feel that Xu Fan has suddenly become a metaphysician, Qigong master? It\'s too strong, too strong, where can I learn it?"

"The guests are just guessing? Maybe Xu Fan is actually a superpower?"

"I\'ll pay five million. May I ask where I can learn the Qigong used by Xu Fan?"

"I will pay 10 million, scan the code, and cash. I sincerely apprentice!"

"This time, Xu Fan has really become a **** of Xu!"

"It\'s unbelievable. Qigong, which was once questioned, has been proven to exist in this way!"

In an instant, the Yan Kingdom was boiling!

Including foreign audiences, all of them are yearning for the traditional martial arts of the Yan Kingdom...