Bound Luck: Get The Whitebeard Template at the Start

Chapter 48: Important notice, Sharman player, confirmed death!

【Important notice! Curry country player "Salman Gandhi" was confirmed dead in the forbidden area! 】

【Important notice! Curry country player "Salman Gandhi" was confirmed dead in the forbidden area! 】

【Important notice! Curry country player "Salman Gandhi" was confirmed dead in the forbidden area! 】

The news of Sharman\'s death instantly appeared in the live broadcast rooms of various players.

Very striking.

In particular, the Yan Kingdom and the Curry Kingdom.

They have the largest population on Blue Star.

The online population of the live broadcast room is also the largest.

Although it\'s night time.

But it still guarantees more than one billion online users.

However, no one thought that Xu Fan would complete the counter-kill at the end!

Almost everyone\'s face has an expression of incomparable astonishment invariably!

The Sharman player who has the absolute initiative...


"Cheat, cheat, right? How did that fellow Salman die? He was clearly the one with the gun!"

"Sorcery, the Yan Kingdom players use sorcery!"

"I can\'t understand why the person who died would be Salman!"

Countless Curry Country audience\'s pupils were dilated, and they were sweating coldly.

Their mood at the moment, like riding a roller coaster, instantly fell to the bottom.


Can not accept.

However, no matter how they reject the truth.

Nothing can change what has happened.

In the picture, Salman collapsed in the cave and his head was shot by Xu Fan.

Terrible death!

The scariest thing is...

Not only did Salman fail to secure forbidden land resources for the Curry Nation.

There will also be tens of millions of curry people buried with him!

For the Curry Country audience, this is undoubtedly a huge blow!

The key is…

How did Xu Fan complete the counter-kill?

He clearly has no weapons in his hands!

And Xu Fan\'s live broadcast room.

The Yan Kingdom audience was equally astonished.

Everyone\'s heart was very shocked.

Especially compared to the desperation of the previous moment.

There was a sense of relief at this time.

However, there is no doubt that Xu Fan successfully countered Salman\'s move.

Beyond everyone\'s awareness!

They racked their brains and couldn\'t figure it out.

How did Xu Fan do it?

But one thing is certain.

Under Xu Fan\'s calm and calm response.

Once again, the Yan Kingdom has escaped the crisis!

At least 10 million lives were saved!

For them, this is undoubtedly great news.

"Ah, ah, when I saw Sharman shoot, my whole body went numb. It\'s okay, it\'s okay, our players escaped."

"Salman\'s death is a bit miserable, his head is... a little disgusting."

"Then he is also dead, if it weren\'t for his ungratefulness, how could he end up like this?"

A large number of barrages floated through the Yan Guo live broadcast room.

There was no shortage of condemnation from the Curry Country audience.

"Player Yan Guo is a despicable and shameless villain. Did he know that tens of millions of people would die because of him!"

"What about a community with a shared future for mankind? Yan Guo is shameless!"

"It\'s too much, no matter what, you shouldn\'t kill people!"

Just watch the content of the barrage sent by the audience of Curry Country.

People who don\'t know think that the guy who kills and steals is Xu Fan.


As long as normal people who follow the live content know it.

It was Salman who fired first.

Xu Fan was just self-defense.

Not to mention in a forbidden area where the law of the jungle is followed.

It\'s on the Blue Star.

Xu Fan\'s actions are all reasonable and legal.

"It\'s started, it\'s obvious that your players were the first to be the white wolf\'s eyes, and they started to pretend to be victims after being counter-killed? What did you do earlier?"

"That\'s right, when Salman took the initiative just now, I didn\'t see you calling for a community with a shared future for mankind."

"I think Xu Fan is trying to get rid of Blue Star\'s harm. The devil knows if Salman is let go, will he go and harm players from other countries."

"Good to die!"

At this moment, most of the audience of Yan Kingdom were tightly united.

It was not affected by the Curry Country barrage.

On the contrary, they continue to maintain Xu Fan player.

Strongly accuse Curry Country of double-standard behavior.

When Salman was about to kill, they jumped wildly.

taunt their players.

Now pretend to be a victim and call for a community with a shared future for mankind?

What are you doing so early!

Be a new person in your next life!

And the screen in the lower right corner of the live room.

The host Xiaoying\'s scalp was numb.

Although Xu Fan\'s counter-killing of Salman gave her a sigh of relief, it was the first time she had seen a headshot of a human being at such a young age.

Even before that, Xu Fan beheaded the forbidden beasts and exercised her psychological endurance.

But humans and beasts are different after all.

This image creates a strong sense of impact.

In an instant, the host Xiaoying felt that her stomach was turning upside down, and she could not wait to spit out all the food she ate today.

In her mind, there were even images of Salman\'s tragic death.

Just trying not to let myself spit it out, I\'ve done my best.

Not to mention what the solution said at this time.

Brother Qiang and Yuanyuan didn\'t get there as well.

After all, they are ordinary people. Have you seen such a thing there?

In the end, Chen Bingwang, who was still used to seeing such scenes, broke the silence in the live broadcast room.

"Have you noticed..."

"Xu Fan\'s hands turned black?"

Although it was already night in the forbidden area, the fire raised by Xu Fan had not been extinguished.

With the help of the firelight, Chen Bingwang clearly observed.

Just when the Sharman contestant shot.

Xu Fan\'s hands suddenly turned black.

There seemed to be a breath that wrapped around his arms.

This scene made Chen Bingwang feel incredible.

And the death of Salman.

According to Chen Bingwang\'s many years of combat experience.

He was very sure.

Ordinary physical blows cannot create such damage.

At most, it left a **** wound on Salman\'s face.

This is caused by the bullet going through the head.

But how is this possible?

Player Xu Fan didn\'t shoot at all.

Could it be that he caught the bullet fired by Salman.

Fight back?

Thinking back carefully, Xu Fan did grab something.

But this is too magical, right?

This isn\'t some fantasy novel.

How could such a thing as taking a bullet with empty hands happen in the real world?

It\'s simply a fantasy.

On the side, Director Zhang is also someone who has seen strong winds and waves.

For the scene of Sharman\'s tragic death, I didn\'t have much trouble in my heart.

On the contrary, he was shocked by Xu Fan\'s successful counter-kill.

At the same time, after some reminders from Chen Bingwang.

Director Zhang couldn\'t help but take a deep breath, "Don\'t you mean to say that Xu Fan caught the bullet with his bare hands and resolved the crisis?"

Consider the impact this will have.

Director Zhang deliberately used the expression "solving the crisis".

At the same time, a new question is placed in front of everyone, that is, how did Xu Fan do it?