Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 48

While Nanfeng was thinking, Wang Xiyue and nadilong had come out of the cold pool.

At this time, Wang Xiyue's whole body's aura is surging, full of blood red color, which is the symbol of the martial arts.

Blood aura releases the power of cold ice, wrapping a white ice crystal as long as one meter and as wide as half a meter.

From afar, the south wind can feel the strong meaning of ice on the white ice crystal. There is no doubt that the white ice crystal is black ice, and the strong sense of cold ice tells Nanfeng that the year of this black ice is about 500 years.

"What to do?" At this moment, the time left for Nanfeng is not much. If he doesn't do it again, he won't have any chance.

But even if he does, will he have a chance to face the two warriors?

"Elder martial brother Dilong, please protect the Dharma during this time!" Coming out of the cold pool, Wang Xiyue said to Dilong, it's obvious that she wants to directly refine this 500 year old black ice here to absorb the cold ice energy.

But at this time, Dilong did not answer Wang Xiyue.

Only that pair of already changed obscene eyes swept around the body of Wang Xiyue Miaoman.

Just out of the cold pool, Wang Xiyue's robes are wet, all clinging to her body, and the perfect figure has been formed, showing without omission.

Plus Wang Xiyue with veil, as well as the kind of natural noble temperament, how can not attract men's attention.

"Elder martial brother Dilong!" At the moment, Wang Xiyue didn't notice Dilong's eyes and said angrily.

"Younger martial sister Xiyue, why don't you be a member of my Di family?" Hearing Wang Xiyue's words, Dilong raised his handsome face and said with an evil smile.

"Elder martial brother Dilong! Please respect yourself Wang Xiyue said coldly.

But at this time, Wang Xiyue suddenly found that her body became a little soft, and the aura in her body seemed to be slowly disappearing, replaced by a strong sense of dryness and heat.

"It seems that something is wrong!" At this time, Nanfeng also noticed this scene.

"Ha ha, younger martial sister Xiyue, is it a great feeling now?" Seeing that the drug had already broken out, Dilong was not hiding, revealing his ferocious and obscene face, laughing and saying.

"You put medicine on the black ice!" Feeling her state, Wang Xiyue immediately understood everything.

"Jie Jie! Younger martial sister Xiyue is really smart, but it's a little late. " Dilong obscene smile way, "as for what medicine, must be Xi month younger martial sister your own heart already very clear."

With that, Dilong walked slowly towards Wang Xiyue.

"If you do this, you will not be afraid that my master will kill you!" Wang yueleng said.

"Oh! I forget that the master of younger martial sister Xiyue is a congenital spirit. " Dilong said with a smile, "but younger martial sister Xiyue, don't forget that my Dilong master is also a congenital spirit."

"I believe that your master and her parents will be happy to accept today's cooked rice."

Boom! Wang Xiyue doesn't speak any more. Jade palm gathers the power of ice and bombards Dilong.

But at this time in the drug of her, which is Dillon's opponent.

See Dilong gently explore the right hand, is to break the offensive of Wang Xiyue, and directly put Wang Xiyue on the ground.

"Younger martial sister Xiyue, I advise you to be obedient so as not to suffer from skin and flesh!" Dilong laughs.

At this time, Wang Xiyue couldn't resist the role of flattering drugs, and fell into the obscene state completely. Her white and crystal clear skin began to turn red, and her fiery red tongue continued to breathe.

His hands had begun to crack his dress.

"Nanfeng, help me!" In the confusion, Wang Xiyue's poor eyes looked at the south wind in the coniferous forest, and cried with all his strength.

"How can it be? She found me Looking at Wang Xiyue's eyes, Nanfeng couldn't set a channel in his heart.

"Who!" At this time, Dilong's eyes are also to see the direction of the south wind, coldly said.

Regardless of that, the south wind came out of the coniferous forest.

Because even if Wang Xiyue didn't call him just now, he will come out, because he can't bear to be insulted by this Dilong.

"A guy in the leather refining world is really beyond his ability. He also wants to learn from other people's heroes to save beauty!"

After Nanfeng came out, Dilong was surprised because he didn't find Nanfeng.

But he immediately said with disdain, because he found that Nanfeng was just a guy who smelted eight kinds of leather.

The next moment, Dilong hands, five fingers show claw shape, directly toward the south wind grasp crack.

Delicate beauty in front of him, how could Dilong have patience to play with Nanfeng.

Feeling the strong offensive of Dilong, Nanfeng has no choice but to fight hard.

However, at this time, he saw that great changes had taken place in front of Wang Xiyue.

Wang Xiyue was very weak under the influence of the magic medicine, but in an instant, a strong force of ice rose from her body and directly suppressed the effect of the magic medicine.Then Wang Xiyue became cold and terrible, just like the snow God of death in the endless snow.

What's more terrible is that behind Wang Xiyue, there are three real, White Velvet snow tails stretching out, and three snow-white tails, surrounded by the strong force of ice, move rapidly, twining around Dilong's neck in an instant.

Then he pulled hard, and Dillon's head left his body.

Poor Dilong, still immersed in the imagination of killing Nanfeng, had a different body.

After killing Dilong, Wang Xiyue seems to be more cold-blooded. On her beautiful face, a fox's face slowly appears. In the corner of her mouth, there are two tusks.

Then he bared his teeth and looked at the south wind fiercely.

Floating in the mid air of the three white tail, began to wind toward the south.

Seeing this scene, even if Nanfeng's mind was firm again, he was already foolish. He came to himself at the three white tails, but he didn't react.

However, at this time, Wang Xiyue's outburst seemed to be over, the three white tails were quickly withdrawn, and the breath and face were restored to their original appearance in an instant.

And soon, the role of the drug is once again dominated.

"Hoo Hoo! How terrible At this time, the south wind is the reaction, feel the chest, the heart said.

Looking at Wang Xiyue, there is still a flash of panic in Nanfeng's eyes, and his heart is actually alert.