Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 47

What happened in the hall of Gongfa spread quickly to the outside door as if it had spread its wings.

Nanfeng, who has been concerned for a long time, is now Lin Ziping, who is the second best in the world. Especially the Lian Ti gang and Zhu Qi Gang, they have already felt a threat to the future.

Because they also found that the growth of Nanfeng is a little fast.

Nanfeng didn't care about all kinds of comments made by Xuezong disciples. He went back to the courtyard and sorted them out. At midnight, he entered the snow mountain.

Because if he comes in during the day, I'm afraid that as soon as he enters, the people of the refining gang and the casting gang will break him up.

Xiuying originally wanted to follow Nanfeng into the snow mountain to find the place of xuanbing, but Nanfeng refused because Nanfeng couldn't guarantee her safety. If Xiuying followed him, he would be guilty.

Following the route pointed out by Wuyang, the south wind came to a bony snow mountain.

In this snow and ice mountain range, there are many strange shapes of small peaks, which are covered by coniferous trees.

And black ice is generally formed in some cold pools.

So the goal of Nanfeng is very clear, mainly to find some cold pools.

Here, it is the junction between the periphery of the snow mountain and Zhongwei. The common fierce animals are high-grade leather refiners and low-grade hemolytic ones.

Ferocious animals usually travel at night, so in the middle of the night, Nanfeng dare not be too reckless and climb to the top of a huge coniferous tree, waiting for the dawn.

After all, he is not confident enough to deal with any fierce beast in the leather refining realm.

In the roar of fierce beasts and the sound of cold wind, a midnight soon passed, dawn came, and the south wind began to act.

Two hours later, Nanfeng found the first cold pool.

However, his luck is not very good. There is nothing in this cold pool except some plants like ice.

For several days, Nanfeng found seven or eight cold pools and xuanbing found them. However, they were not 100 years old and had no effect on him at all.

Fortunately, in recent days, he has not achieved nothing. First of all, he has hunted and killed more than a dozen fierce animals who refine leather and some strange fish in the cold pool, which is a great fortune for him.

In addition, in the fight with fierce animals, his ice palm also made good progress.

In addition, it's a cold ice environment, which is more conducive to his cultivation of cold ice palm. In a few days, Nanfeng's cold ice palm has reached a small level.

"It seems that there is no Centennial black ice in this place mentioned by master, and there are few martial arts practitioners in this place, which shows this problem even more."

After no ice has been found in this area, the south wind is ready to move.

But just as Nanfeng was about to leave, he heard footsteps.

There was no hesitation. The south wind hid behind the hills.

Then, a handsome young man and a white masked woman came to the snow mountain.

"Wang Xiyue, it's her!" After the hill, looking at the white masked woman, Nanfeng's pupil suddenly shrinks, and his heart is heavy.

The white masked woman, no one else, was Wang Xiyue who had a childhood with him. Even if she was veiled, Nanfeng could recognize her at a glance.

At the same time, Nanfeng's heart is also full of complex emotions.

For Wang Xiyue, he didn't know whether to hate or not.

Say hate, Wang Xiyue really helped himself, otherwise he could not enter Xuezong, more unlikely to meet Wuyang; say not hate, Wang Xiyue abandoned himself in his downfall.

"Isn't she accepted as a registered disciple by the congenital spirit of Xuezong? What are you doing here?" The South breeze in the heart doubts a way.

"Elder martial brother Dilong, is this where xuanbing is?" Looking at the surrounding ice and snow environment, Wang Xiyue asked the pretty young man with a folding fan.

"Younger martial sister Xiyue, a member of the di family, found a huge ice pool here. According to the investigation, the ice in that ice pool is at least 500 years old." The handsome young man said with a smile.

"I know younger martial sister Xiyue, you need xuanbing for your cultivation, so I brought younger martial sister here."

"Great cold pool, five hundred years of ice!" Hearing their conversation, the south wind behind the hill was shocked.

Five hundred years of xuanbing, if he can get it, plus tianxuejing, then he is 100% sure to break through erxuan forging.

"But I've been searching this area carefully for several days, and I haven't seen a huge pool of water at all." The South breeze in the heart doubts a way.

"Is it the young man who cheated Wang Xiyue?"

In the eyes of the youth, Nanfeng felt a trace of obscenity through rebirth.

"Five hundred years of ice!" Hearing the young man's words, Wang Xiyue's always calm tone finally changed and asked expectantly.

Hearing Wang Xiyue's expectant tone, Dilong's eyes lit up and said, "younger martial sister Xiyue, please follow me."Later, Dilong took Wang Xiyue to a mountain area.

Nanfeng uses the method of swallowing, swallowing all the breath he sends out, far behind them.

Although Dilong and Wang Xiyue are already strong, but five hundred years of xuanbing, nanfengjue's own need to fight.

Behind the mountain area, even in the middle of the snow mountain, there will be fierce animals in the hemolytic environment.

Soon, in the dense coniferous trees, Dilong found a very hidden path. Along the path, Dilong and Wang Xiyue came to the center of the mountain area.

In the middle of this mountain area, it is suddenly clear that there is no coniferous forest, no hills, but a flat ice basin.

In this ice and snow basin, there is a huge cold pool.

"It turns out that this huge pool of water is hidden in this mountain peak. No wonder I haven't found it for several days." Nanfeng, who was hidden in the coniferous forest, said, "it's not too much to have such a huge pool of cold ice with five hundred years of black ice. It seems that what Dillon said is right."

"But next, how can I capture xuanbing from these two people?" The south wind is deep in thought.

Feel from the breath, Dilong and Wang Xiyue are absolutely hemolytic a strong, even that Dilong hemolytic two from only one step.

"Younger martial sister Xiyue, xuanbing is under the cold pool. After our people found out, I didn't let them move. Instead, I waited for younger martial sister Xiyue to come in person." Dilong said, "after all, I know that your skill, younger martial sister Xiyue, can effectively freeze the ice."

"Thank you, elder martial brother Dilong!" After thanking Dilong, Wang Xiyue takes the lead in jumping into the cold pool, and then Dilong follows.

"Do you want to let go of the five hundred years of black ice?" In the coniferous forest, Nanfeng said reluctantly.