Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 2776

"Ha ha, since you are so confident in me, I can't disappoint you!" Hearing the words of the fire order of the demon ancestor, Nanfeng laughed in his heart.

"Break out completely. Only by winning this battle, can you escape from the suppression of Zhengdao banhuang on your own. My Mazu Huoling always believes in you." The fire order of the demon ancestor is heavy.

The compass of reincarnation of life and death appears from the foot, and Nanfeng's warlike eyes look at Dao Meng Shenjun again.

"It's a good pure life recovery magic power. It seems that it's the right choice to let Dao Meng fight against him. When you know these cards, you will be more clear when you search for his memory." Looking at the South breeze, is knife half emperor in the heart say.

"As for ten thousand years?" There are some evil smiles in the corner of his mouth.

He has the stone of the past and the future. He can easily control the time. He has the ability to let the south wind go through 10000 years, and the real time in the whole world will only pass for a while.

"Shield of evil blood - halberd of chaos!"

Looking at the evil sword cut down again by the God King of Dao alliance, Nanfeng merges all his strength into the secret method of evil blood and turns it into a solid shield. The power of chaotic gold body and undead bone also surrounds it.

The power of chaotic Qi overflows from the center of the eyebrow, merges with the original self pole and the war spirit, forming a mixed fire Zu Lei halberd, which shoots out under the virtual shadow of the roar of jiuxiao God thunder beast, straight to the evil sword of the sword alliance God King.

"Chaos! That's the real power of chaos Seeing the chaotic power of the south wind, the half emperor of Zhengdao couldn't calm down. He said heavily, and his pupils suddenly widened as if they were going to fall out.

"How can it be? The real power of chaos Qi is those powerful creatures who were born at the beginning. What they have is only chaos body. The power of chaos Qi also depends on the postnatal cultivation. "

"A God King, even if he can fight God King, how can he succeed in cultivation?"

At this time, it was just the sword alliance God King in the artistic conception of the evil sword war, which also had a great touch and shock.

The power of chaos Qi and the power of no delusion are the most difficult to cultivate between heaven and earth, and there is almost no power for living beings to cultivate successfully. Today they see it in the same person, which can't make them believe.

"Come on! Dao Meng Shen Jun In the roar, Nanfeng himself and his strongest defense merge into the halberd of chaos, and fight with daomeng Shenjun desperately.

At this time, such an extreme battle is what he needs.

Boom boom! All of the sudden, the whole space was pounded by the sword.

The power of evil Sabre and the power of chaos are interwoven madly.

After the outbreak of all this, every encounter between the two men was the most intense stage. Although Nanfeng did not have the fighting state of shenhuangdao, he had primitive self-determination and fusion of fighting spirit, so he also entered into the selfless fighting state.

They seem to forget the pain and ignore the increasing trauma. They just attack madly.

Dozens of times, hundreds of times of collision soon passed, and finally, a figure was hit to fly, so that this crazy collision stopped. At first glance, it was the south wind that drove chaos and broke out everything, but he still failed.

Dao Meng Shen Jun, who has a preliminary understanding of the way of emperor's war, is too strong even if his realm degenerates.

Of course, the most important thing is that the realm of Dao Meng God King is higher than that of Zhengdao banhuang, which is the peak of ordinary God King.

Most of all, when he was attacked, Nanfeng stood up quickly again, because he had the samsara of life and death. As long as the enemy didn't hit him hard and consumed him like this, he was the most fearless.

"Dao Meng, your evil Dao is just like this. Even if you have some power of shenhuangdao, you will be defeated this time. You will only be the stepping stone of my south wind." South wind sneers.

The failure of the collision again, Nanfeng is very unhappy, also a few sarcastic.

To the south wind's ridicule, Dao Meng Shen Jun doesn't care, but the power of Dao Meng Shen Jun increases again, suddenly a kind of secret breath also erupts from Dao Meng Shen Jun.

Dao Meng Shen Jun is afraid of Nanfeng's recovery method. He knows that he must kill with one blow.

Otherwise, Nanfeng may continue to improve in the battle and eventually kill him.

It's very difficult to improve in the battle, but it's absolutely not impossible for a genius like Nanfeng who challenges against the sky.

Under the evil secret of the sword alliance God, the whole first layer of the labyrinth sword forest seems to be in a state of darkness. It's more like the 18 layers of hell filled here.

"Secret method - evil blood prison chop!"

In the hoarse roar, the God King of Dao Meng cuts once again. Under this cutting, there is the power of heaven and earth losing color. The hell blood scene seems to really emerge, and the evil power gives people a taste of extreme evil spirit.

This cut, if the south wind has no cards, is absolutely unable to avoid, unable to resist.

Looking at this cut, Nanfeng's eyes also appeared dignified, which had not been seen for a long time.

"Can it be broken?" At this time, the heaven and earth blood devil bead finally opened his mouth.Even if he is not willing to let the south wind control the blood devil's sac, he is likely to be controlled by the south wind in the future, but to be honest, the blood devil bead of heaven and earth doesn't want the south wind to die here.

Although Nanfeng still has soul separation, the future achievements of soul separation will never surpass the original one.

The separation, even the soul separation, is the separation after all, and it is difficult to replace the Buddha in the true sense.

Of course, heaven and earth's blood devil beads are ready to fight, and there is also the intercession of the fire order of the demon ancestor.

"I really appreciate that you can do it, but you can do it again when you are dealing with the half emperor of Zhengdao. I can deal with the God King of Dao alliance now." The south wind said heavily.

Hearing Nanfeng's refusal, the heaven and earth's blood devil pearl didn't say anything. He wanted to see if Nanfeng had any cards to resist the sword alliance.

Boom boom! At this time, Nanfeng's body was filled with the power of faith, and quickly merged into a boxing shadow.

"The power of faith? Have you given up? " See the south wind burst out of the power of faith, is knife half emperor self language.

The power of belief is indeed mysterious and powerful. Sometimes it can be compared with the power of chaos Qi and the top power of heaven and earth. However, in this era, even the emperor, few people cultivate the power of belief and absorb it for the final battle.

Apart from Tianzu and the powerful creatures that were born at the beginning, it is really hard for anyone in the future to really convince the endless creatures.

Therefore, in the view of Zhengdao banhuang, Nanfeng is already flustered. Now it is the power to break out whatever power it can have.

But soon, Zheng Dao was half a fool. Because the next moment, he really felt the different power of faith in Nanfeng, and the power of faith in Nanfeng was endless.