Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 2775

"What a powerful evil Dao power! He has reached the extreme of his own on the road of evil Dao!" Looking at the change of Dao Meng Shen Jun, Nan Feng sighed.

That is, after two breaths, the whole body of Dao Meng Shenjun, together with his body, is blackened.

At this moment, the Dao alliance God King's evil Dao contains thousands of things, as if there was a way of thousands of changes. At the same time, the power of the evil Dao also evolved into the way of killing.

Buzz, buzz! At this moment, the evil sword spirit and the killing sword spirit in the distance have a strong resonance.

"It's estimated that the evil Dao spirit, killing Dao spirit, has become the object of Dao alliance." Said the fire order of the devil.

The words of the fire order of the demon ancestor just fell, and the two resonating Dao paths directly broke through the light around them, and instantly came into the Dao in the hand of the God King of Dao alliance.

All of a sudden, the sword in the hand of Dao Meng Shenjun has completed a certain level of transformation, and its explosive power is stronger.

"That's his real power! Be careful "The fire order of magic ancestor said," plus it has the peak God King, even close to the realm of half step God Emperor, it's really hard for you to win. "

"I will fight with all my strength and get the chance to live for ten thousand years in the mouth of the emperor, so that I can escape its suppression." The south wind says heavily, the God eye has already opened, also directly entered the primitive from pole.

"What a sword alliance God King! How powerful! If you are in the same realm, how can you not take him?" Feel Dao Meng God King's evil Dao way, Zhengdao banhuang is also a sigh.

"Unfortunately, I have something you can't imagine."

"Evil sword!" After a complete burst of power, the sword alliance God King roared up to the sky.

The momentum suddenly dispersed, and Nanfeng immediately felt that he was in the infinite sense of the evil sword. His heart seemed to be submerged by the endless shadow of the evil sword, and he was heading for the road of destruction.

It's going to be evil and crazy. Fortunately, his own understanding of the evil way is not bad, and the evil Martial Way in his body is not affected by such artistic conception.

The light of shenmou is intense and blooming, which directly destroys the artistic conception of Shenjun's evil sword.

"The sword of war!"

Immediately, the south wind attacked first, fused the iron blood sword, absorbed the infinite Shura's killing intention, urged the war spirit to merge, and cut it out.

This cut, the south wind is absolutely full burst.

The war spirit and mixed fire burn out fiercely in the power light of triple God eyes, and all the power burst out into the falling chop.

Vaguely, you can also see the virtual shadow of the hand of heaven and earth after that chop.

Seeing Nanfeng's hard cutting, the evil eyes of Dao Meng Shenjun didn't change much. He just ran wildly. He combined human and Dao and went straight to Nanfeng's cutting.

Boom! The two choppers collided with each other.

Feel that momentum, will definitely be a shocking collision, but the final result, but unexpected. A flash of light, the south wind that cut directly broken, the anti shock force instantly poured into the chaos of the south wind gold body.

At the same time, the sword alliance God King's that chop is also chop in chaos gold body.

Nanfeng's pupil suddenly shrinks, and he doesn't dare to have any hesitation any more. The immortal bones instantly cover the chaotic body, forming the strongest defense of Nanfeng. However, even so, Nanfeng was cut off and spat blood.

Moreover, there are cracks in his immortal bones and chaotic gold body.

"How could it be so strong?" Nanfeng said in his heart.

At this moment, even the power of his chaotic Qi would not help.

"If I say that he is much better than Zhengdao banhuang, and when he was at the peak of the divine realm, I'm afraid he had already determined and initially understood his divine way." Said the fire order of the devil.

"You can understand the way of the emperor before half a step. It's a kind of artistic conception, just like the meaning of the sword."

"There's no such thing as a half imperial sword. It's only by the stone of the past and the future that he can enter the divine emperor. That's why he was defeated by you before."

"You see, today's Dao Meng God King is like a killing machine. It's because he has entered his martial arts, just like the martial arts of war spirit fusion. This martial arts is the beginning of the shenhuangdao."

"In that case, there's no way." There was a heavy south wind.

At the next moment, Nanfeng's eyes became bloody. He urged the secret method of evil blood, and the power of evil blood permeated his whole body.

To Nanfeng's immortal bone, Zhengdao Shenjun is naturally shocked and greedy. Immortal bone is as precious as chaotic gold body.

"Nanfeng, you've really sent me a lot of good things!" It's the same in the heart of Dao Shen Jun.

Excited, Zhengdao banhuang was also gloomy, that is, Dao Meng Shenjun's performance was too strong, which made him jealous and yelled in his heart, "three sides, Dao Meng, how about your incomparable talent? In the end, was it not defeated by my own king? "

"Evil sword, right! Then use the evil knife to confront you! " Under the power of evil blood, Nanfeng's body suddenly rises, roars, and cuts off again.

The power of the triple and tricolor eyes also changed from tricolor to black."Cut off the evil blood!"

The sword alliance God King is still that cold color, raises the knife but cuts.

Bang Dang! The sound of the sound of gold and iron, the two knife cuts again, the light of the anti shock spread like waves, the two seem to be deadlocked together.

But after just a few breaths, the stalemate is broken.

Nanfeng's evil blood cutting is broken, and his chaotic gold body and undead bone are cut by the evil knife. At that moment, his chaotic gold body and undead bone retreat.

Defeat! Nanfeng was defeated again. Even if he urged the secret method of evil blood, he was still defeated.

The power of Dao Meng Shenjun was beyond his expectation.

At this time, however, the south wind did not suffer much.

His figure retreated, and Nanfeng hissed, "what an artistic conception of the evil Dao. This is the real evil Dao. My secret method of evil blood is willing to bow down."

"Less, your strength is still less, you can fight with him." The fire command of the demon ancestor said, "if you have deeper power of no arrogance and chaos, you will win this battle."

"The secret of evil, and it's also a very powerful secret of evil. I'm really surprised." Looking at the south wind, Zhengdao Shenjun sighed again.

Here, let the south wind and sword alliance God King a war, is knife half emperor also another reason, is that he wants to see the south wind bottom card limit.

In this way, he can get more from Nanfeng. After all, Nanfeng can't help but erase his memory before he dies.

… The attack of Dao Meng Shenjun will not stop, his speed will increase, and the power of his evil sword will be cut out again. Only when the south wind is destroyed, the artistic conception of his evil sword will stop.

"In the face of this cut, Nanfeng, are you really over?" "I never believe that you will be defeated, even if the person in front of you is still the king of the peak." "What's more, have you defeated a supreme God?"