Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 2678

"I mean, magic Teng dare to be so arrogant, because he has such arrogant qualifications." Bai Ji said heavily.

"What qualifications?" Bing Nu felt a little uneasy and continued to ask in a deep voice.

"I'm afraid he is sure enough to break through to the realm of God." Bai Ji said.

"No way!" Ice female don't believe of say.

"Bingnv, mengteng definitely has the qualification to be the God King, and the qualification is not small. It's not surprising that he can break through to the God King realm." Bai Ji said.

Bingnv is silent. A God King, except the Helian family, can absolutely control any other forces in the whole area.

"Other half step God King influence, does not allow a God King to grow up!" The next moment, bingnv said, "once they realize it, they will unite to suppress the growth of mengteng."

"In the history of the region of evil chaos, you also know how many forces are willing to really unite whenever a God King is born?" Bai Ji said, "they are also looking forward to the birth of the God King with their own power to double heaven."

"But at that time, morden won't let you and me go."

Hearing this, ice goddess looks very dignified, because Bai Ji is right. Even though she knows that magic Teng is about to break through the God King, those half step God kings don't want to, but few of them really unite.

"What a palace of evil sounds, what a palace master of evil sounds!" Devil Teng looked ferocious and said coldly in the air of the evil volcano. His words were mixed with killing, which made the warriors around him feel an invisible chill.

… Half step God King level artifact in hand, sound like snow's strength limit is to enhance a level, only from her body around the evil sound power can feel.

At this time, the three dark snake warrior's looks are really dignified at last. Sound like snow is difficult for them, but now they still have a half step God King level artifact in hand.

"Dark snake genius, try to take my move again!" Sound like snow bathed in the sound of evil sound, cold sound, is completely evil and kill up, at the beginning of the noble, naughty no longer.

The next moment, the sound like snow and the evil sound of the piano bow fusion, in the form of the piano and bow between the change.

"The most evil voice - the arrow of evil voice!"

Boom! In the momentum, in the changes of the Qin and the bow, the evil sound converged, and then surged like a raging tide, turned into the shadow of an arrow, and went straight to the eyebrow of the dark snake warrior in the middle of the three Yuan Dynasty.

This arrow of evil sound seems to be ordinary, but only the enemy deep in its momentum can feel what kind of power it contains, a kind of heavenly way locking, a kind of evil power running through everything.

Seeing the arrow, the dark snake warrior in the middle of the three Yuan Dynasty took a look at the other two. It was obvious that he motioned for them to resist together, because he was no longer confident.

But unfortunately, the south wind will not let them achieve their wish, one step, the shadow of the mixed fire spirit body instantly becomes bigger, and the evolution of the supernatural power, the melting pot of heaven and earth, directly covers them.

"You two, your opponent, it's me!" There was a cold south wind.

The arrow of evil sound is approaching, and the dark snake warrior in the realm of the God King in the middle of the three Yuan Dynasty has to resist. He, who is the body of the Teng snake, gathers all his strength on the scales of his Teng snake, and the scales merge into a defense shield.

Boom! Under the burst of air waves, everything was submerged.

The defense of the scale of the Teng snake and the arrow of the evil sound are also submerged, so is the victory.

Nanfeng didn't take the lead and focused on the result. So did the other two dark snake warriors. Most of their attention was focused on the burst waves.

The force of collision is too strong, so the frenzied waves are quickly shaken back, and the result of the two people's collision also appears. The sound is like snow, standing in the air, imposing momentum, without any trauma.

That dark snake youth is in a mess.

However, to feel its breath, there is definitely the power of the first World War.

However, if we drag on, we will lose sooner or later.

Seeing this scene, the two men in the copper furnace of heaven and earth looked at each other, and the intention of killing had already begun. They understand that only when the three of them unite, can they suppress the sound of holding half step God King level artifact like snow.

Of course, before that, they have to cut the south wind.

"Melt!" Nanfeng naturally understood what they were thinking, so he urged the melting pot of heaven and earth for the first time. The power of all kinds of divine fire turned into a dragon of inflammations, whistling and sweeping across the melting pot of heaven and earth.

At this moment, Nanfeng also entered the primitive self pole. There is nothing to test. If it can be suppressed as soon as possible, it will be suppressed as soon as possible.

However, after all, they were two men, and their fighting power was extraordinary.

At the same time, the two men became the body of the snake, and entered the magic power they practiced - the snake change. The wings of the snake behind them were growing, and with the growing, the power on the wings was gathering crazily.

"Flying snake's wings - killing and splitting!"

In the transformation of divine power, the wings of the two people merge invisibly and turn into a split shape. They go directly to the center of Nanfeng's melting pot of heaven and earth. Under the infinite splitting force, Nanfeng's mighty melting pot of heaven and earth is broken."A little bit strong!" Body back, south wind slightly.

At the moment, however, the strength of the wings of the two dark snake warriors was also consumed.

"If you want to kill these two, you need to expose some cards." Said the fire order of the devil.

"Fire order, it's time to make some decisions." The vision flashed the meaning of decision, South breeze said.

"What decision?" Asked the fire order.

"Evil fire desire, this is the original secret method of the evil fire god king and the supreme secret method of the evil fire sect. Mengteng and Baiji should know it. Maybe they will use it." Said Nanfeng.

"It seems that you have made a decision, so do it!" Said the fire order of the devil.

"Good!" South wind responded.

At the next moment, Nanfeng's power of the mixed fire way and the original self extreme flame way is pushed to the extreme, and the flaming flame makes Nanfeng look like a mixed fire king.

Also at this moment, the south wind body spreads the evil flame breath, and continuously thickens.

In this evil flame breath, Nanfeng enters into a state of crazy desire. In this form, his flame power rises wildly.

"The south wind is not only cultivating the evil fire way, but also cultivating the evil fire way to a very deep level." Looking at the power of the south wind, and the power of the evil fire, the warriors outside sighed.

"This time, I'm afraid the xueteng snake clan is going to lose. One is the south wind, and the other is as loud as snow. I'm afraid it's not the dark snake, the three warriors, who are capable of fighting against each other."

"Yes! This time, the evil fire sect has won. "

Compared with these feelings, mengteng and Baiji are completely shocked, because they all know the evil fire desire, and they all practice the evil fire desire. "Why? How can he have evil desire for fire? " Two people in the heart coincidentally heavy say.