Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 2679

At this moment, two people's minds are emerging out of that once figure, that once in their hearts of the great figure.

Think of that once figure, and then look at the evil fire desire of Nanfeng, they found that the evil fire desire that once showed in front of them is so much like, so much the same.

"Why? He's back? " Unbelievable, the figure in the mind of the emergence of autonomy, so that magic Teng an invisible trance, is not autonomous said.

Indistinctly, magic Teng that firm, deep black eyes deep also appear a lot of fear.

In disbelief, Bai Ji's eyes look at bingnv. At this moment, she thinks of bingnv's saying that Nanfeng has another purpose to approach her.

In short, at this moment, Baiji and mengteng are surging like rivers and seas.

… "Now, I can feel the inner shock of Bai Ji and Mo Teng!" See south wind thoroughly urge evil fire desire secret method, magic ancestor fire order said.

"It's natural that morteng or Baiji are the demons of the evil fire god king, but it's very likely that the evil fire god king is also the demons of the betrayer of the two." Said Nanfeng.

"The secret of fire!" See south wind burst out evil fire desire, sound such as snow and dark snake three martial arts are shocked.

It's a secret. It's rare.

Moreover, they are familiar with the secret method of south wind evil fire desire, because they have seen Baiji or mengteng use the secret method of evil fire desire.

Under the shock, the three warriors of dark snake look more gloomy, because the south wind is stronger.

"Then, try my flame furnace again!" Under the power of the secret method of evil fire desire, Nanfeng's combat power limit increases rapidly, and develops the melting pot of heaven and earth under endless mixed fire again.

"The fusion of snakes!"

Looking at the furnace of heaven and earth which was repressed again, the two dark snake warriors roared, and dark scales appeared on the body of the Teng snake.

Then, the bodies of the two snakes were perfectly fused.

The mouth of the giant snake became infinitely big, and it swallowed up the melting pot of heaven and earth.

But at the next moment, the strong mixed fire broke the bloody snake's mouth, and the dragon's shadow of mixed fire shot out from the melting pot of heaven and earth, all carrying the power of divine fire, flapping their teeth and claws.

Wheezing! Wheezing! Soon, the blood leaping snake had thousands of holes in its body.

At this moment, even if the two of them merge, they can't resist the attack of the melting pot of heaven and earth under the evil fire desire of the south wind.

The south wind will not give them a chance. Under the power of evil fire desire, a strong torrent of flames appears, carrying the chain of mixed fire rules, impacting and winding around the blood Teng snake body.

After the result, unknown but metaphorical

On the other hand, under the constant attack of Yin Ruxue, the dark snake warrior has also become the end of the crossbow.

"This time, the evil fire sect won!" See here, all around the martial arts are very sure to say, "Baiji master this invitation sound like snow, south wind, is really let magic Teng caught off guard!"

Immediately, a lot of eyes are looking at magic Teng.

At this time, magic Teng's look was beyond description.

"Magic Teng, now you, it's time to leave. This competition of evil volcano has nothing to do with your blood Teng snake clan." First don't think about the south wind will evil fire desire, Baiji said to magic Teng. "Of course, before you leave, you need to fulfill our promise before the competition, and leave half of the evil fire mirror in your hand. From then on, you blood snake clan has nothing to do with the evil fire sect, and you are no longer qualified to participate in the competition of the evil volcano, and you are no longer qualified to occupy the name of the evil fire sect.


"My good younger martial sister, the contest is not over yet. Let's wait for the disciples of the evil fire sect to come out of it!" Morden responded coldly.

At this time, morden will not leave.

"Since you want to continue to lose face here, go on!" Bai Ji's voice is cold.

Bai Ji knows that it is impossible for Mo Teng to leave now, because Mo Teng can also see that what the south wind urges is evil fire desire. He must wait for the south wind to find out.

"That's not necessarily. The four members of your evil fire sect will surely enter the core to understand the secret method. It's not easy or safe to understand the secret method!" Morden said coldly in response.

"I didn't expect that magic Teng and Bai Ji had an agreement to bet the evil fire mirror on this contest!" When they heard their words, they were shocked and talked.

"It's time. The fight between them has lasted for countless years. It's reasonable to bet on the evil mirror this time."

"Just, does morden still think that the four people of the evil fire sect fell to the core of the evil volcano? That's impossible. If I were him, I would leave now, because every second he stays here after that, he will lose face

"Yes, I don't know what morden thought."

"Huh? Do you think the patriarch has lost? " Feel all around the eyes, magic Teng heart sneer.

"Bai Ji, if you really think that the preparation of my magic Teng is the four geniuses in the dark snake, you are very wrong. What makes you look good is still behind. This time, I will take charge of the evil fire sect again.""And you will only be a master killer!"

After such a sneer, magic Teng thought again to the south wind. The more he looked at the south wind, the more he felt the south wind like the figure in his mind.

"Nanfeng, who is it?"

Ignoring the south wind, Bai Ji pays attention to the south wind again.

"This time, you should rest assured that this time's competition, magic Teng will be defeated." At this time, bingnv said, "no matter whether he is sure to step into the realm of God or not, the present victory is ours."

"This competition, magic Teng really can't turn over, but my inner tension is still completely unable to put down, invisible feeling magic, I always feel things are not so simple, always feel magic Teng in this competition there are other backers." Bai Ji said.

Bai Ji's heart is really such a feeling, feeling things are not so simple.

"Bai Ji, being submissive and hesitant is not your character. The four dark snake warriors are dead. No matter how strong mengteng is, no matter how clever he is, it will not help." Bingnv said.

"I'm afraid that's because there have been many competitions of the evil volcano. The evil fire sect has been lost to the xueteng snake clan. You have a kind of psychological pressure!"

"Maybe!" Bai Ji said.

"Bingnu, tell me, is it related to my master, the evil fire god king, that Nanfeng approaches me?" Immediately, Bai Ji also asks bingnv.

Hearing this inquiry, bingnv was shocked.

After that, he said in a tone of surprise, "didn't you say Nanfeng didn't mention his purpose of approaching you? How do you know? "

"Sure enough Bai Ji said in a heavy voice.

"What did you find?" Ice girl is curious. "It's not that I found something, but that Nanfeng deliberately let me and mengteng see it." Bai Ji said.