Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 2670

"Do you think I'll say it?" Bingnv said.

"It's up to us to ask each other." Nanfeng grinned.

"Since there is such a relationship as yuntianyan, next, you and I should show some sincerity to deal with the Helian family and the blood snake family." Immediately, bingnv put forward the conditions.

"Yes!" South wind nods.

They have turned over with the Helian family. Nanfeng must really unite with bingnu, otherwise they will be isolated in this chaotic area. Now their strength is not qualified to challenge any big power alone.

"Next, you don't have to go back to the evil sect. You can go back to the Xuebing clan with me directly. After a while, I'm going to the evil fire sect. Take advantage of that opportunity to meet Baiji first." Bingnv said.

They also went to Xuebing tribe together.

"What are you doing in Quxie huozong?" On the way, Nanfeng continued to ask.

"Since you have the origin with the evil fire sect, you should know what the root of the evil fire sect is?" Bingnv said.

"Does it mean that the evil volcano is going to come alive in the near future?" Eyes a startle, South breeze asks a way.

"Yes, the evil volcano of the evil fire sect has been reviving recently, so I was invited by Bai Ji, the leader of the evil fire sect." Bingnv said.

For the evil volcano of the evil fire sect, Nanfeng heard it from the king of the evil fire god.

It can be said that it is the largest mountain of evil fire in the whole heavy heaven. It gathers endless power of evil fire in heaven and earth, and many evil fires are born from it.

At the beginning, the evil fire God King obtained the evil fire way from it and became the king of God. He also got the evil fire from it and practiced the evil fire desire in secret.

After that, the evil fire God King established the evil fire sect based on this evil volcano.

This evil volcano sleeps all the year round and occasionally recovers for a year or two. At this time, the core area of the evil fire in the evil volcano will appear. The martial arts practitioners of the evil fire can enter it and understand the evil fire way and the secret method.

However, there are few people who can understand the secret from it.

Every time the evil volcano revives, it is a time for the disciples of the evil fire sect to compete.

The Lord of the evil fire sect will naturally invite some strong people to watch.

"Unfortunately, I can't take part!" The south wind is a pity.

There are few secret methods anywhere, even in the regions of those emperor level forces. If you can fight with a warrior of the same level in the divine realm, you can say that you have won half of the battle to a certain extent.

"You want to join?" Bingnv said.

"If you can have the chance to understand the secret method, don't tell me you don't want to join us." Said Nanfeng.

"In that evil volcano, only those who practice the way of evil fire can be allowed to enter. Although your practice in the way of fire is good, it's not the way of evil fire." Bingnv said.

"Evil fire way, do you know I won't?" Nanfeng asked.

"Would you?" Bingnv didn't believe it.

The person who inquired about the time and place didn't tell Nanfeng that he would be evil. You know, she ordered the inquirers to inquire about all the news of Nanfeng, big or small.

If the south wind is evil, it will not be exposed if it has grown up in Tianshi region for so many years.

"Do you have any way to let me take part in the contest of the evil fire sect?" Asked Nanfeng.

"I want to see your evil fire way first." Bingnv said.

The south wind did not hesitate, and the flame rose from his body and became evil directly.

Of course, after bingnu saw it clearly, he retreated.

Ice girl was really surprised to feel the real evil fire power of Nanfeng. After learning the news from Tianshi, she thought that she had fully understood the power of the south wind, but now...

"this evil fire way is not that you began to cultivate and understand after you went into the evil swamp?" The ice girl looks at the south wind with puzzled eyes and asks heavily.

"I've only been in the evil swamp for a few years. Do you think I can cultivate such a pure evil fire way and let this power keep up with my realm?" Nanfeng laughs.

Nanfeng tells bingnv that this is to let bingnv continue to look at herself and remain mysterious.

In front of such a woman, the more mysterious she is, the more she can take the initiative.

At least to a certain extent.

At this moment, Bing Nu sighed in her heart, "if Nanfeng had practiced the evil fire way for a long time, and had grown up in Tianshi for such a long time, she had never heard of him using the power of evil fire. What a patient mind!"

"Perhaps, this guy has other strength not exposed!"

After all, she had some conjectures about the news from the time and place. Nanfeng cultivated many kinds of power.

"I show the evil fire way. Now it's your turn to make a promise. Can you let me take part in the contest?" Nanfeng continued.

"As long as you like!" Bingnu also made a direct commitment.

"By the way, I'll tell you another news, that is, Bai Ji wants to pass this contest and decide the successor of the next leader of the evil fire sect.""Oh? Are you sure? " Asked Nanfeng.

If this is true, if he can get the head of the contest, he will go into the evil fire sect even if he doesn't become the leader.

This is definitely a good opportunity for him.

But I'm afraid it's a little difficult. How can Bai Ji let an irrelevant warrior become the leader of the evil fire sect.

"Sure!" Bingnv said.

Then, Nanfeng fell into some silence and said, "in that case, I'm afraid Baiji won't agree with me to take the written examination!"

"Yes Ice girl is confident.

"Why are you so confident? As far as I know, you may have a certain relationship with Bai Ji, but you haven't talked about the very good degree yet!" Said Nanfeng.

"Because this time, the xueteng snake clan will definitely go. Compared with the genius of the two forces, the evil fire clan is weaker. I'll take you there now. Do you think Bai Ji will refuse you to join us?" Bingnv said with a smile.

"In that case, why does Bai Ji choose the next successor of the evil fire sect by this time? Isn't this another chance for the devil?" South wind doubts a way.

"This involves the deeper secret of the evil chaos area. Now you don't need to know, or have no qualification to know." "Bingnv said," only when you can win this contest can you be qualified! "

"Well, it seems that there are some not simple things in this evil and chaotic area!" Said Nanfeng.

"Then, many people will go to the evil fire sect!" Then, Nanfeng asked a little impatiently.

"Go after refining the gas you gave me"! Bingnv said.

"OK, I just need to shut up for a while!" Said Nanfeng. Later, the two returned to the Xuebing clan, and both entered a closed state. Bingnu was the carrier of refining and chemical gas, and Nanfeng recast the seal of the eternal emperor in his mixed fire world, integrating the ten seals into the seal of the eternal emperor.