Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 2669

"With your ability and insight, if you contact helianyi for a period of time, you will not be cheated by her weakness." Bingnv said, "unfortunately, you don't have much time to come to this evil area, and you don't have much time to work with Helian Yiyi."

"It seems that you know helanyi very well!" Said Nanfeng.

"In the whole area of evil chaos, the most terrible woman in everyone's heart is Bai Ji who you want to get close to and me. I don't know that the weakness of helianyi is just the weakness of appearance." Bingnv said.

"You are not the only one who has been planted in her hands."

"You are lucky to meet me today. Otherwise, after a while, who will remember you as a genius of leapfrog challenge."

"Suddenly found that your attitude to me seems to have changed a lot?" Looking at bingnv, Nanfeng doubts.

Nanfeng always feels that this ice girl knows a lot more.

"Tell me how you got the ancestral Scripture, and I'll tell you everything you want to know. Maybe the relationship between you and me will be better!" Bingnv said.

"It can't be said that how to obtain the ancestral temple is the most important and final secret for me." Said Nanfeng.

To tell the truth, it will be revealed that he came from mainland China, and Nanfeng can only refuse.

"The last secret? It seems that if you know how to get the ancestral temple, you will know you thoroughly!" Hear the words of south wind, ice female tiny say.

"Now it's time to say how you got here and how you knew the agreement between me and helianyi?" Asked Nanfeng.

"Do you know what my original goal in this area of evil chaos is?" Asked bingnu.

"In this area of evil chaos, the original target of martial arts is to dominate the area of evil chaos." Said Nanfeng.

"Now that you know it, who do you think is the biggest enemy in this chaotic area?" Bingnu continued.

"The Helian family, although they say they don't take part in this chaotic area, they are constantly attracting talents here. They are actually one of the strongest forces here and the real controllers behind the scenes!" Said Nanfeng.

"You have a good observation." Bingnv said.

"I've come all the way from fighting with forces. If I don't even have this insight, how can I grow up in this chaotic region?" Said Nanfeng.

"In that case, you should guess how I know!" Ice girl whispers.

, "the core of the HL family has your Eyeliner!" Said Nanfeng.

"You're right." The ice girl sneers slightly. This sneer can be regarded as disdain to the Helian family.

"this woman is really not simple, even in the heart of hlon's family." The fire of the demon ancestor made me sigh.

"How can she be simple, otherwise she would not be the ice lady in this evil and chaotic area." Nanfeng responded, "she said that Helian Yiyi has the deepest mind, and in my opinion, she is probably the deepest."

"You're willing to pay!" Nanfeng said to bingnv.

can put an eye liner in the core of HLEN's family, and can't do without a bit of capital.

"Besides, as long as you don't have enough resources to practice martial arts in the future, it's not enough for men." Bingnv said.

"from your mouth, you know that I may be in danger, so today you have come, so why?" Then Nanfeng asked again.

"Don't tell me that you are protecting me in the evil area for the sake of the agreement with me."

"Because this time you appear in front of me, I can clearly feel your attitude towards me, as if you are not so murderous."

"Perception is really good. You can feel the subtle changes." Bingnv said.

"Tell me, what's the reason." Southwind.

"It's very simple, because I found out your origin, time and place, once dragon and elephant place, and Tianmen disciples." Bingnv said.

Hearing this, Nanfeng's eyes were startled.

It's really too far away from the evil region. It's really hard to find out who you are from.

But the ice girl did.

It's found that the change of bingnu's attitude towards him is under understanding. Tianmen disciples are definitely valued by Tianmen. It's possible that bingnu naturally doesn't want to be enemies with Nanfeng.

And bingnu has her own wishful thinking, that is to tie Nanfeng with herself, and use the Tianmen behind Nanfeng to deal with the head of Helian family.

The tunyun family is really strong, and it can make the Helian family afraid. But to tell you the truth, it is far from the Helian family to be really hard.

Tianmen is not the same. It is the casting power fighting with the Helian family, and Tianmen has its own supreme God.

"I'm very curious. How did you find out the time and region? It's impossible to send someone to inquire about me in the whole region of heaven." Then Nanfeng became more curious."I don't have the ability to send people to inquire about the whole world. Even the emperor's family can't do it." Bingnv said, "I know you just because you know a warrior in tunyun family."

Hearing bingnv's words, Nanfeng immediately thought of Yuntian emperor.

"You're talking about a warrior who was called Yuntian emperor in the imperial realm?" Asked Nanfeng.

At this moment, Nanfeng was a little worried. He was afraid that Yuntian emperor would say that he was from mainland China. Although he had made an oath, he was still worried!

"I don't know the name of a genius who grew up in Tianyun recently." Bingnv said.

"Although there is no air of heaven and earth, it is no less than a genius with air of heaven and earth."

"Good luck Nanfeng said slightly, remembering the name in his heart.

"He knew that I was in a heavy heaven, so he told me to pay attention to the dragon and elephant region and help a warrior named Nanfeng if possible." Bingnu continued.

"I see." South wind nods. "How do you have something to do with the genius of the tunyun family? Maybe you actually come from the double heaven, or even the triple heaven, because in the dragon and elephant region, that is, the present heaven and time region, you first appeared out of thin air, and from the beginning to the end, it seems that no one knows your blood." Ice

said the woman.

"Or, having a variety of spirits is your blood?"

When you know the time and region, bingnv naturally knows that Nanfeng has many kinds of spirits.

"If you tell me your position in the tunyun family, I will consider telling the truth." Said Nanfeng. Bingnv is not simple, which makes Nanfeng feel that her status in tunyun family is not simple.