Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 2651

But this time, his nine change body doesn't seem to work any more. Under the regular chain of the flame, a burning crack directly appears on the extremely hard nine change body. As soon as the burning crack appears, the power of the flame will erode into it.

From this moment on, the genius of Jiubian zumo is really at a disadvantage.

This is Nanfeng. When he gets used to it, no warrior can suppress him with the same level of strength. And now, his martial arts is perfect.

The most defensive body of Jiubian demon is broken, and the genius of Jiubian zumo also realizes that if he continues to fight, he will only be crushed by Nanfeng and killed.

"Run away!" At this moment, he needs to escape.

He is still qualified to escape. After all, the suppression caused by the south wind is not a complete suppression.

Immediately, he got rid of the nine change body and fled directly.

But unfortunately, he didn't know that Nanfeng had heaven and earth. He escaped countless miles, and Nanfeng caught up with him in a few steps. And because it's easy to catch up, Nanfeng can better gather the magic attack.

So, after a few attacks, the genius situation of the nine changed ancestors is really not very good.

Perhaps, after the attack of Nanfeng several times, he also explained here.

"Why? How can you still have an instant walk? " The genius of Jiubian zumo is not willing to roar. Fight, fight, run, run, he really fell into despair.

"I didn't tell you that your son of heizu's descendants asked you to kill me, or you were sent to death." Nanfeng sneers in response to the roar of Jiubian zumo genius.

Bear! In the intense mixed fire flame burning, the south wind condenses a chain of mixed fire rules again.

The next moment, two mixed fire rules chain together toward the nine change ancestral magic talent and down.

In the face of the two chains of fire mixing rules of the south wind, and samadhi's true fire power, the genius of the nine changed ancestors is absolutely irresistible. If he is beaten, he will die.

But at this moment, the genius of the nine changed ancestor devil broke out, which made Nanfeng unexpected.

A light of the body of the devil suddenly appeared in his eyebrow. The light of the body of the devil directly evolved into an invisible channel, into which the genius of the nine change ancestors suddenly disappeared.

"There's a way to escape!" Nanfeng said incredulously in the shock.

Immediately, he also entered directly, but was stopped directly.

"What's going on?" Nanfeng was puzzled.

"That guy, should be through his choice of martial arts point, into the depths." "From this point of view, it should be the channel of the evolution of the point of martial arts, who can only be allowed to enter."

"In this way, he escaped!" Nanfeng said slightly displeased.

"He estimated that he was forced to have a random try, but it really worked." Mozu Huoling said, "it shouldn't be too late. You can enter through the martial arts point you choose. After this war, you don't have much need to consolidate and then go deep."

"Besides, if you can go deep a moment earlier, you will have more chance to prevent the heizu descendants from getting the fragments of heizu axe."

Nanfeng nodded, also directly urged him to choose the time light point, a time channel instantly appeared, he directly into it.

However, he did not immediately enter the center of the deep, but first into an invisible space of time, in the center of space, he saw a huge ten square white seal.

On the white seal, time is full of light, and it also exudes the breath of heaven and earth.

"This is... The invisible time and space, the invisible time and space of the existence of natural materials, local treasures, gods and demons." The south wind said heavily, "well, what is that ten square seal...

" what kind of divine things will it be? " Weak water is also excited asked.

"If I'm not wrong, this is the unique thing of heaven and earth in the time tunnel, the time square seal, and this mark has ten sides, it should be the time square seal." Said the fire order of the devil.

"Time seal?" Nanfeng is puzzled. He doesn't know about the time seal. After all, the fire order of the demon ancestor said that this is unique in the time tunnel.

"Although there are many martial arts in the time tunnel, time is the most fundamental and the strongest. Therefore, the natural resources and treasures bred here are almost all of time, and the things of heaven and earth are almost all of time." Said the fire order of the devil.

"time stamp, which is condensed by the essence of time tunnel, is definitely the best time and space between heaven and earth. Do you want to reprint your imprint forever?"

"Besides, it's a ten square seal!"

"There is already a time seal, one seal, two seals, and ten seals."

"In my memory, I have seen the time seal of sin, that is, the 15 seal."

"Ten seals, good luck!" The south wind excited.

"If you have a deep understanding of time, you can upgrade your seal to eleven, twelve, or even more." Said the fire order of the devil."So what I mean is that when you merge these ten seals into the eternal seal, don't merge their divine forms, just as you merge the flaming beads into the Chaos Tower."

"I understand that ten seals are the core of the seal of the eternal emperor." South wind nods.

"Perhaps, these ten seals are just what I was rewarded by the time tunnel will after I passed the test of re cultivation. Otherwise, they would not appear in the passage of time light point evolution." At this time, Nanfeng said the same thing.

"Maybe, but it doesn't matter. Take it and go deep." Said the fire order of the devil.

Immediately, Nanfeng is also ready to collect the ten seals.

However, just after the south wind took over, the whole huge seal of ten directions quickly rotated, the infinite power of time swept in an instant, and a huge storm of time submerged everything.

The attack was full of air, all coming towards the south wind.

"It seems that it's not easy to collect these ten seals!" Feel the attack power printed on the ten sides, and the south wind makes a slight sound.

"I don't know if there is wisdom in these ten seals. If there is, you may fail. After all, ten times have been bred." "But generally not. After all, the will of time tunnel doesn't allow the birth of intelligence of the natural resources, treasures and things of heaven and earth."

"Then there won't be any!" The south wind whispered.

If these ten seals are really smart, with the accumulation of power in ten times, I'm afraid they have already gone beyond the realm of God. Now, Nanfeng doesn't feel any threat.

At once, the power of the south wind rose. Nanfeng didn't want to spend time collecting the ten seals, so he directly urged all the forces to unite into the world hand, the big hand, coming down from the sky, to suppress the ten seals.