Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 2650

"The strength of the God King at the beginning of the three Yuan Dynasty?" Feel the strength of the red blood demon genius, Nanfeng is very disdainful.

Now he absolutely has the right to disdain the warrior in the early period of the three Yuan Dynasty. The following facts also prove that Nanfeng's disdain is not conceit.

Red blood magic sword with layers of red blood magic cut in front of Nanfeng, Nanfeng just blow out a punch.

A fire fist!

Boom! Under the roar, the shadow of the fist runs through everything. The sword of the red blood demon is vulnerable to a single attack. It directly disintegrates and sprays blood. A hole also appears in the chest of the red blood demon genius.

From the powerful eyes, we can see that the genius of the red blood demons is not only the heavy damage of the body, but also the destruction of the soul, because the magic fist of Nanfeng, together with his soul, is invisible, which burns the soul of the red blood demons.

As you can see, the red blood demon genius didn't even respond, so he fell down.

Second kill! This is a complete second kill!

Later, the geniuses of the nine change ancestors and the baby ancestors were stunned. They were at a loss. They know that the south wind can surpass the level of challenge and fight in two realms.

Even if it's two more extreme challenges, it's impossible to kill a genius in the early days of the three Yuan Dynasty, especially a genius with air.

What's more, Nanfeng has just broken through the divine realm.

"It seems that you have been able to challenge three levels in the divine realm, and also in the divine realm." "This ten thousand year restoration is perfect," said the fire order of the demon ancestor

"What I've been dreaming of has finally been done today." The south wind is also excited.

The strength limit of the red blood demon's genius is absolutely at the peak of the divine king in the early period of the three Yuan Dynasty. Nanfeng can kill with one move, and it's not the best move. It only shows that Nanfeng's fighting power has reached the divine king realm in the middle period.

After the reaction, the eyes of the two ancestral geniuses were filled with panic. At this moment, they naturally thought that Nanfeng's fighting power had reached the Middle Kingdom.

"How is it possible to fight in the three realms? It's rare to be able to fight in the three realms Nine change the genius of the ancestor devil is more resentful, don't want to believe of say.

"It's not certain that the three realms will be crossed." The genius of the infant ancestor demon was extremely unwilling to believe it. With a ferocious sound, he directly attacked Nanfeng.

At the same time, the evil spirit of heaven and earth appeared on him, and he had two shares.

"It's very worthwhile to kill you, a demon genius with two demons of heaven and earth." With a cold south wind, he went up against the attack.

The next moment, the whole scene seems to be silent again, like death.

Because it was still a move, Nanfeng directly destroyed the genius of Yingzu demon with one move. Except for the corpse, all souls and spirits were burned.

"In the divine realm, you have never seen or heard of the challenge of leapfrogging and the challenge of three realms, but it does not mean that there is no such thing." Looking at the nine changed ancestor devil, Nanfeng said coldly.

Ferocious! At this time, the genius of Jiubian zumo is only ferocious.

In the ferocity, two demons of heaven and earth appeared behind him, and his whole body went crazy directly, and the lines of eyebrows went straight to the nine paths. There is no doubt that this nine change ancestor devil has cultivated the body of nine changes to nine changes.

"Nine changes, nine changes of the devil's body!" The south wind murmured, which directly stirred the mixed fire spirit in the power.

This nine change ancestor devil is the middle-term God King, and Nanfeng must take it seriously.

Of course, from the perspective of its not very stable breath, it is just a breakthrough made not long ago because of the test of re cultivation.

Since the genius of the nine change ancestral demon is the middle-term God King, why not kill the red blood demon genius after Nanfeng? This is because this is the demon life.

In addition to feeling the death of one's own direct relatives, demons really have no feelings.

At this time, the ferocity and anger of the nine change ancestor demon genius is not because of the death of the other two, but because he does not want to believe that Nanfeng has such strength.

"Nine change magic pillar!" Under the body of Jiubian demons, the genius of Jiubian demons gathers all their strength into a magic pillar. On it, nine flesh tattoos surround them and smash them directly towards the south wind.

All kinds of divine fire burned and fused, and the south wind entered the primitive self pole, which directly broke out samadhi's true fire power.

The frenzied fighting waves burst out in an instant.

Two huge figures have been wildly intertwined.

During this period, the south wind also urged the chaos of Jinshen and undead bones.

I don't know how many moves have passed, but the two talents are separated. Looking at the two sides, Nanfeng is a little embarrassed, but very excited. Because in this encounter, he quickly became familiar with the kingdom of God.

Nine change ancestor devil, and also has two Heaven and earth evil gas genius, this moment, became the south wind's grindstone.

"Nine change ancestor devil, but so!" Looking at the shadowy look of the nine change ancestor demon genius, Nanfeng grinned, "maybe you have completed the re cultivation perfectly, but unfortunately, after ten thousand years of re cultivation, the gap between you demon geniuses and me will only be bigger."What Nanfeng said is really true. After ten thousand years of re cultivation, although they have found many defects in their own martial arts, who can compare with Nanfeng who has nine worlds and one big space will only make the gap between them bigger.

"that's not your has the final say!" The genius roar of the nine changed ancestors.

has the final say, then you'll see. The son of your black descendant, who sent you to death, wants to kill me. He's here himself. The south wind responded coldly.

At the same time, behind the south wind, the spirit of gods and Demons emerged.

Of course, this time it's just the power of the air.

As you can see, the spirit of Nanfeng is very complete. After ten thousand years of re cultivation, he has completely grown up.

"Do you have any feelings about your next breath of magic spirit?" At this time, the fire order of Mozu asked, "after all, I don't think you will only give birth to a spirit."

"Yes, I think so!"

"I don't feel much about the second one. It will take a long time, but I have my own intuition. My spirit is not only this one." South wind responded.

This time, the south wind urged the power of mixing fire rules.

Shua! In an instant, the burning rules of the chain directly beat away. Feeling the powerful power of the rules, the genius of the nine change ancestor devil dare not hesitate. The two demons of heaven and earth instantly merge into the body of the nine change devil, and constantly transform into a defensive state, in order to completely resist the beating of the chain of the south wind rules and the burning erosion of the flame.