Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 2646

Then, the body merges into the void, and the south wind moves towards the fighting place.

At a certain distance, Nanfeng also felt that the power that devoured the ancestral demon genius was the imperial realm, the inferior imperial realm, and the power of the superior inferior imperial realm.

"Not bad! It's not the Middle Kingdom! " Nanfeng said slightly.

"That can not be careless, now you, after all, is only a star level of the next emperor." The fire order of the demon ancestor reminds us.

When he came to the imperial realm, Nanfeng naturally regained his connection with the world and space, and also with the fire order of the demon ancestor and the spirit of the weak water.

And it's really magical in this time tunnel. The power released by the fire order of Mazu corresponds to one's own realm.

"In the imperial realm, it's not difficult to challenge the three realms!" Nanfeng responded confidently. Although he hasn't tried yet, he is confident and intuitive. He can fight in three realms in Huangjing.

Nanfeng didn't do anything to hide, so after a certain distance, the genius who devoured the ancestral demons also felt the arrival of Nanfeng. Immediately, the genius who engulfed the zumo erupted with the strongest power and killed the beast that fought with him.

The test of martial arts chosen by the genius who devours the ancestral devil is naturally the phagocytic martial arts of the devil. From the fact that he can quickly kill the beast, we can see that in the past 100 years, this genius who devours the ancestral devil's cultivation has really approached perfection, which is a step further than his previous strength in the same realm.

"Human beings!" Looking at the south wind in the void, the young man swallowed up the ancestral demon with a heavy voice, "is this time tunnel still connected with the region of the divine realm?"

but immediately he as like as two peas, he can remember clearly, because he can remember clearly the white haired warrior who meets in the time tunnel tunnel, and the same as before.

Of course, it will be the same, because Ben is the same person.

There is also a strong intuition about the genius who devours the ancestral demons. What he meets is the same person.

"Who are you?" Asked the geniuses who devoured the ancestral demons.

"You don't have to guess. It's good in your mind. We've seen it and it's in this time tunnel." Nanfeng grinned.

Hearing Nanfeng's words, the young man's face became complicated. He was expecting and unbelievable the result.

"Who are you?" The genius who devoured the ancestral demons asked again.

What he saw with his own eyes could not be wrong. The south wind he saw in the time tunnel area was a demon creature. Now, he is a real human in the divine realm.

Even if it is a demon, the two forces can not become like this, at least in the scope of his knowledge, and even in the long history, there is no such thing.

At this moment, the more real feeling of devouring zumo genius is that the south wind is very dangerous. Although he had already felt that the south wind was just an ordinary place for the next emperor, he had a strong sense of danger.

"It doesn't matter who I am. You don't have to know. The important thing is that next you need to think about how you can escape from me. Of course, if you can tell me why you came here with the genius of heizu, I'll let you go!" Nanfeng sneers.

Hearing this, the geniuses who devoured the demons immediately darkened, and all the dangers they felt were completely eliminated, and they were replaced by anger.

"Last time we met, I was kind and let you go. Since you dance like this, you will never be able to dance!" Looking at the south wind, the genius who engulfed the ancestor devil hissed.

The next moment, he attacked, the whole arms have turned into two vortices of phagocytosis, powerful phagocytic magic release power, as if to sweep to the whole altitude.

"Gobble up the blood hole!"

Two solid vortices of phagocytic magic merge and evolve into a huge blood colored magic cave, which is like a galaxy and is suppressed towards the south wind.

The speed is unparalleled.

At this unparalleled speed, the power of swallowing the blood hole is also rising rapidly. The power of the vortex is really related to the speed of sweeping.

"The combination of phagocytosis and speed." There was a slight south wind.

At that moment, the south wind urged the heaven and earth instant step. Although his heaven and earth instant step was so rough in Huangjing, it was really enough to deal with any warrior in Huangjing.

Boom! Under the strong blood color roar strength, that engulfs the blood hole diffusion submerges under.

There was no excitement when he saw his magic power drowning everything and devouring the genius of the ancestral demons, but it was more ferocious and gloomy, because at that moment, he felt the south wind to escape.

He's fast, the south wind is faster.

He was even more indignant in his heart and said, "how can a warrior who is lower than me be so fast? If you look at his pace, is it really the fastest pace between heaven and earth

He looked higher, where the figure of the south wind had emerged.

"It's a good speed, but it's a lot worse than me!" Nanfeng grinned and said, "you have attacked me. Next, you should try to take me."

Between the discourses, the power of Nanfeng has emerged. The pure power of time and the invisible Tao also emerge. It is the power of the invisible Tao of time.Hands spread out, invisible time power gathered between hands, and constantly solidified to form a river.

"Invisible river!" With a slight sound, the south wind directly threw the river towards the genius of devouring the ancestral demons.

In this invisible River, the genius who devours the ancestral demons feels a strong threat again. Therefore, he also wants to avoid the attack directly, encircling the devouring magic on his feet and turning into a vortex of speed demons.

However, it is the invisible River, and it is also the gathering of forces under the invisible time path, which can be derived in the invisible. Inadvertently, the invisible river has become huge. The south wind, the genius of devouring the ancestors, and the whole surrounding space are directly shrouded in it.

"Time flies by!" As soon as he fell into the trap, the genius who devoured the ancestral demon felt that he entered the invisible time, entered the world of time passing, and said many times.

And it's not only the passing of the external surface, but also the passing of any flesh and blood, cells, any trace of life origin on his body.

He's aging, very rapidly.

As a living creature in the imperial realm, he can't bear this kind of aging at all.

Not long ago, his hair was black and white.

Fear! Real fear sprang up in him.

"Who are you? Why, why only you in the ordinary imperial realm can have such power? " Under the invisible fear, the genius who devoured the ancestral demon could not help roaring.

At the same time, he also turned everything on his body into phagocytosis, into countless micro phagocytosis blood holes, to get rid of the invisible aging power of Hanoi.

But all his resistance was in vain. power! The power gap between him and Nanfeng is too big. This scene is really a peak inferior emperor and an ordinary inferior emperor.