Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 2636

"I know, then there will be only another eleven years." There was a heavy south wind.

"Only, I hope that the ice girl will not think I'm breaking the agreement. After all, the original agreement was to provide her with one twentieth of her luck every year until she broke through the divine monarch. "

"That's nothing. She should know you're in the swamp." Mozu Huoling said, "you owe her these 11 years."

"In my heart, how dare I say I don't owe you, or the next moment, the thunder of martial arts oath will fall on my head. Fortunately, when we agreed, we didn't say that we had to provide her once a year. We could provide more once every few years. " Said Nanfeng.

"You expect that woman to enter the divine realm as soon as possible, otherwise you will provide her with more than a few years of good luck, and your own good luck will be greatly affected." Said the fire order of the devil.

"I pray, I pray every day, of course, I pray that I will have the power of God in front of that woman." Nanfeng grinned.

"Ha ha ~" hearing Nanfeng's words, both the fire order and the weak water laughed.

In the laughter, the south wind continues to walk in the depths of the evil swamp.

Invisibly, Nanfeng once again came to a swamp where there was evil Daoguang, but here, the Wanshi world in Nanfeng's body resonated.

"What's the matter? How can there be a resonance in the world of time? Is there any time like things in heaven and earth Nanfeng became curious and said, "if it is, it's good. My seal of the eternal Emperor just lacks the recasting of the things of heaven and earth like time."

"Just go down and have a look." Said the fire order of the devil.

But just take a step, the south wind stopped, look confused dignified.

"What's the matter?" Asked the weak water curiously.

"You know, because of the existence of the ancestral demon world, some black ancestral blood was born in my body. Although I didn't deliberately cultivate the black ancestral blood, over the years, the black ancestral blood has grown a lot in my body." Said Nanfeng.

"Under the resonance of Wanshi world, the heizu blood in my body also began to resonate."

"Your heizu blood also resonates?" Hearing Nanfeng's words, the fire order and weak water of Mozu were shocked. "Is there something under this swamp related to heizu?"

"It seems that under this swamp, I have to go down to have a look." Said Nanfeng.

When he came to the divine realm, it was the first time that he felt something related to heizu.

"Be careful!" Said the fire order of the devil.

"I understand." South wind nods heavily. At once, the power released, urged the original self pole, the south wind directly into the front of the mud swamp.

Buzz! As soon as he entered, he felt the strong power of time.

"The power of time, which is extremely strong, is no less than the power of time in my world." As soon as you feel the power of time under the swamp soil, the south wind is shaking up.

"Such a powerful force of time, there must be unusual things like time in heaven and earth!" Under the feeling, the fire order of the demon ancestor also said heavily, "there are other kinds of things in the world in the evil chaos area, but they are rare. Your boy's luck is really good."

"It's not necessarily a thing of time in heaven and earth. Isn't heizu's blood also resonating?" Said the weak water.

No longer guess, the south wind continues to penetrate the swamp soil.

This time, there is no powerful evil force attacking in the swamp soil, there are only chaotic time channels, but Nanfeng has a good understanding of the power of time, so he will not be confused.

A few hours later, the south wind was blocked by some time light.

Here, it is no longer a swamp soil area, but a time area. If you look at it, you can see a huge time passage crisscross, just like countless Python winding.

Here, it has evolved into a world, a world of time.

And in the invisible, very huge.

"It seems that it's time for the world to merge, a huge time world to merge into this even greater evil swamp." The spirit of weak water guessed.

"Otherwise, it is impossible to create such a huge time world just by virtue of this evil swamp."

"After all, it's an evil swamp, releasing only evil power, not the power of time."

"No! It's not time However, the fire order of Mozu was very serious. You can also hear that the tone of the fire order is very heavy, with an incredible shock.

"This is not the world of time. What is that?" South wind and weak water are curious.

"South wind, you have a world of ten thousand years. You should be able to feel the difference between the huge time channels crisscrossing in front of you." Mozu Huoling asked about Nanfeng.

"Every huge time channel is antagonistic, as if it is under one time period after another." Nanfeng said, "moreover, if you feel it carefully, there is no strong sense of the world."

"You're right. It's not the world. It's the feeling of the world." Said the fire order of the devil."Huoling, what is it? Don't play games. " Nanfeng can't wait to say.

"The long river of time, you know, then you know that there is one thing that is opposite to the long river of time." Said the fire order of the devil.

"Fire order, you mean, this is a time tunnel?" There was a heavy south wind.

"It can't be wrong. This is the time tunnel, a real time tunnel born from heaven and earth. Of course, looking at the form, it's just a small time tunnel." Said the fire order of the devil.

"Time tunnel!" The south wind is heavy again.

In terms of time, the most famous is the long river of time. Entering the long river of time, you can go to any era in theory, except for the era that you already exist.

The time tunnel is a bit opposite to the time course. After entering the time tunnel, creatures can not go to other times, but enter the central time world in the time tunnel, where people of all times can gather together.

This includes the same self, because the world there is not under the heaven, there will be no causal contamination.

In the time tunnel, nature has precious things of time.

However, this is not important. What is important is that it is rumored that if we meet the creatures in the time tunnel, we will have a strong chance. That chance can make us a super strong man.

In the long course of history, there are some warriors. No matter how useless they were before that, after entering a time tunnel, they feel like they are reborn and reborn. They have made rapid progress on the Martial Arts Road and all the way to the peak. "What's the chance? In this time tunnel, an ordinary creature can achieve the supreme martial arts?" Weak water is extremely curious.