Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 2635

"Anyway, you made it!" "This is the most important thing," said the fire order

"I feel that the so-called spirit is more powerful than the spirit and the spirit. To a certain extent, it can make your spirit will gain invisible self-confidence and perseverance in the artistic world!" Weak water said with emotion.

"Naturally, it's the gathering of air and evil Qi. It's unprecedented, and even can be said that it's the last one." "I have a feeling that the help of your spirit will not come down to your ancestral pulse. Your ancestral will is determined by the two great powers of the primitive self extreme," said the fire command of the demon ancestor

"That's a great expectation." Said Nanfeng.

Buzz, buzz! At this moment, the whole evil mood changes again, the hum appears, and a dark and solid light appears, which is the reappearance of an evil light.

To resist the eighth attack in the past, he got the corresponding reward, and another evil light appeared. Feel the power of this evil light, and it will never be weaker than the previous one.

"Not bad!" The south wind excited.

It's a good harvest to be immersed in this swamp soil this time. It's not only two evil lights, but also makes the air evolve into the air of gods and demons, the unprecedented air of gods and demons.

After receiving this evil light, Nanfeng withdrew from this evil world. For the ninth time, he can't try to challenge any more, because it's ten dead and no life.

In the swamp soil, although there are evil forces to attack, it is not as good as before, so it only takes less than an hour for the south wind to jump on the swamp soil.

"Now, do you want to refine and understand those two evil lights?" Asked the weak water.

"The two evil lights are not enough to understand. The blood devil's bag is not what the two evil lights can deal with." Nanfeng said, "to continue searching, there must be at least 30 evil lights."

"I also suggest that you continue to look for the evil light. As I said earlier, if you want to understand the killing and demons in the evil, you can't understand them if you don't stay in the evil swamp for decades." Said the fire order of the devil.

Later, Nanfeng just became familiar with the power of the spirit again, and continued to look for the evil light.

For ten years, Nanfeng spent almost all his time in the swamp soil. Every time he met the evil Daoguang, he experienced no less life and death than the first time.

In ten years, he has gone through all kinds of life and death.

In the will, in the divine consciousness, in the physical body, in the understanding, in the perception, and almost all aspects of experience, he has improved comprehensively. In this comprehensive promotion, Nanfeng broke through to the half step divine realm.

His fighting power has been improved again, reaching the level of binary God King.

Evil light, he found nearly 50.

"In the past ten years, you have been promoted in an all-round way, and your realm has just reached the realm of half step God King, which is the origin of refining martial arts at the most perfect time, because half step God King realm is a huge watershed of God realm and a qualitative change before and after God realm." Said the fire order of the devil.

"I understand." South wind nods.

Entering Wanshi world, Nanfeng prepares for a deep closure, and the passage of time is inadvertently pushed to the limit.

The spirit of gods and Demons emerged from behind. He entered the spirit of gods and Demons under the spirit of gods and demons, and the nearly 50 evil lights also emerged.

The yuan God of Nanfeng is similar to his heart at this time. Half of it is the power of Qi, and the other half is the killing power of demons.

Half of the strength of Qi is full of the original flavor, which is the origin of the positive martial arts of Nanfeng. All the positive power of Nanfeng comes from here.

Next, what he wants to refine is the origin of negative martial arts.

"You are the source of the two sides of martial arts. I'm afraid you are the only one." Said the fire order of the devil.

"In fact, it's all the same. Although the origin of any other life's martial arts is one side, it's actually positive and negative. It's just that more positive is positive and more negative is negative." Said Nanfeng.

"I just separated."

"But it's really unprecedented. Like your spirit, it's different from heaven and earth, and its achievement will be different from any other." Said the fire order of the devil.

Later, Nanfeng said nothing more and began to refine and comprehend the evil way in the evil light.

Nanfeng only needs the way of killing and demons, so he transforms the power of other evil ways into the power of killing and demons.

Under such refining, the evil in Nanfeng's heart has even more impact on his half positive heart.

At this time, the heaven and earth's blood devil bead also felt the south wind absorbing evil power, so it was more hard to urge the blood devil sac, and also helped the evil of the south wind erode the front of the south wind to a certain extent.

It's just a pity that the influence of the blood devil's bag on Nanfeng is still negligible. With the two spirits guarding Nanfeng separately, Nanfeng is not in any serious trouble. If we don't pay attention to this aspect, we just concentrate on the origin of the negative martial arts.

Among the evil sects, the blood devil beads in the blood devil world are very depressed. He can also feel that the blood devil sacs can really help the evil of the south wind to erode the front of the south wind, but the erosion effect is not ideal at all."What's in the heart of that boy's half? He can be so tough!" Heaven and earth blood devil bead very uncomfortable soliloquy.

Heaven and earth's blood devil pearl knows that Nanfeng has soul separation, but did not expect Nanfeng to use soul separation so much. And heaven and earth blood devil bead originally and South breeze agreement, didn't consider soul cent body this, absolutely is his omission.

Because to tell you the truth, if Nanfeng fails in the end, Nanfeng can choose to destroy himself and let one of the souls become himself.

"It seems that two drops of blood essence are in the blood devil's bag. It's not enough to control this boy who is a determined warrior." The heaven and earth blood devil bead is murmuring to himself again.

What's more, he said expectantly, "I hope this boy can meet the crisis that can't be solved as soon as possible!"

At this moment, heaven and earth blood devil bead is eagerly looking forward to Nanfeng meet the danger of having to let him hand.

... in the process of refining and understanding, a group of light reappears in the spirit of Nanfeng, which is the source of Nanfeng's negative martial arts. At this time, it condenses and grows, and finally it will be equal to his positive martial arts.

This process took ten years in the Wanshi world.

After that, he continued to shut up for 30 years, trying to understand the profound and negative things from the origin of the negative martial arts, so as to deal with the blood devil. Unfortunately, for 30 years, there was no bud at all.

At this time, according to the real time outside, you have been in the depths of this evil swamp for almost 11 years.

"Eleven years, no clue!" The south wind is a little helpless. "At least, your strength has been greatly improved, and the source of negative martial arts has been condensed." Mozu Huoling said, "this kind of thing, you should know, don't worry."