Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 2632

In the face of this, Nanfeng naturally hesitated.

But he can only enter the swamp soil in hesitation, because he has to move forward. Once he enters, his hesitation will disappear, leaving only how to get rid of difficulties.

Boom! As soon as he entered the swamp soil, Nanfeng immediately felt the strong tearing attraction. When he touched the swamp soil, it was the pulling force of countless directions, as if he would turn into pieces at the next moment.

Moreover, the evil power with spirituality will also sink into the south wind along the soil.

Even more, the swamp soil contains countless toxins.

Nanfeng didn't dare to have the slightest hesitation. The golden body, immortal bones and all kinds of poisons broke out in an instant, and gathered the strength to form a defensive light.

Tianshu's earth power forms a state of waterfall, surrounding the barrier light, resisting the strong attraction.

"The attraction here should not exceed your limit." The fire order of the demon ancestor said, "it shouldn't be too difficult to get this evil light."

When Mozu Huoling spoke, the south wind had reached a certain depth under the swamp soil.

Click! Just at the moment when the fire of the demon ancestor made the words fall, the broken voice sounded, and all the defense of the south wind's demonization instantly appeared cracks and spread rapidly.

"When I didn't say it!" Said the fire order of the devil.

The spirit of war instantly fused, and the air bloomed from behind, and the world power also emerged.

There is no way, at this moment, the south wind can only demonize all the power, all burst out, the attraction of the depth of the swamp soil, evil attack power is too strong.

"Fight With a roar, the south wind directly collided with the forces coming from all around. At the same time, he urged the magic eyes to the extreme to find out where the evil light was.

Evil light is very hidden, less than a certain distance range, even with God eye, also can't see.

And here, everywhere is the smell of evil light, plus the power of constant attack, he simply can't effectively perceive.

And now, it's difficult for him to go up, because the evil offensive forces above have converged to his power limit, and they are increasing according to the situation.

All around the swamp soil is surging, the south wind has a kind of earth shaking feeling, he can no longer distinguish the southeast and northwest.

Moreover, the rules here have locked him in, and it's no use for him to enter the world.

"Even if the power here is no longer increased, if it is consumed in this way, there will only be a dead end." Said the weak water heavily.

The south wind looks dignified.

Only half a day later, Nanfeng was really exhausted. It was in this half day that he had urged the reincarnation of life and death twice, and it was the urge of the limit.

"At this moment, we have to persist in order to make a breakthrough." Said the south wind.

But Nanfeng's persistence seems useless, because the evil attack power around him has completely exceeded his limit, and he has no chance to break through the limit.

Nanfeng has no choice but to prepare to enter the world, hoping to get some breathing opportunities in the world.

However, at this time, the evil power of the surrounding marsh soil changed again, and instantly evolved into a real world. In the world, the soil was like flowing water, and the light was interspersed in the marsh soil.

"Boy, good luck, the evil power here has evolved into the world. The danger in this world is much less than that chaotic evil power." See this world appear, magic ancestor fire order says.

"Back and forth!" Nanfeng was also relieved. No matter what, at least he had a chance to breathe.

At the next moment, Nanfeng's eyes lock on the lights that are interspersed in the surging soil. These lights have some characteristics of evil light, and the danger in this world may come from these lights.

Shua! Sure enough, Nanfeng's eyes just flashed, and one of the lights quickly came towards Nanfeng. Although it was just a bunch of light, I could feel the power contained in it.

South wind dare not have any slack, Xumi magic column reappearance, gather all his strength to resist.

Boom! The fury rose, and the Xumi magic column penetrated the light.

However, the invisible light disappeared into the south wind. This, the south wind does not exist to resist, can only let it into, no doubt, is the result of this evil swamp rules.

Nanfeng doesn't dare to resist with his own rule force, because it is bound to cause the whole rules of the evil swamp. At that time, he will be directly destroyed.

When the invisible light fell into his body, Nanfeng immediately felt the madness and evil, and his thoughts directly appeared in the madness and evil.

However, Nanfeng's idea can not gather strength to resist the impact and torture of this artistic conception, and he can not withdraw from this artistic conception, so he can only stick to it.

Fortunately, the evil impact in this light is not so strong, and Nanfeng's will can easily resist it.

"I see. The danger you meet this time is of the will." At this time, Mozu Huo said."The test of will." There was a slight south wind.

Evil power can develop all kinds of dangers, and any kind of danger can appear in any form.

"So, how do I need to be successful?" Immediately, Nanfeng also asked the fire order of the demon ancestor.

"This kind of artistic conception, which I once met in the land and continent, is a kind of evil light artistic conception." "For the first time, an evil light will appear in the attack of this artistic conception. You need to break it and resist the evil impact with your pure will," explained the fire order of Mozu

"The second time, there are two lights, and so on, and every time after that, not only the number of lights increases, but also the power of all aspects in the light increases correspondingly."

"So, to defeat all the lights here and withstand the evil impact of all the lights?" The south wind said heavily.

Because looking around, there are countless lights in this world.

"No, after the seventh, you have the right to choose." Said the fire order of the devil.

"Choice?" Weak water puzzled.

"If you can pass the seventh time, you can make two choices. If you don't let the light attack you any more, you will get the evil light here." Said the fire order of the devil.

"If you continue to let the light attack for the eighth time or more, you will get another evil light."

"Is there another evil light?" Hearing this, Nanfeng became more curious.

"Not at present. When you pass the eighth time or even more times, the will of the evil swamp will help you gather directly. Of course, the more times you pass, the better the evil light will be gathered." "Interesting Nanfeng is excited and challenged. He likes it best, especially the challenge with rewards.