Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 2633

Moreover, such a challenge is suitable for him to break through the limit.

"Don't be too happy. Most of the time, the warrior can't pass the seventh time at all. You know, this world has appeared, and it follows your realm and strength to a great extent." Said the fire order of the devil.

"In my memory, for countless years, I remember that the highest number of passes, that is, the ninth pass, and the rest, fell below seven."

"Yes." With a heavy south wind, my eyes looked forward again. The second attack has come, just like the fire order of Mozu, this time two rays attack at the same time.

I can also feel that every light is stronger than the first one.

The power of Xumi's magic pillar increases again, and the south wind attacks again.

Two days later, Nanfeng successfully passed the sixth attack. At this time, he looked very dignified, because when he passed the sixth time, he had reached the limit.

At this time, you can also see that the south wind is panting, and you can feel the trauma in your body, not just on the surface.

"You're right. Even if it's seven times, it's just a chat." Nanfeng said to the fire order of Mozu.

Nanfeng's will and strength limit. Nanfeng knows that he has reached the limit for the sixth time, and the limit of other warriors is four times at most.

I'm afraid those who can pass nine times in the long history have a lot of luck. The artistic conception they meet is lower than their realm and strength.

"Otherwise, why can this evil swamp become a place of experience with high mortality rate, which is higher than the mortality rate of undead bone forest." Said the fire order of the devil.

"Among the top places of dangerous experience, the evil swamp is only inferior to the battlefield of death. Of course, it is the battlefield of death where there are dead souls."

"The seventh time, I hope there won't be any accident!" The south wind was firm.

Shua Shua! Immediately, the seven rays of light shot back to the south wind, carrying more powerful evil power.

The south wind can't avoid it. It can only burst up. All the power converges to the big hand formed behind, the magic hand of heaven and earth, and the power flower of the three flower giant top, which can enhance the power to a greater limit.

Roar! Under the roar of Nanfeng, he incarnated and collided with the seven lights directly. Under the impact of the storm, Nanfeng's whole body appeared and became a blood man at that moment.

Nanfeng's hard body is full of holes.

But at this time, Nanfeng didn't move, because his divine consciousness was in the evil mood again.

Hoo Hoo! Where the divine consciousness sees, there are endless storms. Before the evil artistic conception is impacted, he feels more intense pain than in the sixth artistic conception, such as cutting the heart with a knife.

Nanfeng can only stick to it, but can't gather any strength. Suddenly, the whole surrounding mood changes constantly under the five elements, first the evil power of gold, then the evil power of wood Finally, the evil power of earth.

In such a transformation, the circles of the five elements of evil gather together. If they ripple like waves, they will suddenly impact on the divine consciousness of the south wind.

Ah! At that moment, you can hear the invisible roar, even the scream.

In the artistic conception, the shadow of the divine consciousness of the south wind is constantly collapsing in the ripple of the power.

However, when it came to the edge of collapse, the invisible willpower appeared, and the spirit of the south wind condensed. In this way, the consciousness of the south wind is constantly changing in the edge of collapse and condensation.

Look, the south wind doesn't matter. As soon as the impact time passes, he will succeed.

But who can know what kind of torture this process is? It's an unspeakable torture. There are not a few geniuses who meet this will test. Many of them can barely pass this seventh time.

But in the end, there are more. Why? It is because this process makes their divine sense crazy, tormenting them crazy. Once the divine sense is crazy, the whole person will be completely crazy. Naturally, it is almost impossible to get out of the evil swamp.

It is precisely because of this torment that Nanfeng's scream is heard all over the world.

"Boy, insist. After the seventh time, even if you get the first evil light, you have the right to understand the way to solve the blood devil's sac." The fire order of Mozu shouts for the south wind.

Nanfeng's whole divine consciousness is in an indescribable state. At every moment, he can't help suffering from the impact and wants to give up resisting.

But the shadows of his relatives and friends that he thought always appeared in his divine consciousness, which was the foundation of his cultivation all the way. At that time, he knew that he had to stick to it.

I don't know how long this torture lasted.

The resistance of the spirit and perseverance of the south wind suddenly drives the air behind the south wind. In the case that the south wind did not stimulate the air, the air actually grew at the speed visible to the naked eye.

In the growth of self absorption power.

But a closer look, it is absorbing the evil power and the power of the devil.

But he didn't grow too much, so he stopped, because at that time, Nanfeng's body moved, and he lay flat on the ground of the evil world.At this moment, the south wind is really dying.

But fortunately, he succeeded, successfully through the seventh attack of evil forces.

"There is no danger!" Mozu fire and weak water are excited.

The dying south wind is also excited. Of course, the south wind is also rapidly mobilizing its vitality for recovery. Now, there is no need to urge the reincarnation of life and death.

At this moment, some changes took place in this evil world. A crack opened in the void, and a black and bloody light appeared, directly in front of the south wind.

The light is not very long, but you can clearly feel the strong power of Tao contained in it.

There is no doubt that this is the evil light.

"The evil light can't be wrong. The strong power of the Tao can only be possessed by the light, and feeling the strength of the light is absolutely the evil light of the God King power level." The fire order of the devil.

"The light of God King level!" With the sound of the south wind, the excitement in my eyes was even more revealed.

It's not easy for him to get this evil light.

At this time, there is another change in the evil world, that is, the world independently establishes a certain connection with Nanfeng. Under this connection, only Nanfeng is willing to go out at any time.

If Nanfeng is willing to continue, the eighth evil light will attack immediately.

"The strength is almost recovered. Just leave here and recover in the Wanshi world." Said the fire order of the devil.

But at this moment, Nanfeng shook his head.

Seeing Nanfeng shaking his head, Mozu Huoling and weak water said quickly and heavily, "you won't even face the eighth attack, will you? That's impossible. The seventh time, you've resisted in the extreme limit. " "Once the power of the eighth time drowns you, you don't even have the qualification to react."