Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 2570

The dark god son still has a stronger card. Does he not have the south wind? Moreover, if it is not suitable to completely explode the power of all gods here, even the dark god son at this time may not be able to force the strongest south wind.

"Nanfeng, be careful. I'm afraid this guy has swallowed some essence blood or elixir containing the power of God King. There are definitely such things in the dark blood demon clan." At this time, the king of qingzhui reminded Nanfeng.

"At the beginning, the ancestor of the dark blood devil must have left the capital for the rise of the dark blood devil clan."

"Thank you for reminding me." Nanfeng responded.

During the transmission, Nanfeng took back the hand of war and eliminated it himself. Next, he wanted to defeat the dark god with stronger power.

The dark god wanted to trample him under his feet, but he didn't want to. The dark god regarded him as a heart devil, and he also regarded the dark god as his heart devil in the Dragon elephant region.

"South wind, you will die!" Standing in the shadow of the God King again, the dark god son roared and was suppressed by the south wind again. He was just a little crazy, otherwise he would not explode like this.

Accept the power of the God King, half step of the God King's body, can not be very good to bear, his body meridian explosion, is the best proof, that highlights the more blood black, he needs to bear the more strong.

All the backfires will show up after his battle.

When the words fall, the power of the God King on the dark god son has condensed into a bloody claw.

Boom boom! As soon as the blood claw condenses, the space around it is directly broken, because the power of the claw is too strong, and the power of the God King is so overbearing.

At least for the creatures and space in the sky, it's so overbearing.

"This claw will break you to pieces!" The dark god stepped into the claw of blood and continued to roar. Maybe all his anger and killing intention were reflected in his roar.

In this roar, the power of the blood devil on the blood claw is stronger and stronger, and the power of the God King is stronger and stronger.

"This is desperate, but what can I do? If I can suppress you once, I can suppress you for the second time, and I will fulfill my original promise and kill you here myself." Hear the roar of the dark god son, South breeze just disdains to reply to say.

At this moment, Nanfeng had a mysterious air and power.

This mysterious air power and south wind's fusion, the war spirit fuses together. With such integration, the momentum of Nanfeng doesn't grow much, but it definitely gives people a feeling of being more invincible.

The south wind is more mysterious.

"He looks more powerful than last time." Han said.

"I'm afraid he really cultivated his spirit." Shi Ling said.

"This mysterious and pure air power!" Feeling the invisible and mysterious change of the south wind, the martial arts people around said, "it should be the divine power of heaven and earth."

"Look, does the south wind still have a look?" No one believed.

"If it's not the power of air, what is it?" Some of the warriors said, "besides, it's not surprising that he's such a pervert and has an air."

In a pair of confused, unbelievable eyes, behind the south wind, a not very long, breath is also very weak air shadow emerged, although not so solid, but it is really air, the real air.

Driven by the south wind, although this air can not be seen clearly by all people, it can definitely be felt clearly with strength.

"It's really... It's really impressive!" The fact is in front of us, people who can't believe it can only believe it. They all yelled and said.

"He has really gathered his true spirit. Judging from the extent of his spirit, he has just gathered!" Han said with emotion.

After the shock, the warriors all around them began to talk about why Nanfeng looked like a newborn baby. They didn't think that Nanfeng was just condensed.

"Perhaps, his air has been traumatized, and he will recover in the near future." Some of the warriors guessed.

Since the last time he realized the power of the spirit, Nanfeng has been trying to condense the spirit almost all the time. He is condensing himself, the two souls are also condensing, and even more, they are condensing flesh and blood.

After spending thousands of years in the coffin of the dead, he finally condensed out. Although he has not yet grown up completely, it is enough for Nanfeng and his strength has been greatly improved.

At this time, the worst natural heart is the dark god son.

At this moment, the dark god suddenly found out how abnormal the enemy was.

When Nanfeng's impossible things came to his ears, he was shocked and envied. Afterwards, he was only confident of himself, because his strength was far stronger than Nanfeng.

But now, he found that he was a little wrong, when Nanfeng really stood in front of him, and with the same strength as him, how terrible, no matter how deep his card, Nanfeng can take out a deeper card.

"Cut off your air!"

The iron blooded sword shoots from the center of the eyebrow, instantly fusing air and fighting power.In the calm, the south wind will cut this out.

Bang Dang! At the next moment, the sound of the sound of gold and iron, the air of the south wind and the blood claw under the power of the dark god son God King collide fiercely, and the strong light burst out instantly.

Victory and defeat are born at this moment.

Because at this moment, the blood claw of Shenjun directly broke up and disappeared directly between the cracks.

A thorough crush.

After the south wind really broke out, it was so powerful that it directly crushed the dark god.

"This time, the dark god son was defeated completely, and the power of the God King could not make him defeat the south wind." All around the martial arts said heavily. They didn't look too surprised, because they guessed it from the moment the south wind exposed its air.

God King's power is defeated, what power does the dark God take to continue to fight against the south wind.

"The son of Tianjiao is destined to be the son of Tianjiao, and no one can stop him!" Qingzhui was filled with emotion.

From this moment on, all the creatures in the dragon and elephant region will really look up to him. He not only has the king of evil fire and the empress of chaos, but also has his own real strength.

Boom! As the chop continued to fall, the dying body of the dark god son fell to the ground.

"It's over!" With some feeble and emotional comments, the south wind also fell down and looked coldly at the dark god.

"Will you kill me?" Some of the warriors were even more curious, "because if you kill them, the blood devil God King and the dark family behind them will probably do it."

"According to his character, he will not be spared!" Some people who know the south wind said.

The next moment, all eyes are looking at the south wind. At this moment, in addition to the Tianlan family and the dark blood demon family, no one really came up to help the dark god son.