Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 2569

"God King blood devil painting, come on!" Under the power of Hehe God King, the dark god son is really with the posture of the king's coming genius, standing in the momentum of the blood devil king, drinking loudly.

Then, on the shadow of the God behind him, a real painting of blood devil appears directly, which is the real artifact painting of the dark god son. The blood devil painting surrounds the dark god son.

"Blood thunder!" Once again, the blood devil's painting directly gushed out of the crazy thunder, which turned out to be the color of blood.

The dark god doesn't practice thunder. It's just the thunder that he has accumulated in the artifact blood devil painting for a long time. At this moment, every move breaks out in a flash, and it will be the strongest blood thunder.

Boom! With the power of Shenjun's blood, the blood thunder suddenly drowns the south wind.

But this is not the end.

"Blood wind!"

A blood storm also followed, soon swept into the blood mine, let the blood mine more manic, more destructive.

At this moment, Nanfeng really has only one feeling, that is, he is about to die.

This accumulation of too much blood thunder and blood wind fusion, is really power explosion.

The inscriptions on the golden body become larger and stand around the Nanfeng, forming a light of suppression and stability, so that the impact of the blood thunder and blood wind can not get close to the Nanfeng. The chaotic golden body is also called out, and the golden light is more gray in all directions.

If you look at it carefully, there are gray bones in the chaos gold body, which are the undead bones.

"Primitive physical defense!" Nanfeng murmured.

WOW! Soon, the blood thunder and blood wind drowned the south wind and impacted it dozens of times. That kind of impact was just an ordinary half step God King. It was really nothing but ashes.

But when the power receded, the south wind was still there.

"Chaos gold body, undead bone, is a complete defense. How can we break through it if it's not the strong thunder and destructive wind?" Seeing this scene, all around the martial arts were filled with emotion.

"From this point of view, the dark god son is already at a disadvantage. Even if he urges the God King's blood, he can't break through the defense of the south wind. Once the south wind strikes back, he can only be passive." Some martial arts analysts said.

"Therefore, in the battle of life and death, the one who has strong defense and is more able to be beaten has the upper hand to a certain extent."

"Your blood thunder and blood wind have only such a little power. They don't seem to leave any traces on my chaotic gold body. In other words, your divine king's blood is just external strength but internal strength." The south wind sneered.

At this moment, Nanfeng is not ready to waste any more time. He is ready to fight.

"All things of blood!" The dark god did not pay attention to the south wind, but roared ferociously.

The next moment, in the painting of the God King and the blood devil, all the things in the heaven and the earth really rush out, blood thunder, blood wind, blood water, blood earth, blood poison

Everything in blood is suppressed.

The south wind once again felt the strong shackles.

But it's just a feeling. This time, the shackles will never be imposed on him, because his fighting spirit has been perfectly integrated with himself.

He's in a state of real combat.

"This state of fighting is a fusion of fighting spirit." The people around were shocked.

"Is the blood of Nanfeng the blood of the ancient war?"

"No feeling, isn't there anyone in the Tianlan family who has the blood of the ancient war? Although the blood is too rare, it gives people a completely different feeling from Nanfeng."

"Besides, from the beginning to the end, Nanfeng didn't break out his own blood. No one knows what kind of blood he is."

At this moment, the dark god son's heart is really not calm. What's the matter? How many cards does the south wind have? He thinks he knows the south wind thoroughly enough, but now how can he integrate his fighting spirit?

"The hand of heaven and earth, the hand of war!"

Looking at all the things in the world of blood coming from the violent impact and suppression, the south wind directly condenses the strongest hand and grabs it hard.

There is only a stalemate between the two powers for a while, and the outcome will be separated. The world of heaven and earth is invincible. In addition, the evolution of the fusion of war spirit is really stronger, and it has defeated the blood of all things.

"Fight There was another violent drink, and the hand of war fell down again.

At this moment, it's the turn of the dark god son to feel the shackles, and the shackles and the sense of bondage are real flesh and blood in his body.

"The fusion of fighting spirit has the supreme power indeed!" At this moment, the dark god son again ferocious, no longer willing to face, also can only sigh.

The heaven and the earth move quickly, and the south wind itself directly merges into the hand of war.

The power of the dark god son is really strong, but unfortunately, compared with his thousand years of cultivation results, it is a little worse.

What's more, the dark god is not the genius of Tianlan, mengsha, Zhu Rongyang and Fengyi. The limit of combat power is not so strong.

"Suppression of war!"

The eight most powerful forces of repression were gathered in the hands of the south wind.

Even though many people have guessed that in the full view of the public, the south wind is not suitable for the outbreak of a variety of spirits, but it is enough to suppress the dark god.Click! Under this repression, the shadow of the God King behind the dark god son is constantly cracking, and it may only fall apart in the next moment.

"Total repression!" Seeing this scene, people around said with emotion.

"Maybe it's a big mistake for the dark god son to let the God King of Tianlan lead away the empress of chaos!"

"It's absolutely a big mistake. I don't think that any one of the gods here will fight for the dark god."

"The south wind has really risen."

… "What about the fusion of fighting spirit? Under the blood demon of the son of God, fighting spirit can only turn into a pool of blood!" Just as the shadow of the God King was about to break, the dark god son suddenly roared.

At this moment, blood black lines suddenly appeared on his whole body. At first sight, every meridian in his body exploded.

Boom boom!

In an instant, the power of the God King in the dark god son was strengthened, and together with the shadow of the God King who was about to be broken, it was condensed again.

A powerful God King's power came out of the earthquake, and unexpectedly rebounded the hand of Nanfeng's war and exited the earthquake.

The fighting situation has changed again.

"What's the matter? How can the power of the dark god suddenly increase so much, and so much power of the dark god will greatly enhance his fighting power. " All around the martial arts a little unbelievable said.

"Who knows? But it has something to do with the explosive meridians in his body. "

"I'm afraid this is the last card of the dark god son, and it must be the card prepared for him by the blood devil God King. I'm afraid the power of the God King can't be related to the blood devil ancestor." Nanfeng guessed.

At the beginning, the first son fought with him, relying on the vein of God left by the blood devil.

And the blood devil's ancestor, what he left behind, is probably not just the divine vein.

For example, some of the essence and blood containing the power of the Emperor may also be bones. "But it's a pity that these forces are not your son of darkness after all!" But Nanfeng didn't have much fear in his heart.