Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 2562

The iron chain of Tianyu was suppressed, and Nanfeng's body shape also fell. He completely urged the iron chain of Tianyu's natural restraint on the dead things, dispersing all the black ancestor's corrosive power in the dragon's body.

"I said, how can I be defeated by a dead thing?" Looking at the dead dragon, Nanfeng said coldly again. Nanfeng said this to the coffin spirit, because the wisdom of the Dragon death spirit was the will of the coffin spirit.

At the same time, the double eyes of Nanfeng release their power, condense the power of life, turn it into a cut, and go straight down to the Dragon death. He doesn't want to give the dragon spirit a chance to turn over and reappear. The spirit of death may reunite under any circumstances.

When the death power of Jiaolong death spirit completely dissipated, Nanfeng was really relieved and cried out in the convergence power.

"There's no danger!" Sitting directly on the ground, Nanfeng said with emotion.

"The first one is so strong. I don't know how strong the second one and the third one will be!" Clear and crisp voice rings out, a small stream of human figures emerge on the shoulder of the south wind, which is the spirit of the weak water.

"In a word, it will never be weak!" Nanfeng said, "no matter what, I need some time to consolidate. The birth of Mingqi spirit body also needs time to consolidate, and let me really adapt and be familiar with this power."

"Young master, what are you going to name for this spirit of Ming Qi?" Weak water is curious to rise this, ask a way softly.

"I don't know. Now my spirit body is the simplest one, but I'm confident that it will continue to evolve, so let's change to spirit body." Said Nanfeng.

"It seems that your ambition, young master, is to make the spirit of the underworld evolve into the spirit of the ancestral demon." Weak water laughs.

"Ha ha, those who know me are weak!" Nanfeng laughs.

How can Nanfeng be willing that his spirit body is just the most common spirit body? He has ambition and confidence, and is more qualified to let his spirit body evolve into the strongest spirit body of Pluto level.

Later, Nanfeng entered the Wanshi world to consolidate. However, before he could consolidate for a few days, he felt another strong breath coming.

Chirp! Soon, the sound of his whole life fell into his ears. Through the barrier of Wanshi world, he saw a black statue hovering in the sky.

"This should be the second dead spirit!" Nanfeng murmured.

Just from the vague momentum, we can feel that he is definitely not the opponent of the second dead spirit. The strength of the second dead spirit is at the peak of the perfection of the upper God.

And it is absolutely possible that, like the Dragon death spirit, the limit exceeds the power of its realm.

"Now, I can only hope that the black eagle will not find me in the world." Nanfeng said with a prayer in his heart.

But Nanfeng seems to think a little too much, because the next moment, he felt that the eyes of the black carving dead spirit penetrated the world, and looked at him sharply.

"In this huge coffin of the dead, everything is the genius of the coffin spirit!" The south wind came out of the Wanshi world.

At this moment, the momentum of the south wind was strong, facing the black eagle. Suddenly, the momentum of the south wind seemed to shock the black eagle. At the moment of attack, the attack stopped.

Because the south wind gives the black eagle a strong feeling.

It seems that the black eagle is more intelligent than the dragon.

However, the black eagle also wanted to do more. At the moment when it stopped attacking, Nanfeng had no fighting spirit and momentum. Some of them just ran away.

Under the feet, the power of heavy earth and the way of heaven diffuses, and the south wind drives the moment.

"Ha ha ~ young master, I thought you were going to fight to the death. I didn't expect that you just escaped like a clown." Seeing the instant change of the south wind, weak water was a little surprised, and immediately just laughed.

Hearing this, Nanfeng rolled his eyes.

"I say weak water. If I don't run, do I wait to die? Or do I say that your poison of weak water can stop the attack of the black eagle?" Nanfeng also said directly.

"Young master, it's a dead thing. I'm not afraid of poison!" Weak water said with a smile, "whenever I see you running for your life, I can't help laughing."

At this moment, the south wind is really speechless.

No matter how speechless, Nanfeng can only concentrate most of his attention on escape and instant step.

Although the strength of the black carving dead spirit is only a level higher than that of him, its speed is definitely no less than that of the golden winged Mirs in the same level. Therefore, only when the south wind moves the instant step at the same time, can it barely get away from the black carving dead spirit.

Soon, there was a chase in this dead world.

In this chase, the speed of Nanfeng and the black carving dead spirit is increasing, but in a subtle way, Nanfeng is increasing faster.

Because Nanfeng's understanding of the instant steps of heaven and earth is increasing all the time, and Nanfeng's realm is constantly moving towards his limit.

The increase of the speed of the black eagle is just a breakthrough on its original limit.The breakthrough of this limit is not as good as the understanding of heaven and earth.

In this way, decades have passed.

For decades, Nanfeng had been on the run. Fortunately, he had the source of life. Otherwise, he would have been consumed by the black eagle.

One day after these decades, Nanfeng suddenly found that his speed had a huge qualitative change. In a moment, he suddenly felt that he could perfectly integrate the power of heaven and earth.

This feeling is felt when his speed increases.

After decades of running away, his understanding of the instant step of heaven and earth finally surpassed the instant step of heaven and earth.

In constant escape, he finally reached the third level of heaven and earth instant step, which is the real realm of heaven and earth instant step.

In this realm, the power of heaven and the power of earth in his body are perfectly integrated independently.

The combination of heaven and earth and these two forces can be said to complement each other.

"Decades of escape has made the third level of heaven and earth instant step, that is, the real realm of heaven and earth instant step. How can it feel so funny?" Feeling that he has reached this realm, Nanfeng sighs a little funny.

"Perhaps the real instant step of heaven and earth is to break through and achieve in this constant escape!" Weak water laughs.

"Maybe, after all, the essence of the instant walk is to run through all obstacles to achieve the ultimate speed." "Nanfeng said," but now what excites me most is that I finally have a chance to breathe, and I finally have time to break through. "

Between the words, the cold light flashed in Nanfeng's eyes, which was a reflection of the black carving dead spirit who had been chasing him for decades.

To be honest, he has never been chased by an enemy for such a long time.