Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 2561

"Dragon death spirit, you have Ming Qi, I also have!" Under the shadow of dark Qi, the south wind said again.

With the right hand spread, the puppets of the wind appear directly, and the 18 puppets of the wind are also directly arranged around Nanfeng. At the same time, the Ming air battle array appears, and three layers emerge, completely covering Nanfeng.

Eight talismans, all the power also appeared in the dark air battle array.

Boom boom! The corrosive impact of the Dragon death spirit could not break through the defense of the Ming air battle array, and was completely resisted in the roar.

At this moment, Nanfeng separated a flesh and blood, and let the flesh and blood control the Ming air battle array. He himself urged another array, which was the heaven and earth array.

Under the power of double God eyes, the heaven and earth Dharma array is directly integrated with the Ming air battle array. At that moment, the south wind is retreating and the flesh and blood are separated.

A big hand appears in the center of the fusion array.

I can clearly feel that the power of this big hand completely surpasses the previous south wind, and the power really reaches the Supreme God's perfect state.

Nanfeng's own leapfrogging challenge, together with the leapfrogging challenge of the battle array, can not be superimposed, but it also makes Nanfeng's fighting power to the top.

"At this time, if only I could fight in three realms by myself!" Nanfeng thought.

He has also been trying to make himself a third level challenge, but it's really hard. After his ability of leapfrog challenge reached two levels, he really met a big limit, which was a bit like the limit of breaking the rules of heaven and earth.

Boom boom! Feeling the strength of the south wind, a lot of blood gushed out of the dragon's dead soul. Looking at it, it turned out that the blood was essence blood. Every drop was essence blood, without any ordinary blood.

These blood essence burned in a moment, crazy burning, all turned into the power of death.

I don't know how many dead souls have been born in this giant coffin. Every dead soul comes from the corpse. Before the dead soul is bred, the essence and blood in the corpse can be extracted from the coffin and stored, because the dead soul doesn't need any blood to maintain its action.

Therefore, the blood essence in the belly of the Dragon death spirit is probably less than one millionth of the blood essence stored in the giant coffin of the death spirit.

When the power of the burning essence and blood is poured into the corrosive liquid around, the double array defense of Nanfeng seems to be a little weak, and some cracks are corroded.

And these cracks are bound to continue to expand in the corrosion.

But at this time, Nanfeng didn't care about the corrosion, because he was going to attack. It was the gathering of his strongest strength. If he couldn't break it, Nanfeng would be appointed.

One more thing to note is that under the outbreak of Nanfeng's limit, among the eight kinds of imprinted lights, there is one more light, which is not the imprinted light of the ancestral spirit.

But the light is dim, and it's gone for a long time.

Nanfeng's double eyes are full of the shadow of his big hand. When the defense of the array shrinks, the big hand beats hard.

"The hand of heaven and earth!"

However, this is definitely not a simple hand of heaven and earth. This hand of heaven and earth really contains all the power under heaven and earth, the power of Ming Qi, the power of array, all kinds of aura of heaven and earth, primitive supernatural power and fire power.

Add the power of fighting spirit and air.

Under the power of tattoos, the hands of the universe really seem to be filled with the power of real chaos.

In this way, the ninth mark in Nanfeng's eyebrow finally appeared more than disappeared.

At this moment, Nanfeng's Ming Qi is also at a limit, evolving from ordinary Ming Qi to a more powerful and essentially strong Ming Qi.

This evolution may be in the next moment of confrontation, or it may be delayed for a long time due to failure.

Seeing Nanfeng's big hand clapping up, Jiaolong's dead spirit directly incarnates into the invisible and spits out Nanfeng.

This scene really surprised Nanfeng. However, this is also a fact, because the strength of Nanfeng has increased too much at this time, plus the impact of Jiaolong death spirit's own strength, even if Nanfeng is severely damaged, it is absolutely broken.

This scene also directly shows that at this time, the Dragon death spirit is no longer so confident in its own power.

When the south wind blows out, the Dragon death spirit also spits out all the corrosive liquid in its belly, forming a column of condensed liquid, which is suppressed by the big hand of the south wind,

boom! In the strong waves swept around, the hands of the south wind and the column of liquid shake together.

Between the fragmentation of space, the two powers are deadlocked. And judging from the stalemate, it's almost the same. There's a feeling of stalemate for hundreds of years.

With the infusion of a large amount of essence and blood, the power of Jiaolong dead spirit is really endless.

Although Nanfeng also has the reincarnation of life and death, the source of life, he doesn't want to consume it.

"We can't break through the limit of leapfrog challenge, but we can still achieve the limit of strength enhancement at this moment." Nanfeng's eyes are bright and confident.

Boom boom! In a flash, the dark Qi power of Nanfeng began to dominate.Some of the blood in Nanfeng's body began to burn. Behind him, the gray and black space emerged. It was the dark air space. Those puppets of the wind were also helping Nanfeng to absorb the weak heaven's dark air from the space.

"Broken!" Feel the sudden rise of the dark Qi power in my body, the south wind takes advantage of the momentum to roar.

Finally, a real light came into the light of Nanfeng's eight kinds of spirit marks, and his eyebrow marks became nine kinds.

At this moment, the Ming Qi in his body is no longer the ordinary Ming Qi, but the Ming Qi with the real power of heaven and earth spirit body. In essence, the Ming Qi is much stronger than the ordinary Ming Qi.

The power of the eight spirits, together with a kind of spirit body, is enough to break the deadlock.

Although Nanfeng is not sure what it is, it is derived from the ancestral vein. Is it simple?

Click! A cracking sound immediately recalled that the column of condensed corrosive liquid broke up instantly and turned into countless ownerless liquid forces not controlled by the power of death.

The power of the double God eyes directly opens up a channel for the south wind to the side of the dragon's death spirit. The south wind even drives the moment. The speed really reaches a limit, the limit of the upper God.

That dragon death spirit really has a little reaction, but it's coming.

The big hand runs directly through the belly of the dragon.

The power of death fell, and the Dragon Spirit fell heavily on the ground and kept rolling.

"Heaven prison chain!" With the roar of the south wind, the four chains of heaven's prison appeared from all directions. They were like huge pillars. They fell down on the four limbs of the dragon's dead soul.

At this moment, the powerful dragon death spirit was finally suppressed by the south wind.