Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 2559

In fact, he didn't need the south wind to feel it. He just walked for a while when he heard the fierce roar. The sound wave contained strong death power. Needless to say, it was one of the three dead souls.

"Just look at the power of the dead here!" Hear the roar, south wind war.

Soon, the south wind and the first dead spirit met. At that moment, the breath of death came out, and their eyes also touched each other. The invisible light sparkled everywhere.

At this moment, Nanfeng also directly felt something wrong, because he clearly felt at the first time that the living beings in front of him had real and complete intelligence, which could be said that they were not dead.

However, everything in front of us is really a dead spirit. The rigid and cold flesh and blood body is surrounded by the cold, dark death power and the corrosive power of heizu.

"And the dead with perfect intelligence?" There was a heavy south wind.

In front of the dead, is the Dragon state, in the confrontation with the south wind, constantly hovering standing body.

"There is no doubt that there is no dead spirit in heaven and earth. My will is just the will of the coffin spirit. I only exist to kill you!" Feeling the doubts of the south wind, Jiaolong said.

Hearing this, Nanfeng immediately understood that the dead spirit was completely controlled by the will of the coffin spirit.

Understand, south wind is dignified, because there is no doubt, so under the dead, will be stronger.

"Kill With an intention to kill, the dragon's spirit of death moved. His body was like a bow and arrow, and his bloody mouth was biting to the south wind. Nanfeng didn't dare to despise it. His right arm turned into purple gold in an instant, and his fist went up.

It's too late! The fierce voice sounded, Nanfeng's arm and Jiaolong's teeth collided, and the figures of both sides crossed under the manic momentum. This was the end of the trial battle.

Nanfeng also immediately felt the power of the dragon's death spirit, and reached the peak of the upper God's later period, even the peak of the strongest limit.

Nanfeng's dignified eyes slowly looked at his arm. There were blood marks on his arm. It was the sharp teeth of the dragon's death spirit that marked him. Death and the corrosive power of heizu began to erode him.

Nanzu's power of spreading and corroding the iron chain.

In the dignified, Nanfeng also sighed, "the fighting power of the Dragon death spirit will not go down to the fighting power of the top genius. It can even be said that because it is a death spirit, the limit of its power will exceed that of the top genius."

It's easier for Nanfeng to dispel the vitality of Tianzu, and even absorb the corrosion of heizu directly. But in this huge coffin of the dead, it doesn't matter.

The coffin spirit, is he really the spirit body of the dead giant coffin? It's doubtful.

"Fight After the bloodstain on his arm recovered, Nanfeng's eyes directly burned and mixed fire, and he suddenly drank. At this moment, Nanfeng's whole body turned into mixed fire.

Under the blazing fire, all the death forces all around escape from the south wind.

Roar! The Invisible Dragon chant rings from the south wind, and a dragon shaped torrent of flame appears. Under the breath of fusion of divine fire, it sweeps toward the Dragon death spirit.

The dragon shaped torrent of flame is like being endowed with life. It entangles the dragon's dead spirit, constantly biting and scratching.

the chaos of fire, the Wutong fire, the fusion of all the flame forces, form the true state of the fire of the samadhi, and spread on the dragon like flames.

Belongs to the south wind, the strongest flame power erupts.

This dragon is absolutely qualified to let the south wind break out.

Under the fierce flame of the south wind, the death power of the Dragon death spirit seemed to break up suddenly. It seemed that the Dragon death spirit had no power to urge, and it was very painful.

Nanfeng will not stop. As soon as he turns his eyes, he completely enters the primitive self pole, and the fire dragon becomes the fire dragon under samadhi's real fire. The whole area directly becomes the world of samadhi's real fire.

He even urged the mixed fire spirit.

Nanfeng naturally wants to solve the three dead souls in the quickest time and leave here.

Although you can stay here for thousands of years and Practice for thousands of years more than others, who wants to stay here for thousands of years in this dark environment of death.

However, the Dragon death spirit is really not simple.

When Nanfeng completely urged Sanmei to fight back, he saw a crack behind Jiaolong's body, from which the power of death came out.

Boom! In the momentum, the crack directly turned into an invisible death abyss.

"The abyss of death!" The dragon's death spirit suddenly drank.

The abyss of death engulfed all the flame power of Nanfeng in an instant.

Under the spirit of mixed fire, Nanfeng wants to let his flame power break through the abyss of death, but he finds that it seems futile. After a few more breaths, Nanfeng can no longer feel all his previous flame power.

"Haoke's abyss of death has so easily engulfed my samadhi fire power." Nanfeng was filled with emotion.

At this moment, Nanfeng became more curious about the limit of the dragon's power."I'm afraid the limit of this guy's fighting power is beyond my imagination! It's the best I've ever met

After a month's continuous fighting with the dead spirits, Nanfeng's fighting power at this time was absolutely invincible in the later period of the superior God, but now, a battle is on the Dragon dead spirit.

The dragon spirit of death is a spirit of death. Although its strength is based on the body, it is also absolutely controlled by the coffin spirit. The time of the coffin spirit of naguna is nearly 2000 times, which can definitely make the combat power limit of the spirit of death reach the level that the warrior can't.

This battle is a little difficult for the south wind.

Even in the end, I'm afraid the south wind needs to escape.

Roar! Nanfeng is still immersed in the shock. The dead dragon roars again. The endless abyss of death has reached the top of Nanfeng's head. In the blink of Nanfeng's eye, it is shrouded.

Boom! In an instant, the south wind has fallen into the abyss of death.

After falling, the south wind is the feeling. This is a real abyss of death. It is not the evolution of supernatural power, but the call from nowhere.

The south wind is falling rapidly. The south wind has a feeling. When it falls to a certain degree, I'm afraid that he will stay in the abyss of death forever. He can't get out. Finally, he will become a dead spirit.

Stepping on the flame, the south wind rises rapidly, and samadhi's true fire develops continuously.

Boom boom! At this time, on both sides of the abyss, the breath of death turned into a long whip and a chain, constantly beating the south wind, the channel of samadhi's true fire, and constantly beating the south wind, so that the south wind would not advance but retreat.

"Sure enough, the fighting power limit of the Dragon death spirit is far beyond my understanding!" South wind dignified said.

Boom boom! Where does Nanfeng dare to hesitate? The spirit mark in the center of the eyebrow suddenly increases from one to eight. Under the light of the spirit mark, Nanfeng already has an eight color power sword in his hand.