Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 2558

Coffin spirit is right. If you want to get such an adverse chance, then failure will not be completely free. You must pay the price of failure and not blame others.

After the haze, all the eleven people's faces were determined to kill. If they didn't succeed, they would die. They could only choose to kill. Except for themselves, all the others in front of them were just enemies.

"All death, or only one life, can only be these two results!" Nanfeng said in his heart, at this moment, what Nanfeng wants to know most is what kind of test it needs to go through to get the coffin spirit's approval.

At this moment, the coffin spirit was laughing and excited, because he saw the fear of death in the eyes of Nanfeng 11 people. Because of the fear of death, he just wanted to kill the people around him.

And the people around here have been fighting together not long ago.

At this time, the other ten people's eyes almost all looked at the south wind, because now here, the south wind is the weakest, and everyone wants to meet the south wind first.

"These guys!" Nanfeng said in his heart.

"Human beings, don't make mistakes. It's not as simple as fighting with competitors to get the coffin of the dead. If it's so simple, isn't everything too boring?" Maybe I feel that the other ten people want to fight Nanfeng first, the weak one, coffin Spirit said.

In the words, the tone of the coffin spirit was evil.

The coffin spirit of the dead giant coffin is like this. He was born from death. In his eyes, except for the master, there is only death. Any living creature, he will think about how to let death, and die according to his perfect design.

Hearing the words of the coffin spirit, the ten warriors looked even more gloomy.

And Nanfeng was relieved. If he directly confronts these warriors now, he will not be his opponent in ten. As long as he doesn't do so, he will have a chance.

The next moment, the coffin spirit began to urge the power, and the whole body filled with black fog, constantly pouring out the power of death.

The power of death gushed from the coffin spirit is pure and incomparable. It has no corrosive power of heizu. It has nothing to do with the corrosive power of heizu.

"The corrosive power of heizu in the battlefield of death does not come from the coffin spirit?" Nanfeng was puzzled.

From stepping into the battlefield of death and feeling the existence of the corrosive force of heizu, Nanfeng wants to know where the corrosive force of heizu came from and where it was born.

Because he wanted to know more about the corrosivity of heizu, which would be of great help to his future war with heizu.

But he didn't find anything.

When the dead coffin appeared, he thought that the dead coffin was the source of heizu's corrosive power.

But when he entered the coffin, he found that there was only black ancestor corrosion in the space, and there was no black ancestor corrosion source in any place.

He also thinks it's a death chip, but it must not be, because if it is, other creatures simply can't absorb the power of death, let alone chance.

When he got the death chip, he also explored it for the first time. There was no heizu corrosion force in the death chip.

The corrosive power of heizu in the body of the dead only comes from space.

When he saw the coffin spirit, Nanfeng thought that the corrosion of heizu came from the coffin spirit.

But now the scene of the power explosion of the coffin spirit also shows that it is not.

"Is the corrosive power of heizu born out of thin air in the battlefield of death? It's absolutely impossible Nanfeng was really confused.

But no matter how confused he was, he could only bury himself in the bottom of his heart. Maybe he could only know when he controlled the coffin.

"What's this guy going to do?" Then, Nanfeng also focused on the coffin spirit.

Under the death power of the coffin spirit, the huge coffin platform where the eleven of them lived was closed, forming a single world, which was the real world. In the evolution, Nanfeng could not see other people clearly, what he saw was just another death world.

In the dark space, only the power of the naked eye can clearly see the death power contained in the space, and each wisp of death power is so pure.

In this death world, there is no black ancestor's corrosive power.

This makes Nanfeng believe that the corrosive power of heizu was not born in the battlefield of death. I'm afraid it's something else.

At this time, the voice of the coffin spirit sounded, and the tone was serious. "Next, you have a thousand years to eliminate the three dead spirits in your death world."

"In a thousand years, if you die in the hands of the dead spirit, you will not say anything. If you have not been exterminated in a thousand years, then my coffin spirit will do it in person and turn you into the dead spirit."

"What? A thousand years Hearing this, Nanfeng and other eleven people all roared.

Millennium? Is this a joke? You know, in another year at most, the exit of the battlefield of death will be reopened. It is estimated that it will be thousands of years after you miss that shot.

What's more, the coffin spirit has given them thousands of years. There is no doubt that the three dead spirits they have to face are definitely not so simple to defeat. It will not take them hundreds of years.Another point is to fight with the dead. The south wind is good. Other warriors can't eliminate the erosion of the corrosive power of the black ancestor.

At this moment, Nanfeng and other 11 people really regret it.

Especially the ten.

But the next moment, the coffin spirit's words let their innermost worries disappear.

"You human beings want to stay in this coffin spirit for thousands of years, but my coffin spirit is not willing to. Your death world is under the time of the dead spirit." Said the coffin spirit.

"It's only half a year since the death of a thousand years in the world."

Hear this, South breeze 11 people are heavily a, "unexpectedly is such?"

Then, they did not feel the spirit of the coffin.

"There should be no need for coffin spirit to cheat people. It's only half a year outside, and it's the best." After the shock, Nanfeng said to himself, "if I succeed in getting the coffin of the dead, it's almost like dobby has practiced for another thousand years."

At the same time, Nanfeng also sighed, "this coffin spirit can make the speed of the passage of time reach 2000 times. Can you imagine its strength, and it doesn't cultivate the power of time, can it be the strength of the emperor's realm?"

"If I have a coffin spirit in the realm of the emperor, then..."

It has to be said that at this moment in the conjecture of the south wind, a little whimsical.

… After that, Nanfeng also focused on the three spirits he was going to defeat, muttering, "I don't know how strong the three spirits are?"

The original self pole perception urges the south wind to feel the dead spirit directly.

There is no heizu corrosion in the death world, so as long as you feel the existence of heizu corrosion, it is the place where the dead are.