Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 2543

In their hearts, they all have the intention to retreat. Killing the dark genius cultivated by Tianmen and the south wind who can't kill them are two results. At that time, Tianmen will go all out, and the dark family will directly choose to give them up.

Of course, if they want to know the status of Nanfeng in Tianmen, they will not dare to kill Nanfeng.

But their heart of retreat retreated in the next moment.

This is because the poisonous God told the reason why Nanfeng cultivates Mingqi.

"You are practicing in the undead bone forest. You get the inheritance of that place." Looking at the south wind, Gu Du Shen Zi said in a hoarse voice, "that inheritance was finally obtained by you."

The poisonous God son also told the poisonous God King that the time was not long, and the people in Tianmen could not know that Nanfeng was cultivating Mingqi.

"You guys, no matter what, we will kill him today, because if we don't, we will fall at his feet in a few days, and you all know his progress." Heard the sound of the poison God son, the poison God King said decidedly.

"We understand!" The seven God kings' eyes were full of determination and said heavily.

At the moment when they decided to kill Nanfeng, the relationship between them was life and death. No matter who was behind them, there was only one death or both.

Nanfeng didn't pay attention to Gu Du Shenzi, but did his best to accumulate the power of Ming Qi.

With the powerful in the middle period of the king of God, Nanfeng naturally didn't intend to kill all the warriors, but they had to pay the price.

Boom! At a certain moment, the continued Ming Qi power in the chaos mother's body finally reached a saturation point. At this moment, the south wind also directly received all the puppets of the wind.

With the help of these forces, the power of chaos empress has been greatly improved in a short time.

Nanfeng also integrates the battle array into the chaos queen. In this way, to a certain extent, the chaos queen has some characteristics of leapfrog challenge.

Another point is that the power of chaos also includes Ming Qi, so the empress of chaos can perfectly integrate the power of Ming Qi.

In the roar, the empress of chaos urges the extreme to devour the supernatural power and the sacrifice.

If the mother's sacrifice is driven by chaos, the price will be paid.

However, the current south wind is driving the reincarnation of life and death. Even the God King can speed up his recovery. Moreover, the chaotic queen who has arrived at the realm of the God King, the cost of stimulating the devouring sacrifice is also relatively small.

Under the sacrifice of swallowing, the mother and queen of chaos are completely engulfed in a blood color. Under the blood light, chaos and dark Qi, they are engulfed by the poisonous God son.

"You Taoist friends, let's meet each other together. This time, we must let it go!" The king of poisonous insects roared.

In the next moment, the power of the eight God kings converged and turned into a gray and black door in front of the God King of Gu and Du, and a Gu claw emerged from it. However, the Gu claw was already mixed with other seven forces. Under certain fusion, the Gu claw was naturally stronger.


In the turbulent momentum of both sides, the phagocytosis ritual submerged the poisonous claw, and even more submerged the gate of ten thousand poisonous insects and the eight God kings.

Of course, inundation is only a phenomenon. Whether it can be really inundated depends on the final result.

Boom! With the momentum surging again, the phagocytosis ritual was penetrated by the poisonous claws. The door of ten thousand poisonous insects and the poisonous God King appeared one after another. However, at this moment, the poisonous God King's look was very bad, and his power was also changing.

The next moment, I also know why the God King of Gu and Du looks bad, because he is no longer followed by seven God kings, but only six.

It is obvious that one of the gods was completely engulfed by the devouring ritual.

It can also be understood that the empress of chaos deliberately let them go through the phagocytic ritual, which could not defeat the power of the phagocytic ritual.

And this is the purpose of Nanfeng, just to kill one of the weak gods.

Boom! Under the shadow of the God King of Gu and Du, the phagocytosis ritual was extended again, and the God son of Gu and Du was covered in an instant.

After that, the mother of chaos fled quickly.

"Roar! Leave it to the king At this moment, the God King of Gu and Du didn't know that the purpose of Nanfeng was not to fight with them, but to kill one person and roar.

"Gu Du Shen Wang, wait to collect your son's corpse!" The south wind sneered, "Oh? No, you can't even see your son's body. "

"Also remember, this is just the price for Nanfeng to see you this time. Seeing you again next time will make you pay a heavier price than this."

Hearing Nanfeng's words, the poisonous God King was in pursuit, and his poisonous power was constantly releasing and roaring.

But in the end, he was escaped by Nanfeng and chaos.

The power of the empress chaos is indeed a little worse than that of the poison God King, but if the empress chaos wants to escape, the poison God King can't stay.

Moreover, after escaping for a period of time, the south wind directly brings the chaotic queen into the world.

Nanfeng, who has the mid-term peak power of the superior God, is absolutely unable to perceive the world of Nanfeng from a certain distance.After that, Nanfeng and chaos mother naturally evaded in the world for a period of time and recovered.

As for the God King and the poisonous God son, they naturally became the nutrients for the recovery of the chaotic mother.

After that, the dark god son, the poisonous God King and other people were only looking for the people of nanfenghe's family. Unfortunately, as long as the people of nanfenghe's family didn't show up, they would never be able to find them.

I can't help it!

In this case, the dark god son, the poisonous God King and others have only four words of anger in their hearts.

They are really helpless.

In the world, Nanfeng also disdains to say, "you want to kill me, but in the end you just have nothing to do!"

… Outside the battlefield of death, the elder of the Dragon elephant family was waiting in the boat. At a certain moment, the elder opened his eyes and looked very unhappy.

"Elder, what's the matter?" Feel the big elder's face change, dragon elephant three elder etc. immediately open eyes to ask a way.

"The king of heaven is really a waste. In just four months, Nanfeng directly killed eight king of heaven. There are more warriors in the upper God and middle God." The elder said angrily.

"What Dragon elephant three elder etc. shocked way.

"Is the south wind really so abnormal? You know, almost three-quarters of the gods who entered are standing opposite him." Said a dragon elephant family strongman.

"What's more, those gods and kings will not unite. One can't fight the chaotic empress, three, five, ten

"The poisonous God King, together with the alliance of the seven God kings, was escaped by Nanfeng and chaos mother, and also killed a God King and a god son genius." Dragon elephant elder said coldly. "So!" "It seems that we can't rely on these heavenly kings," said the three elders of the Dragon elephant