Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 2542

"Let's see today who's going to kill you!" Hearing the words of the poisonous God King, Nanfeng responded with the same killing tone.

Chaos has been engulfed on the back of chaos mother, and the vortices of engulfment gather on the back of chaos mother, fusing with the breath of chaos God. Each vortices of engulfment can evolve into a magic power.

At this time, the power of poison interweaves with the chaotic phagocytic power, and the impact turns into a channel of poison. The king of poisonous insects and poisons does not know when he has appeared on it, and at that moment he is behind the mother of chaos.

"The gate of all poisons!" The king of poisonous insects directly urges the most powerful power.

At the moment of his arrival, he felt that the queen of chaos was the middle stage of the God King. In fact, he also has some conjectures, because the breakthrough of chaos mother queen in the divine Kingdom, or just need to constantly devour can break through.

At this moment, the mark of spirit body bloomed in the brow of the God King of Gu and Du. Under the light of the mark, a dark door emerged from his body. Inside the dark door, the shadow of powerful poison appeared.

A major toxin dominates.

Nanfeng knows that the poisonous power of the cultivation of the poisonous God King is a kind of toxin called dark heartbreak. This toxin is a kind of toxin under the earth poison. I dare not say that the toxin is the strongest, but it will never be worse.

Under the breath of darkness, a stream of toxins, like intestines, pierced the back of chaos.

Dark heartbreak has a strong perception and favor of the intestines in the body of living beings. Within a certain distance, as long as you feel it, you can enter it invisibly and start to corrode the intestines of living beings at a very fast speed.

At this moment, the mother of chaos and Nanfeng felt fear in their intestines.

The mother of chaos did not dare to hesitate, and the chaos phagocytosis broke out completely. A phagocytic vortex on her body expanded, and her power directly rushed out of a phagocytic storm, engulfing the invisible dark heartbreak.

Zizi! In an instant, toxin power and phagocytic power collide and virtually eliminate each other.

In the stalemate, the God King of Gu and Du had the upper hand. The phagocytic storm under the chaos phagocytosis was eroded out of small channels by the toxin, and the toxin continued to erode into the chaos mother's body along the small channels.

The poisonous God King is worthy of being an old middle-term God King. It's a little difficult for the mother queen who just broke through chaos to defeat him.

Moreover, the poison of dark heartbreak is really strong for chaos mother.

"It seems that you have just broken through. I'm afraid you just killed those Taoist friends and devoured them." Said the king coldly.

Boom boom! At this time, the other seven gods all urged the supernatural powers, and they all directly urged two supernatural powers. One supernatural power was pure power, infused into the body of the poisonous God King, and the other was coagulative supernatural power, which directly rushed to the empress of chaos.

The empress of chaos roared, and seven vortices of phagocytosis sprang up on her body again. She resisted the attack of the seven gods when she became bigger. However, she just barely resisted, because almost all the power of the empress of chaos resisted the poisonous gods.

Especially at this moment, the God King of Gu and Du gained the power of seven God kings.

At the next moment, the deadlock is broken, and the dark heartbreak that gushes out of the door of ten thousand poisonous insects is strengthened too much, which completely erodes the phagocytic storm of the chaos queen in a few breaths.

The power of the toxins surged in.

In the face of an old mid-term God King, plus seven ordinary God kings, chaos mother is really a bit hard.

At this time, the attack of the seven gods smashed the vortices of the chaos queen, and the chaos queen was shot away.

And the dark heartbreak completely shrouded the chaotic queen.

Chaos mother's paralysis under the toxin seems to be in the next moment.

But at this time, chaos mother's huge body was wrapped by two streams of water, one black, one green. It is 3000 weak water and the source of life.

The 3000 weak water and source of life in Nanfeng's body are not as good as the dark heartbreak of the poisonous God King, but they can definitely absorb the toxin of the dark heartbreak to a certain extent.

To a certain extent, it is enough for the mother and queen of chaos.

Under the three thousand weak water and darkness, the toxins that erode into the mother's body of chaos are directly engulfed by the chaos again.

"Three thousand weak water, there is also a kind of water that can turn into poison, south wind!" Seeing this scene, the king of poisonous insects roared.

In the roar, the God King of Gu and Du moved his body under the light of the spirit mark, which was as huge as the empress of chaos. The door of ten thousand poisons was also changing, becoming the door of ten thousand Gu.

"The curse of darkness!"

Once again, by combining the power of the other seven gods, the poisonous God summoned the dark insects from the door of ten thousand insects.

At the next moment, the grey and black poisonous claws appear and go straight to the back of chaos.

The other seven kings followed.

In this way, the mother of chaos was overturned again, rolled in the air, and suffered heavy losses.

The south wind has no power to restrain the poisonous insects.

"Gu Du Shen Wang, I really underestimate you!" Nanfeng said angrily.

Nanfeng no longer hesitated, let the battle lines hidden in the space appear, and a stream of lines appeared to protect the chaotic empress. The battle lines of Nanfeng could not resist the king of God, but with the power of chaos mother, they could barely resist."Battle The king of poisonous insects was very surprised.

However, he immediately laughed. Naturally, the empress of chaos would not fight. In his eyes, the battle of Nanfeng was just a few lines. Even if the power of the empress of chaos was completely integrated into it, she would only survive.

Nanfeng ignored it. Fifteen puppets of Fengzhi came out of the world and went to all parts of the array in an instant.

The array is also changing. The Ming Qi appears and becomes the battle array under the way of three-tier Ming air battle array.

Nanfeng has practiced the way of Ming air battle array to three levels. Each level can hold eight puppets, and 15 puppets can.

Although the battle array controlled by Nanfeng can surpass the level to challenge the king, it is also a long way from challenging him.

However, the purpose of the south wind is to accumulate the energy of Ming Qi for the chaotic mother.

In the three-tier battle array, fifteen wind puppets and Nanfeng have reached an extreme speed in accumulating the power of Ming Qi from his Ming Qi space.

At this moment, Nanfeng himself is completely integrated with the chaotic mother.

There is also Nanfeng's fusion array, which is the heaven and earth fusion array he got from fat man. In addition to his contractual relationship with chaos mother, the fusion is extremely perfect.

"This This is Ming Qi, the battle under Ming Qi

This scene surprised all the people of the poisonous God King, almost all of them fell off their eyes.

There are too few people who can practice the spirit of the underworld, and almost all of them are cultivated by the emperor.

So for such a moment, they had a little guess that Nanfeng was the spiritual cultivator cultivated by Tianmen. This made them have some fear, because if it is, Nanfeng's position in Tianmen is supreme, and it is definitely not just the genius of Tianmen.