Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 2413

Boom boom! All of a sudden, the area became even worse, and the fighting waves surged up, as if to destroy the city.

Hua Yu also gained some invisible power of belief from this city, which makes her strength limit increase again. With the combination of xianteng and chaos mother, any battle will not fall on the corpse ice devil.

"I'm afraid it's a protracted battle, but once it's more than one day, Huayu may fail. After all, there is a time limit!" Said mamlo.

"Don't worry, Hua Yu, they will win!" Nanfeng said, "you feel the change of the environment here carefully!"

Hearing Nanfeng's words, momanluo felt it immediately. After a while, she said, "it seems that the immortal Qi here begins to increase, and increases faster and faster, while the cold-blooded evil Qi here is fading away!"

"What's going on?"

"That's what happened after the imperial concubine turned up!" Nanfeng said, "the corpse ice devil is not simple, nor is the elder concubine Hua. I think she can mobilize the immortal power, not only in the city, but also outside the city."

"With the increase of Xianli, it will become the battlefield of Huayu."

"According to this speed, it won't take a long time for the Xianli to be as strong as the cold-blooded evil Qi. At that time, I thought Huayu could better mobilize the power of this city. At that time, Huayu really had the upper hand!"

"Besides, at the moment, the corpse ice devil is still injured, and the Huayu is intact."

Everything is just like the south wind. After a long time, the immortal Qi flowing into the city is no longer less than the cold-blooded evil Qi. The gray city begins to become a fairyland, and the seal power of the evil Qi over the city is constantly loosening.

The combination of Huayu, chaos mother and xianteng began to gain the upper hand.

The corpse ice devil is retreating. After several collisions, the corpse ice devil begins to suffer.

"Damn it Corpse ice devil roars angrily, he also starts to escape.

If it falls here, his countless years of efforts will be in vain, and he will not allow it. Huayu naturally thought that the corpse ice devil wanted to escape, so they were always above the corpse ice devil.

The corpse ice devil can't escape with the help of the magic seal above.

"This battle is over. Now the corpse ice devil is at the end of his life." The south wind relaxed and said.

"There was no danger at all!" The magic man Luo also says with emotion.

"Well?" But as soon as the south wind relaxed, he began to wonder.

"What's the matter?" Feel the doubts of the south wind, magic man Luo inexplicable so.

But soon, mamlo knew what Nanfeng was wondering. In the broken place of the dark palace, some stones rolled, and a figure came out under the ruins.

It was a warrior in a black mask.

This kind of dress, south wind is too familiar, not dark blood demon clan's, is greedy to kill assassin's.

"This person should belong to the dark blood demon clan. His breath has some magical smell!" Feel it again, Nanfeng said.

"It seems that there are still fish who have missed the net! Feeling this person's breath is not the later stage of the lower God. It seems that you finally have a chance to do it. " Malmunro said with a smile.

"I'm afraid it won't be that simple, mamlo!" By this time, the south wind was dignified.

At this time, Nanfeng's golden spirit eye is stimulated, and at this time, Nanfeng's original self extreme perception is also released.

"What difference do you feel?" Feeling the gravity of the south wind, mamlo's face was also directly dignified and asked.

"Under the primitive self pole, I feel that the evil spirit in this person's body is extremely strong, no weaker than the real demon creatures!" The south wind said heavily.

"The warrior of the dark blood demon clan can't cultivate his magic Qi to such a degree. If you look at his eyes again, the warrior of the dark blood demon clan is clear and bright with killing, but at this time, his eyes are cold and dark, with a sense of corpse devil!"

"You can't feel wrong. After all, your cultivation of evil Qi is no less than that of demonic genius." "Then there's only one possibility, to give up!" said mamlo

"But, besides corpse ice devil, there should be no other demons!"

"And Hua Ji Fei didn't say that, which really means that there are no other demons here!"

"I don't know, but at this moment, I guess the purpose of corpse ice devil's escape is for this person's escape!" Said Nanfeng.

"Corpse ice devil is still ignoring me! Even if I exposed the world, he was ignoring me. "

"Because this man is in the middle of the next God, and you are just in the beginning of the next God." "It doesn't take long for a warrior in the middle of a lower God to kill a warrior in the early stage of a lower God. It's even just a blow!" he said with a smile

"Then he is very wrong!" Nanfeng said with a sneer.

The next moment, Nanfeng walked out of the golden world and faced the warrior.

Nanfeng appeared, and the warrior was not surprised, because it was in his expectation."If you dare to come out without those three, I really have to admire you!" The warrior's killing intention is straight and wide, and says coldly to the south wind.

"God? Who the hell are you? Can you tell me? " Asked Nanfeng.

"The God never wants to die in the hands of the enemy of the God, so the God will seriously tell you, the God - corpse ice devil!" The man in Black said seriously.

Corpse ice devil said so, because he is extremely confident, confident will solve the south wind in an instant.

The south wind and the magic man Luo naturally shocked.

"Why? Is he a corpse ice devil In the world, mamlo could not understand and said, "if he was a corpse ice devil, who would be the previous superior God corpse ice devil?"

"Anything is possible!" Said Nanfeng.

… Looking at the thought, Nanfeng said to the corpse ice devil, "if I guess correctly, the former corpse ice devil didn't have your soul, but only your consciousness."

"And the real you have taken away this body!"

The corpse blood devil has no soul, but also has consciousness, because the corpse blood devil grows up from the corpse.

"It's smart. Maybe God should have taken you away!" Hear the words of south wind, corpse ice devil appreciates to say.

And the corpse ice devil also said everything to Nanfeng directly, "the former superior God corpse ice devil was cultivated with angel corpses for countless years, and the soul and yuan God of this God have been among them."

"But I know that if I show up as a demon, I can't go back to the demon kingdom. Therefore, taking away is the best way. Only by taking away can I hide myself in the spirit Kingdom better!"

"In this way, although the God gave up the powerful power, the God can completely return to the demon kingdom." "As for the realm of the king of God, why don't we practice it again?"