Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 2412

"Once brilliant, always just once brilliant, no continuation, and ultimately can only be submerged in the endless river of time." It seems that after a long time, concubine Hua came out of her grief and sighed.

"Master, sometimes, the glory of the past can reappear, the key is that someone needs to keep fighting, and Huayu will keep fighting!" Said Nanfeng.

"Master, this is my lifelong wish. Not only I, but also I believe that the descendants of angels in the divine realm will strive to make the glory of the angels reappear." Hua Yu said seriously.

"Thank you for showing me hope!" Feeling Hua Yu's firmness, Hua Jifei nodded heavily.

"Master, I believe the glory will reappear." Fairy vine spirit shadow is also heavily said.

... "master, what's the matter between you and this corpse ice devil?" Immediately, Hua Yu also asked.

"When the demons attacked the holy land, the angel island was broken up, and many cities were separated. My Jifei city was one of them. At that time, I was fighting with the corpse ice demon king." Hua Ji Fei said.

"And the purpose of corpse ice demon king is to absorb the blood of angels, so I can only fight to the death!"

"At that time, the corpse ice demon was really better than me, so I had to choose to seal it at the cost of my life, and let the seal slowly boil him to death!"

"But in the final seal, the corpse ice demon king shrouded the whole city of Princess Ji, causing me to be sealed."

"Xianteng stayed in the city to protect the angels, but failed in the end. Therefore, I caused the fall of these angels, and I'm sorry for them!"

Hua Ji's wife grieved again.

"But in the end, the ice devil came out."

"I can't remember how I got to this godly place!"

"Corpse ice devil, it's time to kill!" After hearing Hua Ji Fei's words, Hua Yu said angrily. And immediately, Hua Yu also asks if he has an angel body, and then he can kill the ice demon king.

Hua Yu even said that she would like to die!

Hearing a dead word, Nanfeng didn't want to. He wanted to say something, but he didn't say it. However, he has decided that if Hua Jifei needs Hua Yu's body to fall, he will stop it anyway.

But it's not!

Hua Jifei said, "you are the future of our angel family. How can I let you die? Besides, the angel body with life is what I really need!"

"What do you want to do?" Asked Nanfeng.

"There are countless secret magic powers of our angel family at the beginning!" Hua Jifei said, "in our angel family, there is a secret magic power, called Xianfu! Can the power of a strong angel be completely blessed to the weak angel, so that the weak angel will become stronger in a certain period of time

"Is this fairy similar to the original fat man's fusion Tianzhen?" Hearing this immortal attachment, Nanfeng said in his heart.

"How long can it be stronger?" Asked Nanfeng.

"Not less than a day!" Hua Ji Fei said.

"The elder really can guarantee to defeat the corpse ice devil. If I can't guarantee, I don't really want Hua Yu to take risks!" Said Nanfeng.

"Childe..." hear Nanfeng say like this, Hua Yu sends a sound to Nanfeng.

"I still have this self-confidence. My strength is left behind when I was in the kingdom of God. Because there is no body and the suppression of this divine place, I can't compete with the corpse ice devil now!" Hua Ji Fei said.

"If there is a body, everything will be different!"

"Besides, how can I be willing to risk my angel family's future and die?"

Hearing this, Nanfeng nodded and agreed!

Then, Hua Ji Fei and Hua Yu began to carry out the immortal power.

Xianfu Shentong needs a certain amount of time, so the south wind drives the passage of time! Feeling the passage of time, huajifei and xianteng are more curious about Nanfeng, but they don't ask.

After three days outside, the passage of time is more than three months.

In more than three months, the immortal attachment between Hua Ji Fei and Hua Yu was completed.

When Hua Yu reappears in front of Nanfeng, his breath is completely different. Nanfeng can no longer feel the depth of Hua Yu's power. That kind of invisible power only makes Nanfeng think that Hua Yu is a real God.

"It's really extraordinary that the immortal has magical powers!" The magic man Luo says with emotion.

"I'm afraid it's more advanced than fat man's heaven and earth fusion array!" Said Nanfeng.

At this time, Hua Yu was not excited, but only sad. So was xianteng, because Hua Jifei's last trace of intelligence disappeared completely after she finished the Xianfu.

Nanfeng and momanluo are also silent, grieving for the once gorgeous angel God King.

At this moment, Nanfeng sighed again: Although the God King is strong, he is not invincible. In the face of the enemy, his glory may turn into nothingness at any time. Only the highest martial arts can be immortal!

After a long time, xianteng said, "Miss Huayu, from now on, you are my new master!"Say, that fairy rattan spirit shadow unexpectedly to change feather to kneel to worship of ceremony, this scene, let South breeze, change feather is a burst of don't know what to do.

In response, Hua Yu quickly lifted up the vine and said, "master, what are you doing? If you want to kneel, it's the younger generation who should kneel down. You will only make the younger generation lose their life!" "Don't worry, you won't, because you will accept the inheritance of the master of the imperial concubine and the city of the imperial concubine!" Xianteng Lingying said, "before Xianfu, the master of concubine Ji has ordered you to inherit her inheritance. Her city also needs your protection, because this is probably the last real

angel city!"

Said, fairy vine spirit shadow of the vine in a real wings, it is the concubine left, all her inheritance is also in it.

"Although this imperial concubine city is not an artifact, it has aura. When you fight the corpse ice devil again, I believe master Hua Yu can mobilize the invisible power of belief contained in it!"

... Huayu, the mother of chaos, xianteng went out of the world and faced the corpse ice devil.

The angry corpse ice devil laughed directly, "what? Can't hide? So soon...

before he finished speaking, the corpse ice devil looked dignified again, because he felt the power of Huayu, and he couldn't believe it? Has Princess Huaji completed the Xianfu? impossible? God has destroyed all the angels here! "

Corpse ice devil knows Xianfu, which is the reason why he transforms all the angels here into corpse blood devil. He also worries that concubine Huaji has a back hand!

"I will finish her unfinished battle on behalf of Princess Ji and defeat you!" With the sound of Hua Yu's intention to kill, the immortal power diffuses, and goes directly to the corpse ice devil. "Well! What about Xianfu? You will fail again! Because you have failed! " Corpse ice devil roars, gather strength to also meet past.