Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 2407

"Two ways of fighting?" The magic man Luo doubts a way.

"I'll ask Tianlan Mingyu to take a few upper gods and angels to continue looking for the people on Tianlan Shenzi's side, so that they won't make trouble for me, and I'll go directly to the central area!"

"Intuition tells me that things here can't be delayed too long, otherwise we really can't get out of here!"

"That's all it can do now!" Said mamlo.

Later, the south wind makes Hua Huo Ye Rong and Tian LAN Mingyu continue to search, while he takes three upper gods and angels and Hua Yu to the center of the city.

Hua Yu is an angel. Everything here is related to angels, so it's good to take Hua Yu with you.

Nanfeng naturally didn't have a blatant past, but entered the world and controlled the world to the most central palace, which was supported by a huge dark pillar.

All around the dark pillar, there is no breath of life, only cold death force. From the bottom, the south wind can clearly feel that the source of this power is in the dark Palace on the dark pillar.

"The mystery of everything is about to be solved!" There was a heavy south wind.

Then, the south wind no longer hesitated and went directly to the square of the dark palace above. Nanfeng's eyes wanted to look directly at the gate of the dark palace, but they were attracted by other figures in the square.

Three of these figures are familiar to Nanfeng. They are Tianlan Dajie, Tianlan Huoxiao and Na Jingkun, who are competing with him for the position of senior brother in Tianmen.

And others, needless to think, are the people of Tianlan Shenzi, the dark blood demons and the greedy assassins.

"I see!" In the world, mamlo said, "so these guys are above the palace. No wonder they can't be found below!"

"Did they choose to unite with the blood demons in the dark palace?" Hua Yu said indignantly.

"Only in anticipation, after all, now they will not be our opponents!" Nanfeng said, "I'm in control of six superior gods and angels!"

Nanfeng also felt it directly and found that there were five superior gods here.

Two of Tianlan family, two of dark blood demon family, one of greedy assassin.

"Five superior gods, three superior gods and angels, one for each, and chaos queen for two. That's enough!" Nanfeng said in his heart.

"Nanfeng, you are here!" Tian Lan Da Jie stood up and said. "I don't want to be stuck here forever. Of course, I'm coming. Besides, I don't intend to stay with you." Nanfeng replied faintly, "it's just that you, in order to fight me, chose to unite with the people behind the scenes in the dark palace. If this goes on, I'm afraid that your Tianlan family will be killed by other gods

Wang family!"

"Do you think this can get out?" Tianlan Dajie said with a sneer.

"Nanfeng, this is the place where you are buried today. It's never better for those who offend the son of God in the kingdom of LAN." Tian LAN Huo Xiao also opens his mouth.

"Ha ha, believe it, I will be the first one!" Nanfeng laughs.

"I really don't know the heaven and earth. Do you really think the angels who can control those corpse blood demons are invincible?" A superior God of the Tianlan family said with a sneer.

At this time, Nanfeng is also on guard. He is on guard against the people behind the scenes here.

Now, the only person who makes him feel uneasy is the person behind the scenes. As for the opponents in front of him, Nanfeng is not in his eyes now.

"I don't know who it is. I'll find out soon!" Nanfeng coldly responded and directly brought the three upper gods and angels and their heavenly dogs and beasts out of the world.

Seeing the three upper gods, angels and beasts, these people look dignified.

Because they are absolutely not the opponents of the superior gods and angels, not to mention the blood and talent, these superior gods and angels are not intelligent corpses and blood demons, who are tireless and painless.

And they have already experienced the power of these superior gods and angels, otherwise they would not choose to escape and unite with the people behind the scenes after hearing the south wind controlling these angels.

Of course, it's the people behind the scenes who have contacted them.

But the dignity of these people is only for a moment.

"If that's your card, Congratulations, you've found your place to sleep!" Dignified retreat, day Lan Da Jie the corner of the mouth spreads evil cruelty, sneer to say.

At this moment, Nanfeng's vigilance is even stronger. At this moment, the master behind the scenes should also appear.

Boom boom!

Suddenly, the cold death force surged up in the square, forming three dark vortices in the sky. Three forces of attraction erupted in the vortices, but the force of attraction was very special, which only attracted the cold death force.

"Do you plan not to show up, but to defeat me by the power of magic power?" The south wind said coldly.

Immediately, the south wind let a superior angel attack the three eddies.

But what happened was really beyond Nanfeng's expectation. The three upper gods and angels and their heavenly dogs were paralyzed and fell to the ground.Soon, the cold power of death began to dissipate.

In the blink of an eye, they recovered completely, and their bodies were no longer blackened, but as noble as real angels. But at this moment, the three angels and tiangouxianshou are just corpses, with no breath of life.

And there's some rot in their bodies.

See this scene, the south wind's look directly gloomy down. How can Nanfeng not understand that the people behind the scenes here have recovered his power and the power he poured into the angels.

The south wind can control the angels, but it can never control those forces.

At this moment, Nanfeng can also feel that not only the three upper gods and angels, but also other angels have become corpses.

"Damn, I didn't think of that!" Nanfeng scolded angrily.

When Hua Yu saw this scene, he immediately understood that these angels had fallen, completely fallen, and could not be revived.

"Hua Yu, I'm sorry!" At this time, Nanfeng can only say these three words to Hua Yu.

"Young master, it's not your fault. I'm too paranoid about everything. It's all caused by the person behind the scenes here!" Hua Yu said bitterly that he was ready to kill.

… "Ha ha, Nanfeng, are you going to make your own decisions or let me take you on the road in person?" At this moment, Tianlan Huoxiao laughed.

"You don't have that qualification yet!" There was a cold south wind.

"When it comes to death, you have to answer back!" The superior God of Tianlan's family killed and moved in an instant. A powerful magic power directly shrouded in the south wind.

Boom! However, at that last moment, a swallowing vortex appeared on the top of the south wind. The swallowing storm swept through and directly engulfed this magical power. The huge shadow of black blood emerged, and the chaotic empress appeared directly behind the south wind. A roar also directly shocked here!