Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 2406

But Nanfeng really doesn't want Hua Yu to face disappointment directly. The reason why Hua Yu tells him the secret of the angel clan is that he doesn't want to destroy these angels and wants to save them.

So Nanfeng said he didn't know.

"Thank you, young master!" Hear the south wind say try, Hua Yu is also heavy thanks.

Then Nanfeng looked at the center of the city. There was a dark altar in the center. His intuition told Nanfeng that it was the dark altar that caused everything here.

"Want to go straight there?" Asked mamlo.

"I'm afraid my strength is not enough!" Nanfeng said, "the instinct of primitive self extreme tells me that the enemy there is not what I can deal with now."

"I'm afraid it can't be done with chaos mother, so I need to gather help!"

"Help?" Momenro asked curiously.

"These angels are helpers!" Said Nanfeng.

Later, Nanfeng started his own action. He first joined huoyerong, and then used the four winged angel to control more angels.

In this way, the ranks of angels behind Nanfeng continue to expand. In just one month, there are 20 middle gods and angels that Nanfeng can control.

Of course, the reason why we can control these middle God angels depends on the help of chaos mother.

The number of warriors that Nanfeng saved from these angels is also increasing.

"Now, it's time to control some of the angels of the higher gods!" Said Nanfeng.

"Childe, it's very dangerous to control the superior gods and angels, because almost all the superior gods and angels here should ride the heavenly dog and immortal beast." Hua Yu worried.

"Don't worry, with chaos mother, everything is OK. Next, you just need to wait and disappear!" Said Nanfeng.

Then, the south wind leaves the mixed fire soul beside huoyerong and Huayu and goes to the depth of the city. From the incomplete memory of the angels he controlled, Nanfeng knew where some of the upper gods and angels were.

Soon, the south wind came to a huge castle.

Boom! As soon as he arrived, all the houses around the castle were broken. An angel came out of the house, and the dark vines were on the ground of the castle.

"Empress chaos, it's up to you!" The south wind grinned.

The devouring world emerges, and the great chaotic Queen appears directly. With a big mouth, all the angels and dark vines are engulfed and sealed in the devouring world of the south wind.

Roar! Immediately, a roar of anger burst out, and the castle burst into pieces. A cold and dead momentum burst out from the ground and went straight to the back of chaos.

The empress of chaos had no fear and directly suppressed this momentum with her body.

In the gray, a four winged angel soared out of the sky. Behind him, there were also tiangouxianshou. From the breath, the four winged angels and the heavenly dogs and beasts are the power of the upper divine realm.

"Death The voice of hoarse anger rings out, four wings angel and day dog fairy beast all direct attack.

"Mother, don't hesitate, make a quick decision!" Nanfeng said after communicating with his mother.

At the command of the south wind, the empress of chaos directly erupted the most powerful power of swallowing. Her huge body turned into a dark hole and shrouded in angels and heavenly dogs.

… After a fierce battle, the empress of chaos helped Nanfeng suppress the superior God angel and tiangouxianshou.

Under the curse of the will, this God angel also completely submit to the south wind.

Then, the south wind took the angel and chaos mother to continue to search for other gods and angels.

Soon, the upper gods and angels here are controlled by the south wind.

… "Ha ha, now human beings are really OK!" In a dark palace, a pool of corpses all over the blood water, a gloomy and terrible sound sounded.

"I have controlled all the angel corpses and blood demons cultivated by my king!"

"However, you human beings have come to an end. My king has been reborn and will return to the demon Kingdom, and these human beings..."

"Hua Ji Fei, your seal can't seal the king after all. The city you guarded and your people will be completely destroyed."

With that, the voice became more gloomy and terrifying.

The blood pool also began to change. The dark ice rose from above, the dark blood began to ice, and the corpses began to wriggle and merge.

At this time, there are thick vines in the dark palace, but the vines here are surrounded by immortal Qi, trying to destroy the blood pool.

But it was stopped by the cold force of death.

"Ha ha, xianteng, you can't stop the king with your strength. Don't you see that many of your bodies have become the puppets of the king?" The gloomy voice sounded again.

With the south wind completely controlling the angels in the city, the warriors who enter here are really safe.

And at this moment, they have no hatred for Nanfeng in their hearts, but only gratitude.This time, Nanfeng really saved their lives.

Entering here, they were torn and killed by these angels and dark vines. They knew it.

At this moment, the power of belief in Nanfeng suddenly increased. It was the weak belief of these warriors in Nanfeng.

"Now, it can be regarded as solving the hatred that fat man has accumulated for me when he seizes these weapons." Feel the power of these beliefs, Nanfeng said.

"It seems that you have made the right choice to enter here!" Said mamlo.

"It's hard to know what's going on in the world!" Said Nanfeng.

"What are you going to do next?" "Is it ready to go directly to the most central place?" he asked

"From the fragmentary memory of these superior gods and angels, I have determined that all the sources here are in the most central palace." Said Nanfeng.

"But before we go, we need to deal with some small things!"

"What little thing?" Asked mamlo.

"Of course, it's the middle God and the upper God of the dark blood demons." The south wind killed me.

Now it's such a good chance to attack Tianlan Shenzi. Nanfeng won't let it go!

The vision flashed to kill intention. Nanfeng took his angel army to look for Tianlan Shenzi's subordinates, dark blood demons' warriors and assassins.

Nanfeng also asked Tianlan Mingyu to help.

But it didn't work out.

Because the search for a full six days, basically not Tianlan son under the martial arts, as well as the dark blood demons and greedy assassins.

"These guys, knowing that I can control the angels here, are hiding?" Nanfeng is very uncomfortable said.

"It must be, and it's hard for us to find out if they want to escape. Besides, I'm afraid they think that we and the people behind the scenes are both defeated. What should we do now?" Said mamlo. "There are two ways of fighting!" Thinking for a while, the south wind said heavily.