Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 2398

"Did you run away?" The south wind made a solemn sound.

At that moment, his original self extreme perception could not perceive how the ghost mirror bee escaped.

When he perceives it again, the spirit shadow mirror bee is behind him.

"This move must be the real move in the instant step of heaven and earth, but I don't know what level it is!" In the world, Hua Yu said.

"Don't think about it. It's at least the fourth level of heaven and earth instant step!" Said Nanfeng.

Take back the flesh and blood, Nanfeng turns around and confronts with lingyingjingfeng again.

At this moment, Nanfeng also urges Jin's spirit eyes. If you want to defeat the spirit shadow mirror bee, you must understand how he escaped the joint attack of the twelve gold body inscriptions.

"Golden spirit eyes! You are so extraordinary See the south wind urged gold spirit Mou, spirit shadow mirror bee dull said, tone also has some dignified.

The spirit shadow mirror bee also has his own intelligence, otherwise it won't be so difficult.

"Unfortunately, I still can't touch you!" Said Nanfeng.

"You are a challenge, and forced me to break out the fourth layer of heaven and earth moment - without a trace, really proud, in the genius, you are absolutely the top one!" Spirit shadow mirror bee says.

"The fourth layer of heaven and earth's instant step -- without a trace!" Nanfeng said slightly.

"In fact, it's better for you to admit defeat. Your life is no longer in danger. With your understanding of space, it won't be so difficult to find the mirror nest again. There's no need to waste time here!" Spirit shadow mirror bee says.

"It's easier to beat you!" Nanfeng laughs.

"But you can't do it, you said, you can't touch me, and I'm confident that you have no chance to beat me without me!" Spirit shadow mirror bee says.

"Any magic power, there will be a moment of failure!" Nanfeng said that the eight talismans gushed out again, together with the inscriptions on the gold body.

Under the eight talismans, the eight spirits burst out instantly, and eight kinds of light immediately filled the mirror nest.

At this moment, the dark mirror bee and the spirit shadow mirror bee are shocked.

"The eight spirits are all in one, and the original Tianzu didn't have such ability, did he?" The dark mirror bee said in his heart.

"It seems that in a way, you have surpassed your ancestors." Shocked, Ling Ying Jing Feng looked at the south wind and said with emotion.

"When I defeat you, you can praise me like that again!" Nanfeng said that the eight forces in one, in the primitive directly into a cut, instantly toward the spirit shadow mirror bee kill in the past.

The spirit shadow mirror bee condenses the space of innumerable mirrors to resist.

But at this time, the power of the spirit shadow mirror bee can't resist at all.

But heaven and earth's instant disappeared, really too unexplained.

Even if the strong momentum of the south wind is completely blocked, and the ghost mirror bee is shrouded, when this cut is down, the ghost mirror bee still disappears without a trace.

During this period of disappearance, nanfengjin's spirit eyes and primitive self pole still can't capture any trace of its movement.

Waiting for the ghost mirror bee to appear in another area, he will feel it again.

"No shadow! No trace There are two voices in Nanfeng's heart.

At this moment, Nanfeng completely understood what it was without a trace. Even if he was primitive and had a pair of heaven and earth eyes, he could not feel it.

At this moment, fortunately, his strength is stronger than that of the spirit shadow mirror bee. Fortunately, he has the powerful defense of chaos gold body. Otherwise, without a trace, the spirit shadow mirror bee will definitely attack him. I'm afraid he doesn't even know how to defeat.

"What can I do? I can't touch him at all!" Said mamlo.

"The seal area is the best way, but the problem is that the seal power transformed from your power is not strong enough for it to disappear!" Hua Yu said.

"Do you really want to continue wasting time? You know, my time is infinite Looking at the more dignified look of the south wind, the spirit shadow mirror says with a smile.

"No trace is really powerful, but since no trace is the instant step of heaven and earth, then it is to connect the space with an invisible heart. The powerful seal force can absolutely stop no trace!" Said Nanfeng.

"It's not bad. If you want to get rid of the instant step of heaven and earth, the seal is the best way. Unfortunately, when you face me, your seal power is too bad. Haven't you tried it twice?" Spirit shadow mirror bee says with a smile.

"I've tried twice indeed!" Nanfeng said, "so why not try again?"

Say, south wind a stride again, arrived at the sky of the spirit shadow mirror bee.

At this moment, the south wind broke out all the power, and also transformed all the power into the power of seal. The eight talismans surrounded it, condensed into a big net and shrouded it.

"It's so stubborn!" See the south wind attack again, spirit shadow mirror bee a little disdain to say.

Spirit shadow mirror bee also lazy again gather strength to resist, directly urged without a trace.

"Then try my strongest seal power!" The south wind said heavily.The two worlds, the mixed fire world and the Wanshi world, diffuse from behind the south wind.

Two kinds of regular chains immediately gush out and sink into the seal cage of the south wind.

"The seal of the rules!" With the roar of the south wind, the most powerful seal power of the south wind was formed.

"This rule does not apply to the rules of heaven and earth!" As soon as the dark mirror bee saw it, it immediately felt different and said with disbelief in doubt.

"Did he make the rules himself? Is it beyond the ancestors of heaven? "

Dark mirror bee seems to know a lot about Tianzu.

Boom boom! Under the seal cage of the regular chain, some touching sounds sounded. At that moment, Nanfeng also sensed the body of lingyingjingfeng.

At this moment, the ghost mirror bee can't escape the seal of the south wind.

Bang! With the last sound of collision, the figure of the spirit shadow mirror bee emerges, and there is only unbelievable in his dark pupils.

The spirit shadow mirror bee said heavily, "how can it? It seems that your seal is not the seal of heaven and earth, because it is the seal of heaven and earth. I can get rid of some, but now... "

"Because it's just my rule seal!" Nanfeng laughs.

"It's just the seal of your rules!" The spirit shadow mirror bee murmured, "how can this sentence be a little familiar!"

"Spirit shadow, you step back!" At this time, the dark mirror bee opened its mouth.

"Good!" The spirit shadow mirror bee nods. With the convergence of the south wind, the spirit shadow mirror bee fades away.

"If you know that you have this move, I will let the power of lingyingjingfeng rise to the later stage of the lower God!" Looking at the south wind, the dark mirror bee whispered.

"I'm sorry, sir. Now I can go back to the mirror nest on the fourth floor. I don't need to look for the mirror nest again." The south wind grinned.

"If you win, of course you can!" The dark mirror bee nodded. Only one wing incites, a space channel appears, extending to the mirror nest on the fourth floor!