Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 2396

This time, however, it was a bit unexpected for Nanfeng, because after waiting for a moment, there was no change on the most central mirror nest, and there was no trace of space passage into the mirror nest.

At this moment, Nanfeng himself suddenly felt something wrong, some threats, and even the danger of death appeared in his mind, which came from the most central mirror nest.

Nanfeng's expression suddenly becomes dignified. At this time, Nanfeng has realized that the danger in the most central mirror nest is not only the powerful tearing force and the powerful space illusion.

"Damn fat man, there must be something I haven't been told!" There was a heavy sound in Nanfeng's heart.

If you don't tell him, it's the fat guy who wants him to suffer a big loss.

Boom boom! In the strong danger, the mirror nest began to change, a piece of mirror above, blooming light is strong, some places is the formation of beam lasing.

Finally, these laser beams converge to form a huge shadow, which quickly condenses into a dark mirror bee.

Shua! The dark mirror bee also opened its eyes in an instant, and its frightening eyes were directed to the south wind.

At this moment, Nanfeng's body was shocked inexplicably, as if countless toxic forces poured into his body at the same time. His flesh, bones and meridians also seemed to decay at this moment.

This is the embodiment of a powerful power. The power of this dark mirror wasp need not think much. It is incomparably powerful, and it can't be matched by Nanfeng at all.

At this moment, can Nanfeng not understand what is the danger on the most central mirror nest.

South wind can't see how strong this dark mirror bee is. Under this momentum, south wind only feels that it is floating, and this dark mirror bee is a vast ocean.

The power of the dark mirror bee is absolutely in the kingdom of God.

"Is this the guardian of heaven and earth?" Try to resist that kind of repression, south wind heavily. It's normal for the supernatural powers of heaven and earth to have guardians.

"Why is he just a boy of the lower God, and dare to go to the most central mirror nest in this realm? Is he an ignorant creature?" Seeing the south wind, the dark mirror bee was surprised.

Then, the dark mirror bee also shook his head, which was a pity for the south wind.

"Master!" The south wind made a tentative respectful sound.

"Younger generation, you don't need to be close to me. When you get to the central mirror nest, there are only two choices: one is to defeat me and get the complete world instant step, the other is to be killed by me and integrate strength, flesh and blood into the mirror nest!" Said the dark mirror.

Hearing this, Nanfeng's pupil suddenly shrank.

In the world, the two women were at a loss.

A way of life, a way of death, now the south wind can only face the road of death, he has no possibility to overcome the dark mirror nest.

Not to mention the height of his realm, he seems to be able to explode the power of Qi in the mirror forest, which can be seen from the power of Qi around his body at this time.

"Do I really want to fall here?" There was a deep voice in Nanfeng's heart.

"Didn't the fat man really know that there was such a powerful dark mirror bee on it?" In the world, said mamlo resentfully.

"Otherwise, I don't know." Hua Yu said.

"What to do?" At this moment, the two women can only ask Nanfeng.

"Master, is there no third way to choose?" Nanfeng is not reconciled and asks heavily.

The dark mirror bee didn't reply. It just had a powerful light on one of its wings, like a sharp blade, and cut it directly to the south wind.

Maybe the dark mirror bee sympathizes with Nanfeng, but that's the rule of the mirror nest. He won't stay.

Nanfeng knew that he could not resist this attack, because the power of this attack was absolutely King level.

In the face of death, Nanfeng's heart was naturally afraid, but he didn't show much.

"Death finally landed on me again!" Nanfeng is not willing to say.

"You two should not have any power from now on. Although I am dead, my two souls are still separated. As long as you are not found by the dark mirror bee, you will have a chance to leave here!" At this time, Nanfeng also told the two women in the world.

His true self is in a desperate situation, but his martial arts of Nanfeng is not completely over. He still has his own soul.

Hearing the words of the south wind, the two women dare not have any more strength and emotion.

They know exactly what's going on.

Wheezing! The sound of fragmentation starts at the next moment. Nanfeng's body directly disintegrates and flesh flies. The light power of the dark mirror bee directly covers Nanfeng's soul and Yuan Shen. It is necessary to take Nanfeng's soul and Yuan Shen into the mirror nest.

Naturally, this is not to show mercy to Nanfeng, but to turn Nanfeng's soul and spirit into the nutrient of the mirror nest, or the nutrient of the dark mirror bee.

Fortunately, at the moment when Nanfeng's body broke, his spiritual pulse and the world disappeared into the invisible space.

But the next moment, the light power of the dark mirror bee dissipated, and the soul and spirit of Nanfeng were released.At this moment, the south wind is inexplicable.

What makes Nanfeng even more puzzling is that at this moment, he feels that he can burst out the power of Qi.

At this time, the south wind is really confused. However, he didn't hesitate. He was still rational. He broke out the source of life quickly and gathered his body again.

But he didn't dare to enter the world. If he exposed the world because he entered the world, and the dark mirror bee killed again, everything would be over. Nanfeng didn't think that his world could just notice that the strong in the kingdom of God could defend and escape at the moment.

After reuniting his body, Nanfeng found that the dark mirror bee also converged.

"The blood in your body is pure ancestral blood?" At this time, the dark mirror bee asked.

Hearing this inquiry, Nanfeng was silent.

Seeing the silence of the south wind, the dark mirror bee continued to say, "just now, just because I feel that your blood is Tianzu's blood, otherwise now you have become my nutrient!"

"I'm not afraid to tell you that if you have real ancestral blood flowing in your body, you can live today!"

Hearing this, Nanfeng no longer hesitated and completely released his ancestral blood.

The dark mirror bee should not cheat him, even if it can't cheat him, now he is fish, and the dark mirror bee is a butcher.

"It's really the blood of Tianzu, and it's also the perfect blood of Tianzu. Did the descendants of Tianzu appear in the divine realm again?" After confirming, the dark mirror bee murmurs.

And at this moment, the killing intention of the dark mirror bee is really convergence.

"It's as if my danger is over?" At this time, the south wind sound in the world's two women.

"Is this dark mirror bee loyal to heaven?" The two girls were also puzzled. "If so, it would be better!" Said Nanfeng.