Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 2395

The reason why we are prepared to create the zulei rule is that many things in the divine realm may lead to the destruction of thunder. If the zulei rule is in place, Nanfeng will not be afraid of the destruction of thunder.

"OK, fire, time, thunder three kinds of heaven and earth level array!" Said the fat man.

Random, three rays from the fat man's eyebrows shot out, to the south wind eyebrows.

"It's OK, fat man, I didn't give it to you Sensing the three arrays, Nanfeng grinned.

"Brother, I'm generous sometimes, OK?" Said the fat man.

"Don't talk. If you hadn't promised me, you would be so happy?" Nanfeng grinned and let the fat man's complacent look disappear.

Then, the south wind stepped on the outermost layer of the mirror nest.

Immediately, Nanfeng felt the powerful tearing power corresponding to his own realm. Just as the fat man said, without a strong body, he could not comprehend the instant steps of heaven and earth in this mirror nest.

And for a moment, his eyes seemed to see countless layers of mirror space, and his mind couldn't get out of the sight, as if he had entered a deep dreamland.

At this moment, he could not urge the power of Qi, the power of golden spirit eyes, the power of sky magic cloud and wind.

Nanfeng can only rely on their own understanding of space, out of this mirror illusion.

On the heart of Nanfeng, an invisible heart shadow begins to condense. It is the virtual shadow of the heart of space, and a stream of invisible lines also surround it. That is Nanfeng's understanding of space.

At this moment, Nanfeng's eyes suddenly become very clear, he clearly saw the essence of the layers of space in front of him. Under his clear eyes, the illusory layers of space continue to change, become simple, and finally become a layer of space.

However, there are some paths to this intangible space.

Boom boom! At this moment, the force here is tearing at Nanfeng's body.

But for the south wind, it's nothing, so it's just two steps. The south wind passes through this layer of space. When he passes through, there are two choices.

One is to open the road to the space above the mirror nest on the second floor, and the other is to enter the outer mirror nest space channel under his feet.

The south wind will not stay on the mirror nest of the outer layer, but step out again and go directly to the mirror nest of the second layer.

"Brother, you are a little slow!" At this time, the voice of the fat man sounded.

Nanfeng's eyes turned, and the fat man was on the third floor of the mirror nest.

"This guy deserves to be here twice. He's much faster than you!" In the world, mamlo said with emotion.

Just as the voice of momanluo fell, the fat man had reached the mirror nest on the fourth floor.

"Brother, go on, fat man, I'm beginning to understand!" After resisting the tearing power and space illusion for a while, the fat man said to the south wind again, and disappeared into the fourth layer of mirror nest.

As for the final mirror nest, the fat man didn't look at it at all.

"This guy didn't even try the most central mirror nest." Nanfeng said, "is it really difficult to set foot on the most central mirror nest?"

At this moment, Nanfeng's curiosity and indomitable heart were completely suffused.

Then, the south wind did not hesitate any more, but went up quickly.

Soon, the south wind reached the fourth floor above the mirror nest.

On the fourth floor of the mirror nest, the tearing power and spatial fantasy really reached the limit of the south wind, but did not mention the ultimate limit.

Therefore, Nanfeng's eyes look at the most central mirror nest.

"Young master, do you want to try?" Hua Yu said.

"When we are all here, how can we not have a try!" Nanfeng said, "although the fat guy told me that the ultimate result is failure, I still have to try."

Eyes firm, the south wind directly stepped on the most central mirror nest.

Tear! Just step on, Nanfeng arms, legs above is covered with blood, and chapped is still expanding.

Nanfeng's mind was also suddenly confused by the illusion of space that he could not see clearly.

"It seems that it's not easy to get the fifth level of heaven and earth instant step!" Nanfeng sighed, "however, if it's not so difficult to get it, it's not worthy to be called the divine power of heaven and earth, and it's still the instant step of heaven and earth!"

Among all the supernatural powers of heaven and earth, the instant walk of heaven and earth is not the first one, but the second one, absolutely no other one can surpass it.

The instant step of heaven and earth is not reflected in the attack, but in terms of speed, even the magic power of the golden winged Mirs can not be compared with it.

There is a clear record in ancient books that a half step God Emperor genius, with the help of heaven and earth instant step, escaped from the hands of the God Emperor.

If you change it into other supernatural powers of heaven and earth, you will have ten kinds of them. If a half step God Emperor's genius goes against heaven again, it is absolutely impossible to escape from the hands of the God Emperor.

This is enough to show that the instant walk of heaven and earth is more advanced than other powers of heaven and earth.

Buzz, buzz!The heart is firm, the south wind starts to urge his physical strength thoroughly, the golden light breaks out from the body, repairing the chapped wound to a certain extent.

In the center of Nanfeng's eyebrows, the shadow of two inscriptions reappeared.

But south wind belittles the tearing power and space illusion above.

When he moved forward a few more steps, he became a blood man, his mind began to be confused, and he began to fall into the illusion of space.

"It's all here. If I fall down, then I'm not Nanfeng!" How can such difficulties stop Nanfeng? For Nanfeng, only the last moment of death can stop him.

Heart war again, south wind hard forward.

Nanfeng regains his mind and fights again in the illusory space.

Although he couldn't break out the source of life and the power of Qi, the constitution of Nanfeng's chaotic golden body supported him all the time and became his biggest dependence.

Hum! I don't know when the golden light on Nanfeng's body was suddenly flooded again. It was from Nanfeng's bloody eyebrows that he fixed his eyes.

At this moment, Nanfeng's eyebrow center is no longer the shadow of two inscriptions, but three. Although it is not very clear, it has really appeared.

Under this bloody situation, Nanfeng's potential of flesh and blood was stimulated.

At this moment, if Nanfeng can summon chaos gold body, his third gold Body Inscription can definitely be seen.

Roar! A roar roared out of Nanfeng's mouth. Nanfeng's whole body seemed to expand, with infinite power. At this moment, the speed of the south wind seemed to increase rapidly, and a few steps directly and completely reached the most central mirror nest.

"Fat man, if you look at it now, it will make you lose your big teeth. This is the most central mirror nest. I come up." At this moment, Nanfeng smiles and grins.

"I'm really looking forward to the complete instant walk of heaven and earth!" With excitement and expectation, Nanfeng is waiting for the opening of the space passage to the central mirror nest.