Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 2378

I'm afraid that the more he explained this, the darker it became.

Tianlan Shenzi will also make a rumor about it. At that time, Nanfeng's situation will be a little bad.

Even the God King of Tianlan dare not so blatantly seize the Tiancai, Dibao and other things of any force in Tianlan kingdom!

"Fat man, this time, you've killed me!" Standing up in the depth of the river, Nanfeng really wants to cry.

"Nanfeng, as a matter of fact, you don't have to eat hard or soft. Sometimes you need a living treasure like fat master to do it for you. Ha ha!" Looking at the south wind to cry without tears look, magic manluo is laughing.

"You're still in the mood for Schadenfreude, mamlo Hear evil man Luo is a smile again, South breeze very speechless say.

"Don't laugh, then think about what you can do!" Hearing Nanfeng's words, momanluo was serious. But to tell you the truth, in the heart of mamlo, I still want to laugh.

"What else can I do? Find the fat man and take what's on that guy. I can't carry this black pot for nothing!" Said Nanfeng.

Later, Nanfeng soul split into the world, trying to contact the fat man while searching for him with perception. Nanfeng didn't want to show up again. He was chased by many warriors.

Some martial arts pursuers can really hone their realm and strength.

Many strong pursuit, it is really a run not fast, is the end of the smoke.

On the way to search, Huayu also went through the pass. This time, Huayu successfully broke through to the peak of the later stage of the true spirit.

After hearing about the fat man, I couldn't help laughing. Now in Hua Yu's heart, people like fat can make Nan Feng want to cry without tears.

Fat don't want to let Nanfeng find, Nanfeng is really not easy to find, for two months, Nanfeng didn't see any trace of fat.

"Damn you, if you have the ability, you will never contact me. There will always be times when you are in danger!" There was a cold south wind.

The curse of Nanfeng had just fallen, and his arm seemed to shine with the eternal connection array, which was left by the fat man. "Brother, I'm sorry for you, but I really can't help it. I'll do whatever you want when you see him. But now, please come and save me, or I'll be in this holy place!" The light of the array flashed up, and the fat man's crying voice seemed to ring out.

At this moment, Nanfeng smiles.

"Fat man!" The south wind grinned.

"Young master, it seems that your chance has come!" Hua Yu said with a smile.

"This time, how are you going to make the fat man suffer?" Asked mamlo curiously.

"This time, if he doesn't spit up, he doesn't understand what is life and death, and he doesn't suffer!" The south wind said heavily.

Then, the south wind also went directly to where the fat man was at this time.

It was a vast area of rocks, many of which were as big as small peaks, and each of them exuded a sense of space power.

The first time I looked at it, it seemed that I could get to the next one at once.

In addition to the breath of space power, Nanfeng also feels the breath of array power.

Nanfeng knew the array, so when he looked at the stones for some time, he suddenly found that no matter how many stones you put together, two or three A hundred or a thousand can form an invisible array.

This kind of feeling is just like his heaven and earth array. No matter how many creatures, his heaven and earth array can combine to form the strongest array.

"The power of space and array here is not simple. I'm afraid this area is not a simple place!" Nanfeng murmured.

"Young master, I also have an intuition that this area will not be simple!" Hua Yu said.

"Find the fat man first!" Said Nanfeng.

Immediately, the south wind continued to go deep. When he went deep for a certain distance, he found many traces of warriors.

There is no doubt that these warriors came here to hunt the fat man.

In this deep place, the power of the array on the rocks has been enhanced a lot, reaching the lower God level.

"Are the array forces on these rocks natural or those of the warriors?" Asked mamlo.

"I can't be wrong in my original self extreme perception. It's natural. These rich array forces are natural from these rocks." Nanfeng said with certainty.

"Naturally, I'm afraid it's not a simple place!" Hua Yu said, "the fragments of the array power Avenue were born in the rocky positions between heaven and earth."

"Then this place is likely to be a rocky position!"

"It should be, but it should be just a newly formed stone position, because here, I haven't felt the charm of heaven and earth road like that in Liuli area!" Said Nanfeng.

"Moreover, many of the fighters who have come to hunt down the fat man must see that this is a rocky position, but they are still arranging means to control the fat man. Obviously, there are no fragments of the array road here.""Generally, these areas just formed can't give birth to road fragments!" Hua Yu nodded.

"That's a pity!" Said mamlo.

At this time, the four warriors came out of the group and said in a loud voice, "brothers, are you ready?"

"All right!" The warriors drank loudly.

"Brothers, the fat man's hiding here is to seek death, and this rock position is the place where the fat man is buried. At that time, we will share everything on the fat man." Said the four warriors.

"After that, kill Nanfeng again!"

"It seems that these four people are also array masters!" Said mamlo.

"It's true that the four of them have great attainments in array. By using the power of these warriors, the array power on the rocks has evolved into a natural array, similar to my heaven and earth array." Said Nanfeng.

"It's like your heaven and earth array. No wonder the fat man began to contact you and ask you for help." "But I really can't believe that these four people and these warriors can develop an array similar to the heaven and earth array," he said

"To think about it, it's all about the rubble." Hua Yu said.

"Yes, everything is based on the position of the stones. The connection of the stones is an invisible array of heaven and earth. As long as it is controlled by the talent of the array, it can evolve!" Said Nanfeng.

"And these four warriors should be the genius of Fang family in Tianlan kingdom!"

"It should be good. If it wasn't for the people of Fang family, I'm afraid these warriors would not be so obedient!" Hua Yu said. "My good brother, are you here at last?" At this time, the voice of the fat man's crying voice came out from the array of Nanfeng's arm.