Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 2377

"Ha ha, of course, thank you Nanfeng laughs.

Palm turned, south wind took out four pieces of God King God grid broken.

"Miss Tianlan, how about these four pieces of God King's spirit as a reward for your four golden Buddha fruits?" Nanfeng grinned.

Now that he had promised before he went in, Nanfeng had to take out four pieces of Shenwang Shenge. Besides, Tianlan Mingyu and Tianlan Yerong were worthy of being treated sincerely.

Looking at the four pieces of divinity, I felt the spirit of the king above the pieces of divinity. The four of Tianlan Mingyu were shocked, dull and unbelievable.

As the genius and core of the Tianlan family, they have seen the fragments of the divine king and divine personality, and they can recognize them at the first time.

It seems that after a long time, the four talents responded. Tianlan night rongzhenzhen said, "Nanfeng, you Did you really find the shards of the divine king's Godhead? "

"Here we are. Nine. Here are four!" Said Nanfeng.

"You said that!" The sky LAN night Rong immediately receives a word, the hand a stretch, collected those four pieces of God King God grid fragment.

After collecting, Tianlan Yerong also said, "Nanfeng, why don't we give you some more golden Buddha fruit?"

Tianlan Yerong felt a little embarrassed, because a piece of God King's Godhead fragment is not comparable to any lower God level Golden Buddha fruit, not to mention four pieces.

"I don't need this one. Four of them are enough for me to refine for a long time. Besides, I can't refine more of any natural resources and local treasures. It's useless if I want more!" Said Nanfeng.

Four golden Buddhas are really enough for him.

But the Golden Buddha fruit has no great effect on the magic manluo and the transformation feather.

"Young Xia Nanfeng, you deserve our admiration!" At this time, that day LAN pingqi and that young woman are heavy to South breeze say.

At this time, they really feel that they are a little bit of a villain at the beginning. What Tian LAN Mingyu said is right. Nanfeng is a very direct friend.

It is unbelievable that someone else can take out a fragment of the divine power. You know, this is a fragment of the divine king's divine personality. I'm afraid there is nothing more precious than this fragment of the divine king's divine personality in a divine land.

"Ha ha, the two elders are praising me Nanfeng said with a smile Then, after talking again for some time, Nanfeng chooses to leave alone. First, it's convenient for her to move, but now it's three aspects of people who pursue and kill him, Tianlan Shenzi, the blood devil God King, and the greedy assassin. If she is with Tianlan Mingyu, they may be in danger


"Young master, you are right. He is really a man worthy of admiration. There is no need for him to give us four pieces of Godhead, but he did." After the south wind left, Tian Lan said.

"Moreover, with his present position as the eldest martial brother of Tianmen, we should be the ones to recruit him!"

"That's why I said that if you want to communicate with the south wind, you must be sincere." Tianlan Mingyu said seriously, "and I also believe that he will surpass Tianlan Shenzi."

"If only he could suppress Tianlan Shenzi in the future. Although we share the same blood with Tianlan Shenzi, in the end, Tianlan Shenzi may not make us feel better!" Said the young woman.

"But with his heart, he will not be so overbearing in controlling the kingdom of God."

… "Tianlan Mingyu several people, from the moment you take out four pieces of Godhead fragments, I'm afraid they really admire you." "The magic man Luo says," look, you these four pieces of divine dignity fragment take out of value

"What's the value of it? It's four pieces of God. Ah, now I think it's very painful!" South wind is very painful said.

"Cut, then you still beat swollen face to fill fat person!" Said mamlo.

"Why! By the way, when it comes to fat man, I haven't contacted this guy for a long time. This guy didn't even return to Tianmen at the beginning, so he came directly to this divine place. What's the harvest of this guy now? " Hear the Devil Man Luo a "fat man", South breeze suddenly says.

"That guy still owes me three arrays. Next, it's time to ask that guy for them!"

Immediately, Nanfeng also uses the array left by fat man to contact him, but he can't.

"Is this guy deliberately not in touch, or in some forbidden places?" Unable to contact, Nanfeng said.

"It should be in some forbidden places!" Said mamlo.

"Forget it, don't contact this fat man. This guy has always had good things to eat by himself!" Said Nanfeng.

After that, Nanfeng himself entered the Wanshi world, and let the soul split up outside to continue to search for the Godhead and some Godhead places, the natural resources and treasures, as well as the fragments of the power Avenue.

Without a period of time, Nanfeng really didn't know how many times his soul had escaped, or how many times he had evaded the world because he was defeated by his opponent.

At this moment, Nanfeng didn't know where he was. He just knew that he was panting in the depth of a river, because this time, he was chased by three inferior gods.

"Hateful fat man, when I see you, I'll peel you off!" After a little recovery, the south wind roared in the depth of the river, a pair of hateful eyes, really want to kill the fat man."Now, I understand why the fat man didn't contact you and refused to contact you!" In the world, the magic man Luo is very funny to the soul part said.

Nanfeng was separated from Tianlan Mingyu. Not a day later, he heard that a very obscene fat man appeared in this divine place. The fat man's array was invincible. Even some powerful inferior gods could not keep the fat man.

The fat man grabs everything when he sees people. The God source of others, the fragments of power Avenue, the fragments of Godhead, the treasures of heaven and earth.

The fat man, depending on the array, can appear and disappear almost every time.

The fat man robbed for nearly four months.

I'm afraid that except for the middle gods, the upper gods have not been robbed, and all the other warriors have been robbed.

So, the fat man is really angry.

There is no one in the whole divine land who does not pursue and kill the fat man.

A lot of middle gods and upper gods are out of hand, because there are too many good things on the fat man.

On the way to being chased and killed, the fat man said directly that he had robbed a lot of them to Nanfeng, and Nanfeng had instructed him to do all this.

Of course, the warriors didn't believe it, but soon someone was sure that the fat man was a good friend of Nanfeng.

In this way, these people don't care whether Nanfeng is the elder martial brother of Tianmen. They also put Nanfeng on the must kill list. If they kill Nanfeng in this divine place, it's impossible for the strong of Tianmen to detect.

This time, not only the people of Tianlan Shenzi, but also the warriors of this divine land are hostile to Nanfeng.

So, can Nanfeng not scold the fat man? The influence of this event is not only so, the end of Shenge land, this event will spread throughout the whole Tianlan Kingdom, at that time, almost no family will want to intersect with him.