Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 230

With the sound of the Yellow rat, the black poisonous crocodiles and the active warriors immediately backed away, but surrounded the Nanfeng three from a distance.

At the same time, with the help of the two warriors, the squirrel came up, but he still clamped his legs tightly!

"Ha ha, are you afraid that you are going to lose your children and grandchildren? Are you ready to kowtow to us to apologize, offer all your belongings and ask me to spare your life?" Looking at the appearance of the squirrel, Tieshan couldn't help laughing.

In fact, the south wind is also a bit unbearable, because the shape of the squirrel at the moment, really lost the face of the man!

"To die! You death seeking bastards! Especially you smelly woman, our guild leader must let you become a thing in the crotch, and then reward you to our guild leader for all you have, including these black poisonous crocodiles! " Hear this words, the Yellow rat Yin Yi roars to say.

However, Nanfeng felt another strong sense of killing. This strong sense of killing made Nanfeng feel afraid. With a flash of vision, Nanfeng felt that this sense of killing came from Tang you.

"It's a terrible intention to kill. What kind of powerful power does you have in her bloody eyes?" Nanfeng sighed again.

At this time, Tieshan went to Nanfeng's ear and whispered, "Fengnan, I don't think we need to do it next, because our sister you is really angry!"

"Although you elder sister is strong, it's not so exaggerated. After all, the Yellow rat is also a warrior of the six grades of sudden bones!" Nanfeng is a little unconvinced.

Although Tang you's killing intention is strong, and the power contained in his bloody eyes is also extremely powerful, it doesn't mean that Tang you can defeat the whole hamster gang with one person's strength!

"You'll find out later!" Iron mountain still has a bit to show off to say.

"Today, you all have to die here!" At this time, the angry Tang you finally opened his mouth again. The tone of his killing intention was painful. People could not hear that it was from such a beautiful woman!

With the shining changes of blood eyes, Tang you's momentum is constantly increasing, as if to crack the black swamp area!

Roar! At this time, the hamster suddenly looked up and howled like a fierce beast. Seeing the hamster howling, the warlords of the gopher gang were even more frightened. They quickly stepped back and left the area far away!

The two armed men who helped the rat trembled with fear, as if they heard the howling, as if they heard something terrible, but they did not dare to leave!

Those black poisonous crocodiles didn't leave!

"Tieshan, there seems to be something wrong with the situation. I always feel that the Yellow rat is a little evil, or we'd better retreat first. Didn't the Lord give us half a month?" Seeing those quickly retreating gopher gangsters and associating with the howling of the Yellow rat, Nanfeng felt something was wrong and said to Tieshan.

"Fengnan, you can rest assured that no matter what card the rat takes out, it will be a decoration in front of you sister's blood eyes!" Hearing Nanfeng's words, Tieshan said confidently that he was more confident than Tang you!

"That's what you said. If it doesn't work, I'll run away first. Don't blame me!" Nanfeng is still a little unconvinced.

"Ha ha, don't complain!" Iron mountain laughs a way!

Roar! Next moment, in response to the howl of the rat, there are more fierce howls coming from all directions. Needless to think, these howls are from fierce animals!

Boom! At the same time, Nanfeng and Tieshan felt the strong rushing sound coming from all directions, which came from the black swamp.

Soon, in their eyes, there appeared a large group of black fierce beasts, which came quickly from a distance, making waves of mud in the black swamp.

As you can see, this group of fierce beasts, with 200 heads, roared together, just like a huge mountain rolling towards three people! Among them are black poisonous crocodile, blue centipede, black swamp Python and two tailed yellow scorpion.

In a word, they are all poisonous beasts in the realm of sudden bones!

"Well, Tieshan, now Do you still have me Looking at this group of poisonous beasts coming, Nanfeng looks at the iron mountain and asks a little dully.

"Brother Fengnan, I What did I just say! " Heard the south wind's inquiry, iron mountain also a little dull said.

"You didn't say anything, I ran first!" Nanfeng light said, ready to run!

However, he was held down by iron mountain.

"Brother Fengnan, I know you're a little scared, but sister you doesn't mean to leave. We three are in the same group. We can't leave anyone behind!" Said Tieshan.

"Then we'll run with you!" Nanfeng said eagerly.

There are so many poisonous beasts, and all of them are in the realm of sudden bones. He doesn't want to fight here even if he is killed, because it's no longer training his fighting power, but killing himself. I know that there is still a south wind in Ming Dynasty!

"Nanfeng, you know, sister you is very angry now. If you drag her, you must be the first one to be thrown into the fierce herd!" Said Tieshan."What about that?" Nanfeng whispers, because if you don't hurry up, when these fierce beasts come, you can only fight fiercely!

"What can I do if I don't, get ready to fight!" Said Tieshan.

But at this moment, the south wind is in the words of iron mountain, feel the real dignified!

"All right! Then fight Hearing Tieshan's words, Nanfeng had to sigh, because he couldn't let him run alone, and from Tang you's look, it was obvious that he had to kill the squirrel!

"Fengnan, thank you very much!" Hearing the words of the south wind, Tieshan didn't refuse and said thank you very much.

"Don't forget, we're a team." Nanfeng said, then took out two Yuanyang pills from the storage ring in the phagocytosis space and handed them to Tieshan.

"Take it with you. I think you can resist the poisonous gas of these fierce beasts for us."

"Yuanyang Dan, good thing, brother Fengnan, it seems that I have found you right in the black swamp today!" See two Yuan Yang Dan, iron mountain excited to say, the dignified in the Mou son receded a little bit.

Immediately, Tieshan took one and gave it to Tang you!

Tang you grabbed the pill directly, and swallowed it without looking at it. Obviously, he really decided to fight!

"Ah, I lost two Yuanyang pills. I hope one tenth of the treasure house of the gopher Gang is not chicken ribs!" For his two Yuanyang pills, Nanfeng is naturally distressed.

Now there are only nine Yuanyang pills left on him.

"You should be a gifted animal master!" At this time, Tang you opened his mouth again, looked at the ferocious eyes of the rat, and said with a little heavy.