Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 229

"What's the matter? I haven't had a good fight yet With the black poison crocodile's retreat, iron mountain also retreated that kind of crazy state, very uncomfortable said.

"They show up!" Tang said in a deep voice, "faster than I expected!"

Hear the words of hot you, the South breeze and iron mountain are also reaction to come over immediately, the vision directly looked forward to.

However, in their eyes, there were a group of people, 40 of them. There was no doubt that they were members of the gopher gang.

However, their eyes did not pay much attention to the hamsters, but focused on their feet, because each of them was stepping on a black poisonous crocodile!

"This How is that possible? How can these ferocious black poisonous crocodiles willingly let these guys step on their backs Seeing this scene, Tieshan said directly.

Nanfeng and Tang you did not speak, but from their expressions, we can see that the color of shock is no less than iron mountain!

"Ha ha, as the saying goes, when a friend comes, he must be treated with courtesy. Unexpectedly, our hamster Gang sent 20 poison crocodiles, but they still can't treat three friends well. Well, my hamster led all the brothers out in person!" When the three were shocked, a skinny man with sharp lips and narrow cheeks came out of the crowd and said with a smile.

In this joke, his rat eyes are constantly sweeping around Tang you's proud body, but they almost don't drool.

"Ha ha, your name is Rattus flavipectus. It really matches your appearance!" Hearing the laughter, tieshancong reacts in shock, looks at the rat, and then laughs directly.

Iron mountain a smile, not only the expression of the Yellow rat gloomy down, is behind those hamster Gang, the face is also very gloomy, even those black poison crocodiles are roaring!

"Guild leader, give an order. Let the little ones break up this mess. Anyone who dares to abuse the guild leader will die!" At once, the warlords of the gopher Gang roared.

That angry momentum, almost to eat the iron mountain!

"Well! You cancer, let's go together. I haven't had a good fight just now. Now I'll try my iron fist with you Hearing the clamor, Tieshan went on a murderous road.

"This iron mountain is really a fighting maniac. Can't we calm down? According to the current situation, maybe we should try other people's fists. After all, those black poisonous crocodiles are not decorations!" Feeling the craziness on Tieshan, Nanfeng sighed.

"What are you doing? How can you be rude in front of this beautiful woman And the rat, as if not angry, calm said to the people behind.

And it is this calm body shape that directly makes all the people of the gopher Gang shut up, and there is a trace of fear in their eyes, which is still that kind of fear.

"Is this squirrel terrible?" Seeing this scene, Nanfeng thought again.

At this time, the Yellow rat is very close to Tang you, and the saliva in his mouth is really left. The mouse's eyes are protruding, and he can't wait to say to Tang you, "this beauty, can you be my wife? In the future, the whole black swamp area is up to you..."

"Go away!" But without waiting for the rat to finish, Tang you made a rude remark and kicked the rat's crotch.

Caught off guard at all, the Yellow rat took Tang you's foot firmly, then covered his crotch and flew out in the scream, and rolled several times in the black swamp.

Looking at this scene, the south wind and iron mountain were shaking.

Because no matter how powerful the warrior is, that place is also a soft spot. Tang you, who is infinitely close to the seven grades of sudden bones, gives him a hard kick. He knows what the end is when he thinks about it.

From the cry, Nanfeng and Tieshan seem to understand what it means to be miserable. When they look at each other, they can see that our sister Youjie is too cruel. It's better not to make trouble in the future.

"Kill! Kill them for me Under such humiliation, no matter how good the rat's temper was, he couldn't bear it any more. He growled and gave orders in the scream.

Immediately, two people went to help the hamster, and then the rest of the hamster gang and the black poisonous crocodile swarmed toward the south wind.

In particular, the black poisonous crocodiles roared, as if they felt the pain of the rat.

"The relationship between these black poisonous crocodiles and the Yellow rat seems very unusual." With its own sensitivity, Nanfeng thought again.

What's more, it's a puzzle that the warlords of the gopher gang can control these black poisonous crocodiles.

It's true that humans and warriors have become combat partners, but this group of warriors have become combat partners with black poison crocodiles, which is not normal.

But at the moment, Nanfeng can't bear to think about it any more. We have to solve the problems in front of us first.

This time, it was not Tieshan who took the lead in fighting back, but Tang you, who was more angry than Tieshan. I saw that the momentum of his body, which belongs to the six grades of sudden bones, broke out directly, which set off the more noble blood eyes. A blood red whip suddenly appeared and danced in his jade hands. Then wherever he passed, whether it was the black poison crocodile or the members of the gopher Gang, he was directly knocked down and killed."What a terrible woman in a rage!" Nanfeng said with emotion.

Needless to say, the face of the squirrel must have disgusted and disgusted Tang you, which directly aroused the most angry Tang you.

As you can see, the iron mountain on one side also shakes its head, with an idea in mind.

However, Nanfeng soon found out some key points, that is, Tang you seemed to know the attack track of the members of the gopher gang in advance during the battle, and then made the most correct return attack track. Without any effort, he directly defeated these fighters.

"Is this another function of the bloody eyes?" Nanfeng thought.

Now, Nanfeng feels more and more that Tang you's snow eyes are not simple, especially vaguely, this pair of blood eyes seems to have caused the abnormal movement of the mixed fire space in his body.

But already in the process of killing, Nanfeng didn't think much about it.

Because of Tang you's anger and Tieshan's iron fists, this battle is much easier than Nanfeng imagined. In a few quarters of an hour, these black poisonous crocodiles and gophers were killed.

Of course, an important reason is that the leader of the hamster gang was kicked too hard by Tang you, which made the hamster Gang lose one third of its combat power.

Because the hamster is the realm of kugu liupin, one person is equal to one third of the fighting power of the hamster gang.

"Stand back, all of you At this time, the yelling of the Yellow rat sounded again.