Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 219

Fire cloud fist, the fire skill of Xuanji, has four levels.

Two aspects of cultivation, first of all, the warrior's control of the flame aura in his own body, to reach the point of Flowing Clouds and flowing water, can evolve into clouds and aerosols, and it is in these two states of rotation.

This is a bit like the practice of the method of mixing fire, and the ever-changing control of fire.

It sounds very simple, but few fire fighters can do it.

On the other hand, it is necessary to be able to feel the intense flame elements from the space, and be able to make these flame elements transform back and forth between clouds and aerosols like the flame aura in the body.

In this way, the combination of self and external can make the martial arts qualified to practice huoyun boxing.

In the first level, the warrior gathers a shadow in the form of fire cloud, blesses his own strength and peak, and bursts out his own peak strength, even if his cultivation is successful.

In the second level, a warrior should gather the shadow of two fire clouds, and break out the power that surpasses himself twice before he can be regarded as a successful cultivation.

In the third level, the warrior gathers three fire clouds and bursts out twice as much power as his peak, which is regarded as the success of cultivation.

As for the fourth level, which is the so-called three living things, how many fist shadows in the form of fire clouds can be condensed, and how many times more power can be produced than the peak of oneself, all the talents and understandings of the practitioners themselves.

"It's worthy of being a middle-class skill. It's a few levels more difficult to practice just by feeling than five beasts fire play. But I don't think I'll be disappointed if I succeed in practicing it!" Nanfeng is looking forward to it.

In particular, this fire cloud boxing can break out the power that surpasses the peak of the martial arts. Just for this, it must be stronger than most of the Xuan level medium level flame skills, or even close to the explosive power of the Xuan level high level skills.

"It's based on the method of mixing fire. The first level of huoyun boxing should not be difficult for me. I don't know how much I can understand this night!" Nanfeng thought in his heart that he urged the two great martial arts to merge huoyun boxing and enter the state of cultivation completely.

A person with a sudden onset of bone strength has a smaller requirement for sleep, which can be said to be negligible. A person with a sudden onset of bone strength can live a lifetime without sleep. As long as he has enough energy in his body, he will have no problem.

Even cultivation has a greater influence on those who have sudden bone attack than sleep.

No matter what level of martial arts, in the state of cultivation, they always can't feel the passage of time, so Nanfeng just feels that he just closed his eyes and then opened his eyes, but actually two nights and a day have passed.

After waking up, Nanfeng's first feeling is that the power of fire in her body is more abundant and strong, just like the volcano that is about to erupt, with endless fire release.

"The method of mixing fire, plus the increase of huoyun boxing, I don't know where my limit is now." Slightly shaking body, Nanfeng murmured to himself.

"Huopao said that I have to reach the third level challenge when I am in the state of sudden bones. Isn't the real family leader just the fourth grade of sudden bones? Then Nanfeng is here to achieve the name of peerless genius!"

Confidence flashed through the pupils, and the south wind came out of the room.

However, just out of the room, he heard Gu Cheng's cold voice coming from the door of Gu's house. "Zhenfeng, you are not welcome in our ancient family. If you want to avenge your second younger brother, you can do it. My ancient family will take it together."

"Ha ha, uncle Gu, what are you talking about? Today I really came here to apologize for my damned second younger brother. By the way, I said hello to Uncle Gu on behalf of my father." True peak attitude modest, smile with apology said.

It's unexpected that Zhenlei, who died in front of the ancient gate the day before yesterday, was his brother.

Zhenfeng, the eldest and youngest master of Zhenjia, has a gentle face, deep eyes, and a nine grade level of hemolysis. He is quite like zhenjuetian. It is even rumored that he is more cruel than zhenjuetian and often kills people with a smile.

Seeing Zhenfeng's smile and apology at the moment, there was a trace of panic in everyone's eyes, because they all knew that this was the sign before the bloody storm.

"First of all, congratulations to Uncle Gu for coming back to the road of martial arts." ZHENFENG continued, "my second brother, he dares to say that kind of animal words in front of the gate of the ancient house. He deserves to die. Even if the young Xia in Uncle Gu's house doesn't do it, my father will do it himself and come to make amends with his second brother's body."

"Well! Fake Hear true peak this words, Gu Qing sister and bad Gu family disciple are cold hum to say.

However, for the sound of these cold hum, Zhenfeng did not agree at all, and continued.

"Uncle Gu, this is my real family's compensation, ten thousand gold coins. My father hopes that our two families can live in harmony and develop together in this city of water and fire as before."

"Since I'm not here for revenge, there's no need for gold coins. Please come back!" Gu Cheng said faintly.

"Uncle Gu, you can't drive my nephew away in such a hurry, because what my father told me is not finished." Hearing Gu Cheng's order, Zhen Feng was not angry, but said with a smile."What's the matter?"

"Uncle Gu, it's the Fengnan young Xia in your family. The day before yesterday, my second brother and the elder collided with the Fengnan young Xia." ZHENFENG said, "I'm here today to apologize to young Xia Fengnan."

"Although the second younger brother is dead and the elder has paid the price, we really can't make trouble for such a talented young Xia. We'd better apologize face to face!"

"Hum, big brother Fengnan is closing the door. He won't see you!" Gu Yan responded coldly.

"Oh! Young Xia Fengnan is shutting down! " Hearing Gu Yan's words, Zhen Feng's eyes flashed a bright light in an instant and said a little unexpectedly.

"Smoke, back up!" Gu Cheng said coldly.

Hearing Gu Cheng's words, Gu Yan also realized that he seemed to have missed something and quickly pursed his mouth and stepped back.

"Uncle Gu, is that Fengnan young Xia really shutting down?" ZHENFENG asked.

"Master Gu, since the real family is looking for me, let me come down and say it!" At this time, the sound of the south wind sounded, and then, the south wind slowly came out from behind the ancient family.

"Brother Fengnan, you are out of the pass!" Seeing the south wind, Gu Qing and Gu Yan are excited.

Seeing the south wind coming out, Gu Cheng felt relieved. If the real family knew that the south wind was closing, the consequences would be unimaginable.

"Oh, this is young Xia Fengnan. I'm in xiazhenfeng. I'd like to pay a visit here to show my apology." Seeing the south wind coming out, a trace of ferocious and murderous intention flashed through Zhenfeng's eyes, but he said politely.

"Zhenfeng, the young master of the real family, I killed your second younger brother and broke the arm of the elder of the real family. You apologize to me. Are you sure you are not looking for the wrong person?" South breeze light smile way.