Born Almighty Warrior

Chapter 218

Hearing Gu Qing's words, Nanfeng was immediately at a loss, and even felt like crying. How could the two sisters think of him as such a person and tempt him with beauty.

A little feeling, south wind is also aware of the door outside the ancient smoke.

"Gu Qing, I want to ask, is this your father's idea?" Eyes a MI, South breeze asks a way.

"Brother Fengnan, no, it's decided by our sisters. It has nothing to do with my father. After taking the black poison flower, my father has been in a semi faint state!" See south wind a little bit really angry appearance, Gu Qing said in a hurry.

"Your brother and sister's decision?" South wind a little doubt way. Because the first feeling of Nanfeng was Gucheng's decision to leave himself to deal with the real family as sister Gucheng.

"Brother Fengnan, you know the current situation of our ancient family. My younger sister and I know better. Although my father will be cured in a few days, because he has been poisoned for a long time, his cultivation will be greatly reduced. It's good to be able to reach the second grade of sudden bone." Gu Qing said seriously.

"In our ancient family, only my father is a strong man. Once brother Fengnan leaves, we can't imagine the consequences. In our ancient family, brother Fengnan has nothing to look up to, so my younger sister and I decided to..."

"Please don't blame brother Fengnan!" Immediately, Gu Qing apologizes to the south wind.

Gu Yan of outer door also came in at this time, apologizing with Gu Qing.

"I see what you two mean." Nanfeng said slightly, "however, as I have just said, I will finish the work here before I leave."

"Brother Fengnan!" Hearing Nanfeng's words, the two sisters didn't know what to do. They just called Nanfeng.

"If you don't feel secure in your heart, give me a set of flame skills. I lack a set of flame skills now." Looking at two people don't want to leave of facial expression, South breeze light language says.

"Brother Fengnan, the flame skill, most of us in the ancient family are the spiritual pulse of the flame attribute, so we have a lot of flame skills. Please wait a moment for brother Fengnan, and our sisters will choose it for brother Fengnan." Hear south wind put forward a request, Gu Qing is very excited to say.

Just as Nanfeng said, only when Nanfeng made a request, even a small one, could they feel at ease.

Then the two sisters left Nanfeng's room.

"Ah Looking at the figure of the two sisters, Nanfeng sighed heavily. He understood that the two sisters might have a good feeling for themselves, but they would never really want to dedicate themselves. Everything was forced by the form!

In this scene, I miss him very much. When he was in Nanjia, he was desperate to survive.

…… After shaking his head slightly, Nanfeng sat down on the bed.

Nanfeng lost some of his strength, that is, his ice power, which was discovered in today's battle process.

At the moment, there are only two kinds of power in his body, one is phagocytosis, the other is flame. All the ice power of previous cultivation is gone.

"That's what I have to lose. I just don't know if I need to practice the power of ice again." Nanfeng hesitated and said to himself.

He still had two kinds of cold ice skills in mind. If he wanted to cultivate them, he could not do it.

However, the south wind is the feeling, two big spaces reshape his body, eliminate the power of ice on his body, should also have a certain truth!

At this time, Gu Qing and Gu Yan came to Gu Cheng's room.

Gucheng is not in a semi dizzy state as Gu Qing said. Although he has not fully recovered, he almost has the strength of sudden bone from the breath.

"Young Xia Fengnan didn't leave you Seeing the two girls coming so soon, Gu Cheng asked softly.

"Yes, father." Gu Qing nodded slightly.

"Qing'er, Yan'er, it's my father. I'm sorry for you. If it wasn't for my father's lack of strength, you would not be like now!" Gu Cheng said with great hatred.

"Father, we really didn't blame you!" Seeing that her father hated her so much, the two girls said quickly.

"I know, I know!" Gu Cheng said in tears.

"Young Xia Fengnan didn't leave you. It seems that he is a real young Xia. Maybe he is the heart of his father."

"Father, brother Fengnan said that he lacks a set of flame skills!" Gu Qing said.

"Is it just a set of fire skill?" Hearing Gu Qing's words, Gu Cheng asked.

"Yes, father." Gu Yan nodded.

"A genius like young Xia Fengnan can't be short of skills. I'm afraid it's just to reassure us!" Gu Cheng said, "however, young Xia Fengnan has ordered us to do our best."

"Qing'er, Yan'er, follow your father to the secret room of our ancient family!"

"Since it's the two spaces that have eliminated the power of ice in my body, I'd better not practice the power of ice for the time being." After thinking for a moment, Nanfeng also made a decision and gave up the cultivation of cold ice power for the time being.Soon, the footstep outside the door sounded again. It was sister Gu Qing.

"Brother Fengnan, this is the highest level fire skill in our ancient family - Fire cloud boxing." After entering the room, Gu Qing brothers and sisters took a roll of animal skin and handed it to Nanfeng.

"Gu Yun, you should rest assured that it's time for me to stop smoking." Took the fire cloud boxing, south wind light on the bedside, said with a smile to the two sisters.

"Well!" The two women nodded at the same time. There was nothing to hide.

"In that case, you can leave at ease. Do you really want to share a bed with me today?" Said Nanfeng.

Hearing Nanfeng's words, the two girls left in shame.

"Huoyun fist, I don't know how powerful it is!" After the two women left, Nanfeng also turned her eyes to huoyun boxing, and then opened the animal skin roll.

It doesn't matter if you don't dismantle it. This time, Nanfeng almost stepped out his eyes and looked at the animal skin roll. For a long time, he didn't move his eyes.

"This This fire cloud boxing is the skill of Xuan level middle class After a long time, Nanfeng blinked his eyes. He couldn't believe it.

Even before the depression, the overall strength of the ancient family is similar to that of the Southern family and the sun family in Shicheng. They can have the most advanced skills, that is, the inferior level!

Nanfeng even thought that the ancient family would bring him a set of Huang's top-grade skills. Of course, he didn't care much.

But now, in front of him, there was a set of mysterious and middle-class skills. How could he not be excited. Because Xuanji Zhongpin's skill is extremely precious to him at this stage of Nanfeng.

It's the highest level of his body now, that is, the five beasts fire play, which is the inferior skill of Xuan level.

"It seems that the ancestors of this ancient family are not simple." With a sigh, the south wind directly into the fire cloud boxing.