Blood Moon Hunters

Chapter 153 - The Mount Huang

The Mount Huang was known in ancient times as the Son of Heaven, because of its majesty, beauty, and mystery. It was the residence of the Heaven Emperor and the immortals. It was said that the Huang Emperor had once launched alchemy here, so it was named Mount Huang.

“Is it the spiritual mountain of the Sect of the Nine Heavens over here? It’s really a place propitious for giving birth to great men!” Wang Bugui stood on the clouds, looked down at the beautiful Mount Huang, and couldn’t help but sigh.

“There is a strong aura here. I can feel it even if I’m still in the outside world, which is the result of the efforts of the past generations, so the Sect of the Nine Heavens choose this place as their foundation.” Meiqing said slowly.

“The scenery here is beautiful, the propitious vapors plentiful, the land vast, and the species prosperous! It’s indeed a magical work of the nature!” Wang Bugui smiled.

“Let’s go to the Sect of the Nine Heavens first. It is said that the barrier is at a stone carved into a fairy who was playing the guqin.” Meiqing urged.

Wang Bugui nodded, and then headed for the Fairy Playing the Guqin, a famous scenic spot of the Mount Huang. It was a huge boulder on the peak, and when the sun shone on it, there would be strange changes.

It would turn into a graceful fairy dressed in a long skirt, sitting sideways, and playing a melodious song with her guqin, which could even fascinate the sun that had been reluctant to leave.

“It really looks like a fairy who is playing the guqin!” Wang Bugui’s eyes lit up. He was once again shocked by the power of nature.

“Do you know the legend about it?” Meiqing turned to him and asked.

“A legend? I don’t know. Tell me please!” Wang Bugui became curious.

“It is said by folks that a fairy in the moon palace was appreciated by the Heaven Emperor because of her superior skills of playing the guqin. She was once allowed to visit the mortal world, and after she came to the Mount Huang, she was captivated by the scenery here very much.”

“So she began to play the guqin at the peak, which intoxicated all the beings in the mountain. Three days quickly passed, but she didn’t return to the heaven. The Heaven Emperor was furious and turned her into a stone with mighty magic.”

“She was punished to be here forever without any relief. And now, it has become a famous view spot.”

Meiqing told the folklore in detail. Wang Bugui became angry after knowing it. He clenched his fists, and bellowed with his eyes full of killing intention, “Why?! The Heaven Emperor is too ruthless!”

“This is just a folklore. It seems that there is a different version in the Sect of the Nine Heavens, but I don’t know about it.” Meiqing shook her head.

“I would rather believe another version. This one is too cruel.” Wang Bugui frowned.

“I didn’t think you would be furious. Do you also think the heaven is ruthless?” Meiqing smiled lightly.

“Heaven is ruthless, but the so-called rules in heaven are even more ruthless. Why is it wrong to watch the beautiful scenery? Why only he is allowed to have fun, and the other immortals can’t stay in the mortal world?” Wang Bugui snorted.

“According to what you said, do you want to with the Heaven Emperor?” Meiqing joked.

“If there is a chance for me to fight him in the same realm, I must give him a good lesson!” Wang Bugui replied with anger.

“Haha… Your thoughts are really strange. Well, let’s stop taking about it, and quickly send our spirit mind to the disciples of the Sect of the Nine Heavens.” Meiqing revealed a rare appealing smile.

She was like a fairy in the mortal world, possessing an unspeakable charm. But Wang Bugui was not attracted by her beautiful face. He just nodded, ready to summon the gate of the barrier with martial art.


However, at the moment he was about to start, there was a huge light gate appearing on the stone. At the same time, a vast spiritual power shielded here, not alarming the outside world.

Then the light gate slowly opened, and the spiritual power in the void began to gather into a word “please”.

“Senior Leng is indeed a Greater Power. She has predicted that we will come.” Wang Bugui laughed.

“Then don’t delay our time.” Meiqing replied, and took the lead in entering the light gate, followed by Wang Bugui.

After they come in, a green world greeted them. The whole Pure Land was quiet with rich auras. The nine spiritual mountains were suspended in the air, each with its own merits.

The spiritual mountains were surrounded by auras in different colors. Their main peaks even gave out lights in different colors. Wang Bugui and Meiqing could even hear the sounds of all kinds of spiritual birds. The Pure Land was full of a profound sense of tranquility.

“The nine kinds of lights are even more dazzling than the five-color lights of the Buddhism.” Wang Bugui laughed.

“This place was once another branch of Buddhism, but the Sect of the Nine Heavens won it at the Gathering of Practitioners a thousand years ago.” Meiqing told a secret.

“Seriously? Gambling is like the sea, too deep to touch!” Wang Bugui sighed.

Meiqing was speechless. The man before him had taken away the treasures of all sects with his brothers at the Gathering of Practitioners, and how could he sigh like this at present?

“Brother Wang, Sister Meiqing, this way please.”

At this time, Lu Qianchen flew down from the main peak, and greeted the two from far away.

Under his lead, Wang Bugui and Meiqing came to the main peak. Besides a palace, there was only a huge martial field here, where the disciples of the Sect of the Nine Heavens were cultivating.

“Welcome here!”

The disciples began to make hold fist salutes, when the two arrived. As two of the most eye-catching geniuses in this age, they two attracted everyone’s sight.

Meiqing was the most graceful girl of the Palace of Hundred Flowers. She was powerful like a fairy in the mortal world. Her dance fascinated the world.

Wang Bugui was the descendant of the Palace of the Human Emperor. He was the strongest prodigy in the cultivation world. He was bold, powerful like a God of War. His invincible momentum could swallow the world.

They earned the admiration of all the disciples, including the geniuses.

They two nodded at them with smiles, and then went straight to the palace. Leng Shuangrong, Tong Yixing and Zhang Tianhan were sitting here, waiting for them.

“Seniors.” Meiqing greeted and bowed.

“Sect Leader Leng, elders. Please forgive my sudden visit.” Wang Bugui made a hold fist salute, and then grinned at the Elder Tong.

“Don’t you want to tear this palace down too?” The Elder Tong said with a gloomy face.

“I dare not. Otherwise, Sect Leader Leng will kill me. I’m here to discuss things with you.” Wang Bugui explained.

Leng Shuangrong nodded, “I know your intention. I have only one question for you. Are you sure you can get rid of the western demons?”

“Sect Leader Leng, I can’t guarantee to eliminate them completely, but I can promise to try my best. Whether it is for mortal people, or for a concentrative preparation for the Path to Immortality, I think it’s necessary to go to the west.”

Wang Bugui made another hold fist salute to express his determination.

“I agree. To experience in the west may be full of unknown dangers, but it can also help us to experience a different kind of life.” Meiqing stepped forward to support Wang Bugui.

“Your words are reasonable. How do you think, brothers?” Leng Shuangrong turned to the two elders.

“I never object to your words, Junior Sister.” Tong Yixing replied.

“Since you both agree, it’s not good for me to say no.” Zhang Tianhan grinned.

“Well, then let’s listen to Yueyan’s point of view.” Leng Shuangrong nodded, and released her spirit mind, asking Leng Yueyan who had been waiting outside the palace for a long time to come in.

“Master, elders.” Leng Yueyan bowed her head slightly with a hold fist salute.

“Yueyan, I have told you in advance what they come here for. Have you made up your mind?” Leng Shuangrong went right to the point.

Leng Yueyan was stunned for a moment, thinking about something in her mind. It was her previous life she had seen in the Palace of Purple Clouds. The past life memories made her unable to make decisions.

Then she shook her head to stay sober, “I can go to the west. I want to find the answer about something on my own.”

Leng Shuangrong stood up and said, “Then, just go with them. The western demons have done so much harm to the human world. This time, you must remove them on behalf us Chinese people!”

Her words were full of majesty instead of coldness, as if she was a female emperor at the moment. It could be told that she was an abhorrence of evil.

“Thank you, Sect Leader Leng and Junior Sister Yueyan. I’ll make a vow here that I will never return to China, if I don’t get rid of some of the big demons!” Wang Bugui raised his hand to swear to the sky.

Suddenly, a will emerged in the sky above the palace, and a light rose from Wang Bugui, flying to the sky. The vows of cultivators were witnessed by the heaven, so they couldn’t be violated.

“Good! You deserve to be a man of China. No matter for cultivators or mortals, as long as there is a demon disturbing the world, we Chinese cultivators have to kill it for the sake of the whole world!”

The Elder Tong nodded with a laugh. Although Wang Bugui was a little naughty in his eyes, he still thought Wang Bugui was a right-minded person. His heart to protect the world was valuable.

“We’re pressed for time to go to the next place, so goodbye, Seniors.” Wang Bugui grinned, was about to leave.

“Okay. Don’t underestimate your enemies, and don’t stop the daily cultivation. Since you are the most familiar with the west, you must be a good leader.” Leng Shuangrong warned.

Then she turned to Leng Yueyan, “Yueyan, if not necessary, you have to follow the words of Wang Bugui in the west.”

“Yes, Master!” Leng Yueyan replied with a hold fist salute.

Leng Shuangrong nodded with gratification, and then sat down again. The three made hold fist salutes again, and then left.

Getting out of the Pure Land, Wang Bugui asked, “Do you want to go to the Mount Shu or the Mount Fanjing then?”

“Mount Fanjing.”

Leng Yueyan gave the answer without hesitation, and then took the lead to fly to the Mount Fanjing.

“She seems to be more anxious than me!” Puzzled, Wang Bugui scratched his head.

“You don’t understand women, so don’t think too much. Moreover, both of us don’t know what happened to her in the Palace of Purple Clouds that day.” Meiqing explained.

Then she followed to fly into the clouds. But it made Wang Bugui more confused. With a look of confusion, he also rushed to the clouds and chased the two beautiful shadows in front.