Blood Moon Hunters

Chapter 152 The Sea of the Ganoderma


A brilliance flashed over, and Wang Bugui got out from the Yuxu Pure Land. After confirming that no one else was here with his spirit mind, he rushed toward his first destination, the Sea of the Ganoderma.

As the closest to the Yu Xu Pure Land, the Palace of Hundred Flowers was also located in the Kunlun Mountain. He now could pass such a distance within a minute.

However, he chose to visit Qi Jianguo first. If it weren't for the kind-hearted frontier soldier, he wouldn't reach the Yuxu Peak so quickly.

A minute later, Wang Bugui arrived at the Golmud, and found their garrison area with his telekinesis. However, after some inquiries, he received a piece of bad news.

In order to calm a riot, Qi Jianguo had sacrificed. Wang Bugui found his grave. There were a lot of withered white flowers. This enthusiastic big brother had died several years ago.

He was the hero of our motherland. Guarding the frontier, he contributed his life to the country and silently protected the people far away from him. Wang Bugui walked closer to the grave, and watched silently.

Then he knelt down, gathered the surrounding weak aura with mighty magic, and formed a white flower. Infused with Tao Law, it would never fade. He placed it before the grave.

He slowly said, "Brother Qi, I won't know how good China is without you. And I won't reach the Yuxu Peak so quickly. I came to repay this time, but didn't expect that you've already sacrificed."

"You are a good soldier of China. Not just you, all the soldiers are heroes. Don't worry. I will protect China for you. I swear!"

Finishing speaking, he used his right finger to cut his left arm. Golden blood dripped down into the grave, so that nothing in the world could destroy it.

Then he got up and made a salute to Qi Jianguo, and then turned to all the sacrificial soldiers. Every soldier was respectable, especially those who were in the frontier.

These people, they used their own splendid lives to exchange the peace of a country. They were all respectable. They cast the firm souls of our army with their blood and flesh!

After the condolence, Wang Bugui head for the Sea of the Ganoderma. It was a beautiful place. It was the season of peach blossoms now, and this scenic spot was dotted with a pink peach blossom forest.

He glanced over this flower sea with his sense field. He seemed to found a regulation among the flowers. Then, he chose to cast a spell in an uninhabited land behind the flower sea.

With the strength at the late stage of the Sage Realm, he found out the light gate hidden in the void. Then he hid himself and released his spirit mind into the gate.

After a while, the light gate slowly opened. He stepped in with a slight smile.

"Oh my god! It is more beautiful than the Pure Land of the Jade Lake here!"

He got surprised with his mouth widely opened as he came in. Composed of various flowers, it was much bigger than the Pure Land of the Jade Lake here.

No matter the flowers in the mortal world or in the cultivation world, they could all be seen here. It was divided into several annular areas with different kinds of flowers. And the outmost one was covered with the flowers of the mortal world.

Not far away, a beautiful female cultivator in a pink coat was flying toward him. She said, "Welcome here, Brother Wang. This way, please!"

"Thank you!"

Wang Bugui nodded, and then followed the girl of the Palace of Hundred Flowers to a palace in the central part of flower sea. They passed across the sea of peach blossom, red rose, rhododendron, pansy, etc. on the way.

In the end, they saw a sea of Roselle, and then arrived at the palace. The palace was surrounded with countless kinds of flowers that he had never seen before, even including the flowers of the Pure Land of the Jade Lake, looking wonderful and dreamy.

"Brother Wang, come in, please!" The girl took him in the palace with a smile. Reaching the main hall, she walked forward, "Master, Brother Wang is here."

"Well, you can leave, Zhi Yue." Hua Mengchen said.

After the girl left, Wang Bugui stepped forward with a hold fist salute, "Palace Leader, elders, how's it going?"

"What's your intention? Just tell it!" Elder Qin Xiao nodded.

"Well, to be honest, I'm here to sincerely invite Meiqing to go to the west to remove demons with me. This is a kind of experience in the mortal world." Wang Bugui smiled.

"The west? Isn't there a powerful demon?" The other elder frowned.

"Yes. I want to invite the geniuses of all the sects to go to the west with me, in order to get rid of this hidden scourge, so that we can prepare for the Path to Immortality attentively." Wang Bugui nodded.

"But are you sure you can defeat it? Even your father has died there. Though you are a peerless genius, you are just at the Sage Realm now. How can you fight it?" The elder continued.

"Junior Sister Nangong Biyue, please let him go on." Hua Mengchen uttered to stop the elder who wanted to continue.

The Sect Leader and the elders of the Palace of Hundred Flowers were really worthy of their fame. They still looked young with a lot of charms.

But Wang Bui had no time to appreciate them. He added, "The western demons are called vampires. The weaker ones can't act during the day. So, we can eliminate most of them during the day."

"As for the stronger ones, their strength was equivalent to the Void Returning Realm at most. We sages in the medium and later stage can kill them easily. The most threatening vampires are the Thirteen Infantes."

"Three of them has been killed in that big battle. I don't know if the vacancy has been filled. But their cultivation base is at the Sage Realm. The strongest six are Greater Powers."

"I'm confident to fight with the Greater Power. I believe that you have witnessed my battle with the Blood Demon King. And at that time, I was only at the medium stage of the Sage Realm."

Nangong Biyue nodded, "You are strong, but the other geniuses may not be the case. If the six Greater-Power demons work together at the same time, can you defeat them?"

"I will bring Senior Blood Demon King with me. In addition, they are all arrogant. Only two of them will act together, so don't worry." Wang Bugui laughed.

"I believe about this. But there is also a sealed demon whose strength is comparable to a true immortal. How do you know that he will not break the seal in advance?" Qin Xiao asked.

"The seal was made of the blood of my entire family. I believe them! There are still a few years!" Wang Bugui put his left fist on his right chest, and said resolutely.

Since he was so firm, the three refused to refute him anymore. After all, they knew about it. Thousands of his families were all killed, and only he was left.

"Junior Sisters, let's believe him once. If the scourge is not removed, it will come to our country as well. It's right to make plans early." Hua Mengchen made a long sigh.

"Okay, but it must be approved by Meiqing." Qin Xiao nodded, and then looked at Nangong Biyue. Nangong Biyue also slowly nodded, and then summoned Meiqing here.

In the distance, a girl in a pink coat slowly came. She made a greeting with a sweet smile, "Master, elders, Brother Wang."

"Meiqing, Wang Bugui needs your help. If you are okay with it, go with him." Hua Mengchen uttered. Along with her words, Meiqing turned to Wang Bugui.

"Would you like to go to the west to experience with me?" Wang Bugui laughed.

"Okay, I also want to prove something." Meiqing answered.

"Good! Such a frank person!" Wang Bugui grinned.

The three seniors were stunned by Meiqing's attitude. They didn't expect her to agree so quickly. Qin Xiao said with a frown, "What do you want to prove?"

"When I saw Senior Zi, she let me see a corner of my future. My special someone seems to be outside China." Meiqing told the truth.


Nangong Biyue stood up suddenly out of shock, slowly sat down and couldn't calm down for a long time.

"Since then, go with him. This trip may be your most difficult experience. Be careful!" Qin Xiao said in all earnestness.

"Remember to practice hard and improve the cultivation base to reduce danger. This world is so large that a sage can't travel all over." Hua Mengchen also warned.

"Yes, Master, elders." Meiqing replied with a hold fist salute.

Hua Mengchen nodded, adding, "I'll give you a magic weapon, a pair of precious sleeves. They are the treasure of our sect, named Flower Dance Red Sleeves. It is suitable for your A Thousand Flower Dance."

Then she took out a pair of light red sleeves, shimmering red light. The sleeves were embroidered with a variety of red spiritual flowers, and even released a faint floral fragrance.

Meiqing took them over carefully, slowly stroked, and received them carefully. She thanked with a hold fist salute, "Thank you, Master!"

"Well, be careful. If you are tired of it, feel free to come back." Hua Mengchen's voice was soft. Then she carefully studied this well-behaved disciple of hers, feeling wistful.

After a long conversation, they finally had to be separated.

"Master, elders, I will be careful in the outside. Wait for me to come back!" Meiqing knelt down to bid farewell.

"Thank you very much, three seniors. I have to go to other sects, so we have to go now!" Wang Bugui made a hold fist salute.

Saying goodbye to the Sect Leader and the elders, they two left for the next place. Before leaving, Meiqing finally glanced at this familiar beautiful Pure Land. Making a smile, she was then willing to leave.