Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 993

Jing Rui runs after her quickly, reaches out and clasps her wrist, pulls her back, frowns and drinks coldly: "where are you going?"

He was too hard to defend his chest.

The chest is hit by raw pain, two people ambiguous paste together, but Shu Yin neither care about pain, nor care about shame, she raised her head, facing Jing Rui's eyes straight at him, word by word way: "you can't control!"

Jing Rui is also on fire. He holds Shu Yin's wrist with great force. His voice is cold like ice in winter: "I'll take care of it!"

Little girl's temper is getting bigger and bigger!

He just asked a word, how dare he shake his face!

I dare not pay attention to him and go out directly!

Against her!

Shuyin felt that her wrist was about to be broken, and a bag of clothes in her hand fell directly to the ground.

The pain came from her wrist, but she just gnawed her teeth and refused to bow her head for mercy!

She can die, but not without dignity!

If she is willing to compromise, when she is in the virus research institute, she can please her superiors and live a life without struggling!

"Joke! Why do you care about me? Will you kill people with your strength? My cooperation with you has already been lifted. I am an independent and free person, and I have no relationship with you at all! Yes, this is my room. Why should I leave? You're not welcome out here

Her voice was cold, her words were sharp, and her beautiful face was flushed with anger, like a kitten with sharp claws, which hurt and itched.

Her wrist was so thin that it seemed that he could easily break it with a little more effort.

Jingrui slightly released his hand, but his face was still cold. His eyes were like a knife: "you don't need any reason! You are welcome if you don't want to go anywhere! Clean my wound and apply medicine! If you dare to run again

Shuyin Qi's teeth are about to be broken!

She has no human rights with him!

Her anger soared in her heart, but her face remained calm. Even her voice sounded calm: "OK, I don't run. You release your hand, my wrist hurts!"

Jing Rui is very satisfied with her compromise. He releases his hand holding Shu Yin's wrist.

As soon as Shu Yin was free, she didn't even delay a second. She opened the door at the fastest speed and went out. She didn't even want the clothes that had just fallen to the ground.

But Jing Rui is faster than her!

He pulled her back, slammed the door and pressed her heavily on the door.

"Learned to lie?"

Jing Rui sneers, holding Shu Yin's two wrists with one hand and holding her slender waist with the other hand, so that she can't resist.

"Virus research institute and killer organization are both destroyed in my hands. Do you think you can escape with your little tricks?"

"If you have the ability, you will destroy me too!"

"You think I dare not?"

"Yes! You just don't dare! Don't you try your best to protect me? Why, changed?! I don't know what secret you hide, but you can't kill me. I always know it! "

If it wasn't for Jing Rui's strong self-control, he felt that he might have killed Shu Yin at this moment!

It's just her anger!

According to the agreement, he really can't kill her, or even protect her.

Besides, he shouldn't have killed her.

Although he can kill people, he never kills innocent people.

Shu Yin has never done anything wrong, and she has never threatened him. She has even helped him countless times.

If you kill such a girl, you will lose your basic bottom line.

The room is very quiet for a time, only the heartbeat and breathing of each other are still.

Jing Rui suddenly finds that he quarrels with Shu Yin again.

He had never been like this before. He disdained to explain or argue. He liked to keep others speechless. He was able to do it before he was three years old!

How can he live more and more back!

He forgot his original purpose by arguing and arguing!

He didn't want to kill Shu Yin. He just wanted to warn her. No matter what happened in the future, he had to believe that he could solve it, and he could not let Jing Zhi go into danger again!

Who knows she reacts so much!

"Let go! You pinch my back

Shu Yin is tense, her eyes are not good, but her face is a little red.

She has never had such close contact with the opposite sex. At the moment, Jing Rui is against the door. There is no place for her to escape. All around her is his breath!

Do you want to be a beau with her?

Hum! There are so many beautiful men she has seen. It's useless!

She recited "Jingrui is a jerk" in her heart, but her heart beat uncontrollably faster and faster.

Jing Rui slightly released his hand and asked in a low voice, "no more noise?"They were too close to each other, and the breath of his talking was all sprayed on Shuyin's neck, which made her white skin covered with a light pink.

His voice, so good to hear, seems to be easy to demagogue people!

His tone, no longer cold, no questioning, only light gentle, let her have a kind of illusion of being cared for!

How could this happen?

Was she just making a scene? Yeah, it seems that it is.

She was not such a person before!

She is calm, rational, calm and indifferent!

She's not the kind of person who would lose her temper over a small matter!

If before, when she was under Jing Rui, he asked such questions, she would explain the matter calmly. She couldn't even say a word and turn around and walk away!

Why has she changed?

No, no, no, no!

She's going to be the original Shuyin!

Seeing Shuyin quiet down, Jingrui knows she won't go any more. He releases his hand and goes to the bed in the room and sits down. He says faintly, "come here!"

Shu Yin raised her head and looked at the tall and handsome man on the bed.

The winter sun, through the clean glass, shines into the whole room. He sits against the light, can't see his face clearly, but can let people feel his powerful aura.

He is so strong, has the extremely high intelligence quotient, has the ruthless wrist, but still bowed to her.

She dared to confront him in such a tit for tat, relying on his connivance!

His back, shoulders, hair, sprinkled with golden sunshine, like a sunrise in her life, let her in this morning, be illuminated and warm.

She did not know whether the warmth was due to the secret that he could not tell from the bottom of his heart or because of her.

I miss her tears!

Who is it?

Can let this strong and indifferent man promise to protect her for life!

Who brought this man to her?

Behind the promise is the truth that she dare not reveal.

She was afraid, afraid that after the truth was torn, she would never see him like she is now! , the fastest update of the webnovel!