Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 936

"You can't kill this one or that. Which one can I kill? Xiao Xixi, others have bullied your second brother to death. Can't I get revenge? I've been holding my temper for seven years. Now I've found the culprit. How can you bear to let the second brother get angry again? Well, if you like Zheng yuluo, let her live. But Zheng Yuwei has to die. I haven't killed anyone for a long time. My hands are all alive. "

As a professional killer, Jing Zhi really doesn't have much scruples about killing people. His only worry before is the relevant regulations within the killer organization, such as not killing irrelevant personnel at will, otherwise the organization will not deal with the trouble caused.

After he was ten years old, he lived in two major institutions, and lost his previous memory. His moral concept and legal consciousness were extremely weak, because no one had ever taught him how to be a man and how to kill people.

In the killer organization, human life is the most valuable and also the least valuable.

Jingxi wanted to cry without tears. She felt that it was difficult to communicate with her second brother on the murder.

It is also thanks to the fact that she is different from ordinary children. Her IQ and EQ are many times higher than that of ordinary children. Her mind is relatively mature, and her parents' education to her is different. She has been exposed to the dark side of society since she was a young age, and she knows that her brother is a killer.

Otherwise, another child will be scared to faint when he hears Jingzhi's words!

The little girl hugged Jingzhi's neck and patiently explained to him:

"second brother, we can't kill people casually. If this person is heinous and you want to end someone's life secretly, I won't stop you. But sister Luoluo and sister Weiwei are good people. They have not done anything bad except you. Will you let them go

Jing Zhi and his cousin have totally different ideas. He has killed so many people before, but he has never been in charge of whether he is a good person or a bad person. He only knows that if he fails to complete the task, he will be severely punished when he returns to the organization.

"Xi Xi, I think both of them are dangerous elements, especially they are still lurking around you all year round. You are too dangerous!"

"No, no, no, it's not dangerous at all! Second brother, I will not have you to protect? Even if they are dangerous, can you ignore me, second brother? "

Jingxi did everything he could, and in the end he even gave him a kiss, so that Jing Zhi agreed that he would never kill people.

Jingzhi has forgotten about killing people now.

He only felt that his cousin's lips were soft, and he felt very comfortable kissing him. Looking at the lovely appearance of the little girl, his heart turned into a pool of water, and suddenly he wanted to protect this sister from the bottom of his heart.

He has a good brother, and he will be a good brother in the future!

Zheng yuluo didn't know that she had gone through hell. She woke up in the middle of the night and couldn't go to sleep again.

The night is as cool as water. The stars all over the sky don't make Zheng yuluo feel beautiful. She only feels chilly.

Since Jing Zhi disappeared seven years ago, she has been suffering from insomnia and nightmares. She will feel cold all over her body when she wakes up.

She shrank in the corner of the wall, wrapped herself in a blanket, staring out of the window at the night sky.

She can't sleep. At the moment, she is also worried about Jing Zhi, who still has no news. She doesn't know whether he is well.

Tomorrow, she wants to find the little girl Jingxi.

Xiyajing knows a lot, because she knows a lot of secrets, not small things.

Zheng yuluo is not interested in the secrets of the Jing family. She only lives for one thing for the rest of her life.

If she can't find Jing Zhi, she won't give up.

The reason why she knew that Jing Zhi might be in North America was that Jing Xi told her.

She really loves the little girl. She regards her as her sister, so she can't help but tell the clue of Jingzhi.

Some time ago, when she and her sister went to the hospital to see Jing Rui, they were suddenly beaten by a strange man, and the other side seemed to know them both.

Later, Zheng yuluo thought more and more wrong. The man was obviously aiming at her, otherwise he would not call out her name as soon as he opened his mouth, instead of calling his sister's name.

But she never offended anyone!

These years, she lived like a ghost, never willing to provoke any right and wrong, where can there be any enemy?

If you insist on revenge, it is Jing Zhi and Sean who met once in North America.

Zheng yuluo instinctively decided that the person who wanted to kill her and her sister was Sean.

his appearance as like as two peas changed, but his figure had not changed at all, especially the cold kill of Li Ling, who was all alike.

Zheng yuluo has an unknown secret. She is very sensitive to sound. As long as she has heard the voice once, she will never forget it.

The madman in the hospital, and Sean's voice, are all alone!Zheng yuluo was a little scared.

She couldn't understand why Sean came to a city.

Is it to kill her?

Because she wanted to draw his blood, so he traveled far and wide to pursue him?

If such a person stares at her, where can she survive!

But it's impossible. Zheng yuluo doesn't think he has so much value. He can keep Sean's demons staring at him all the time.

Zheng yuluo couldn't understand the specific reason. She sat dead for a night. The next day, her face turned pale and went to Jingxi.

She brought a lot of Jing Xi's favorite snacks and wanted to inquire about Jingzhi's whereabouts from Jingxi.

Unfortunately, Jingxi seems to have no idea where Jingzhi is.

Zheng yuluo was a little disappointed and took a taxi home.

She sat in the taxi, looking at the scenery outside the window are all in the rapid retreat, she murmured: "Jingzhi, where are you..."

Her eyes did not focus on the outside, but did not notice that the driver in front of the taxi heard her say the name of "Jingzhi", his body slightly shocked, and his eyes also burst into a strange light.

When she got to the Zheng family, Zheng yuluo paid to get off the bus and went back to her villa. She didn't see anyone following her home.

Zheng Yuwei has returned to the military academy to continue to go to school. Zheng's family now has a child. All the family take good care of her. For fear that she will go out to find Jing Zhi again, she will not even return home.

Seeing his daughter's haggard appearance, Zheng Lun was deeply distressed.

"Luoluo, don't look for him again, will you?"

"No, mom, I'm looking for it."

"You're looking for a needle in a haystack like this. You can't find it even if you look for it all your life."

"It doesn't matter, then look for a lifetime!"

"Silly boy, what can we do if we find him?"

"Mom, I just want to know if he's doing well..." , the fastest update of the webnovel!