Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 822

"What's the poison? Have you found out?"

Zheng Qinan is most concerned about this issue.

Because the four anchovies only ate a little bit of crumbs, they all died, and Zheng Lun did not know how many such snacks he had eaten! It's too dangerous. They didn't find out that there was something wrong with the dim sum until today. It's really a waste of time to be the director of public security and the criminal police!

That ancient thousand Yue, really damned! He disguised so well, to Zheng Lun such a simple and kind-hearted girl actually also had to go!

If this kind of poison is very strong, Zheng Lun's life is likely to be lost!

Now the most urgent thing is to know what kind of poison this is and how to solve it.

Zheng Jing shook his head solemnly: "the forensic level of the criminal police team is limited. He only knows that this is a kind of chronic poison, but he is not clear about the specific toxin. He said that he has never seen it. I have sent all the information to Mu Qing. He is helping to read it. We should have news in a moment. "

Zheng Qinan's brow could not help wrinkling up. The forensic medicine didn't know what poison it was!

The forensic medicine provided by the criminal police team of city a is not as limited as Zheng Jing said. It is relative to the international top doctors like MuQing.

In fact, the forensic medicine in the criminal police team is the most professional, and only after strict selection and systematic and comprehensive training can they take up their posts. Otherwise, the forensic medicine is too amateur and will cause great trouble in solving cases.

Even the most professional forensic doctors don't know what kind of poison it is. It can be seen that Gu Qianyue's method is very powerful.

"Find someone to check Gu Qianyue and his parents right away. All the 18 generations of his ancestors have to check it out!"

Zheng Qinan is really angry, his wife spent so much effort to find a target for Zheng Lun, but it turned out to be a cruel role that can take people's lives at any time!

Gu Qianyue was a classmate with Zheng Lun before. His parents and his family knew each other. How could they poison Zheng Lun for no reason!

The more timid she is, the less likely she is to quarrel with others!

There must be something wrong, but they haven't found it. Maybe the first blind date is a trap!

"Ah Jing, if you don't have enough strength, go to jingshao!"

Zheng Qinan tightly clenched his fist and said in a dignified way: "this ancient thousand Yue is definitely not simple. I'm afraid it can't be done by our own strength alone. We need to rely on the powerful power of jingshao."

Jing Yichen's "jingshao" name exists in the whole a city. Even the mayor will respectfully call him "jingshao". Few people in a city dare to call him his full name.

In addition to his strong ability, Zheng Qinan has a good relationship with Jing Yichen. No one in city a dares to move the Zheng family.

At present, many people in a city have a deep background. Many people are staring at the real power position of the director of public security. If there is no backstage, no matter how strong an individual's ability to solve a crime is, he will be squeezed down and may even become a scapegoat.

"Well, Dad, when MuQing gets news, I'll go to jingshao to ask him for help."

Zheng Jing immediately agreed to come down. He had no pressure to ask for help from Jing Yichen. Although Jing Yichen is indifferent and cold-blooded, he takes good care of the people around him. If he has something to look for, he will solve it with the highest efficiency.

After discussing some details, the father and son began to wait for MuQing's results in the office.

Some silence in the office, after a long time, Zheng Qinan asked lightly: "how are you looking for someone?"

Zheng Jing was surprised: "you Do you know? "

He has not only kept Zheng Lun's parents in secret, but also kept it from his parents for fear that they would be sad if they knew about it.

"You are using all the people of the criminal police team. How can I, the director of public security, not know?"

Zheng Qinan sighed softly. He stroked a picture of four people on his desk and whispered:

"in principle, Lun Lun came to our house. We should help her find her own biological parents, but your mother and I are selfish. We are afraid that after finding her parents, her parents will take her away, and we are even more afraid that she will not recognize our adoptive parents and only be close to her biological parents. "

This kind of thing is not uncommon. Zheng Qinan has seen too many such examples.

After all, blood is thicker than water, and most of the biological parents can completely overwhelm the adoptive parents in congenital conditions.

Zheng Qinan is totally taking Zheng Lun as his daughter, even more painful than loving his own daughter, because before the real Zheng Lun was still there, she did not get so much love from Zheng Lun now.

In his heart, he really didn't want Zheng Lun to find her own parents, especially when Zheng Lun was young. When there was no such kind of kinship between them, he didn't want Zheng Lun to recognize his parents.

Now that she's grown up, she's not worried.

Because Zheng Qinan also knows that Zheng Lun regards him and Pei Xinhua as his biological parents and treats Zheng family as her own home. She has never even thought of looking for her parents.She likes the Zheng family so much that even if she finds her own parents now, I'm afraid she won't leave the Zheng family.

However, this is selfish after all, they adopted Zheng Lun, Zheng Lun's biological parents lost a daughter, if it is the family who loves the children, it will be painful.

However, when Zheng Qinan adopted Zheng Lun, she checked her identity. According to the human traffickers, she was sold by her parents, not by her own loss or pure abduction.

This is also the most calm reason why Zheng Qinan has not found Zheng Lun's biological parents for so many years. He is not robbing someone else's daughter, but adopting a poor little girl abandoned by his cruel parents.

How could Zheng Jing not know his parents' little thoughts, he said seriously: "Dad, don't worry, Lun Lun is not that kind of ungrateful person, you and your mother taught her very well, she is so sensible, and so close to us, even if we find her biological parents, she will still stay in our home!"

Zheng Qinan was comforted by his son's words.

His greatest gratification is that they all treat Zheng Lun sincerely. Zheng Lun is a good child who shows gratitude and gratitude, and she has always treated them sincerely.

Although the family will have stumbling and stumbling, but the overall is happy, warm.

Zheng Lun's childhood experience makes her cherish the hard-earned happy life. Her attachment and intimacy to them are very obvious, and it is really impossible to leave them. , the fastest update of the webnovel!