Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 795

Jing Yichen didn't care that his expensive coat was soiled by the soil on his son's body. He wrapped his son up a little and gently kissed his son's red face.

"It doesn't matter. If you miss it once, you won't make the same mistake again. You've done a good job today. Dad is proud of you

His tone is gentle, with a strong father's love for his children, and he praises Jing Rui with no grudges.

He is different from Jing Zhongxiu. No matter how satisfied he is, jingzhongxiu will not praise him. He encourages his children in a demeaning way.

Jing Yichen had a shadow over that kind of education. He had been longing for his father's encouragement since he was a child. He felt that encouragement was more inspiring and warm than fighting.

Therefore, most of the time, he encourages Jing Rui, and only when Jing Rui does not do well can he say something unsatisfied.

His father's encouragement and care quickly cured Jing Rui's injured mind.

However, since then, he has grown up a lot, and this incident left him two most obvious sequelae: hate to be touched, cold-blooded.

The first time he was kind to others, he was hit the most strongly, which is more effective than any words and deeds education of Jing Yichen.

Children's world is usually happy, unhappy things, usually quickly forgotten.

With his father's protection and encouragement, Jingrui soon got up and looked at the tall Ferris wheel in the playground and said happily, "Dad, you can take me in to play!"

As expected, she was still a child, and soon she was very active. Jing Yichen was just searching for words to comfort her son. As a result, she didn't need it at all!

He looked at the bustling playground, his face also showed a faint smile: "good, dad to take you to play."

As long as it is within his ability, no matter what Jingrui wants to do, jingyichen will agree.

He can afford everything. Even if Jingrui wants to be king tomorrow, he can control a small country and let his son enjoy himself.

Jing Rui is still young now. He can do whatever he wants. All the mess can be cleaned up by his father. He just does what he does and does mischief.

When he grows up and needs to take on the responsibility of the king family, he can't make any more mischief.

Therefore, jingyichen wants his son to have a happy and unrestrained childhood.

"Oh, by the way, Dad, don't tell mom what happened today."

Jingyichen laughed, and his son thought the same: "well, OK, don't tell her, she knows it's time to worry."

"Not only that, I won't let her play in the future."

It's about coming out to play!

Well, who's Jingrui? He's still a child now!

Into the playground, all kinds of strange amusement facilities, large and small, make people dizzy, but jingyichen is a little dizzy.

A Hu appeared in time and handed jingyichen a ticket: "young master, you can play any amusement with the ticket."

He finished this sentence, and soon disappeared, together with other jingyichen's subordinates, hidden in the crowd.

Jing Yichen stands there with the ticket, a little confused, and doesn't know which item to play with his son first.

He took a look at the nearest carousel and decided to take his son to experience this boring project.

After getting off the carousel, Jing Rui doesn't think it's interesting. His grandfather took him to a real horse. This kind of carousel is too childish for him.

There is a bumper car beside the carousel. Jingyichen takes her son to sit on it.

The bumper car is very small, and jingyichen is tall. Sitting in the car, he looks very crowded and funny.

However, his driving skills are very good, and he nearly knocked over several cars around him, causing children to cry.

Jingrui quickly pulled his father's sleeve to escape the bumper car area!

How do you feel that my father is younger than he is? He really bumped into other people's children!

"Dad, you seem to be very strange to the playground. Didn't grandfather bring you to play when you were a child?"

Jingyichen takes off his overcoat and only wears a thin suit and shirt, wrapping up Jingrui.

He light way: "your father, I am extremely clever, never play such childish thing."

Jingrui is speechless. Who was fighting with other children just now! Scared people to cry! Fortunately, the parents of those children are not around, otherwise they will not finish with their father!

Grandfather is really, why don't you take dad to the playground to play, so that the father has to follow his son to the playground.

He patted jingyichen's shoulder with a tender hand and said in a sympathetic way: "you are really clever."

Jingyichen's mouth slightly twitches, and her face is dark eight degrees.

He was pitied by his son!

From childhood to adulthood, he has been envied by the king's eldest master. No one has ever said that he is pitiful in such a pitiful tone!However, this man is still his own son. He can't beat or scold him. He is really miserable to death.

There's a way to cure him, though.

"Oh, it seems that you don't want to play any more. I'd better take you back to the hospital and let you chat with your aunt."

Jing Rui is shocked, and immediately changes a pair of flattering expression, reveals his most cute side, hugs jingyichen's neck and says: "don't, Dad! You are the most brilliant father in the world. How can you push your own son into the arms of other women? We have bought all the tickets. We only played two games. We can't waste them! "

"It doesn't matter. Your father doesn't have anything else, but he has a lot of money. This ticket is only more than 100 euro. Just throw it away."

Jingrui grabs the ticket, blinks his big eyes, and pours his mouth. "Baji" kisses jingyichen, and then pathetically says, "look, Dad, how much I love you. Don't you love me? How can you refuse such a small request from your son, who is so lovely

Jing Yichen couldn't laugh in her heart, and the coldness on her face almost stretched out.

In order to play, Jingrui uses all kinds of tricks! I'm really good at everything!

He didn't intend to leave the amusement park. Jing Rui performed to this part, so he took his son to play all over the playground.

Some projects are forbidden to children under three years old. However, as long as there is no harm to Jing Rui's body, Jing Yichen takes him to play them all over again.

With his ability, it's very easy to buy people from the playground.

Both father and son came to the playground for the first time. They felt very fresh and exciting for many projects. They all forgot the time and the cold. , the fastest update of the webnovel!